Pakistan is Building Robotic Army... American Media Claims

sshahid - Blogger
Re: Pakistan is Building Robotic Army... American Media Clai

common man, we already have fauji robots, fully deployed. When we fight others wars without any questions or regard for human life, isn't that what robots do??? We have slave robots running the government as well. Their on off switch is in the west.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Pakistan is Building Robotic Army... American Media Clai

Psycho said:

Amazing, when Pak is developing robot soldiers, if the news is not a propaganda, its called possible disaster for the woorld, and when US, Russia, and others invent the same, what should it be called? a BLESSINGS? [wall]

to the Pak scientists: Please make sure to include R2D2 Space Modulator. One push on trigger and the entire New Delhi disintegrates [funnny]


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: Pakistan is Building Robotic Army... American Media Clai

seems goood and funny news...
