Pakistan denies India land transit route to Afghanistan


MPA (400+ posts)


MPA (400+ posts)
اسلام آباد (اُردو پوائنٹ اخبار تازہ ترین ۔ 18۔جولائی ۔2010)حکومت نے امریکی دباؤ پر پاک افغان ٹرانزٹ ٹریڈ کے تحت بھارت کو فضائی راہداری دے دی۔ ماہرین معاشیات نے معاہدے کو پاکستان کےلئے تباہ کن قرار دیا۔تفصیلات کے مطابق پاک افغان ٹرانزٹ ٹریڈ معا ہدے کا مسودہ تیار کر لیا گیا ہے۔ معاہدے کے مندرجات پر آ ج دستخط کر لئے جائیں گے جبکہ معاہدے پر باقاعدہ دستخط کابل میں ہوں گے ۔پاکستان کے چیف مذاکرات کار حمایت اللہ خان نے میڈیا کو بتایا کہ مذاکرات میں پاکستان اپنے موقف پر قائم رہااور بھارت کو زمینی راستہ نہیں دیا۔ بھارت ہوائی اور سمندری راستہ استعمال کر سکتا ہے ۔حمایت اللہ خان کا کہنا تھا کہ پاکستان اور افغانستان ایک دوسرے کے بارڈر استعمال کر سکیں گے اور پاکستان افغان بارڈر استعمال کر کے وسطی ایشیاء تک اپنا مال پہنچا سکتا ہے ۔ ان کا کہنا تھا کہ درآ مد اور بر آ مد کنندگان کو باقاعدہ رجسٹرڈ کیا جائے گا ۔


MPA (400+ posts)
duh... as if india never knew pakistan is never going to agree on land route , but that was their plan to get the air route ,, and they are successful yet another time ,, an pakistani stupids lost it on the table again .. God really knows how many muanafaqeens we have among us ..

"pakistanis can sell their mothers for dollars " this was said by an american diplomat .. i didnt believe it then since i was young and naive .. how about it now ??

sarbakaf - Blogger

"pakistanis can sell their mothers for dollars " this was said by an american diplomat .. i didnt believe it then since i was young and naive .. how about it now ??

There was no need for that quote over here or was it ?

Giving land route to india could be a disaster as it would give indians options to spread their weapons, spys , get contacts in tribal and other areas , and many many more things....

by giving air route to india we havent done much bad to ourselves ........
and you know what when you say pakistanis can sell their mother....i belive that includes your self and may be if you are not pakistani national it may include your parents.....

so i would advise you to think before you type.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Pakistan government is actually underplaying the significance of the move. They have actually given a lot of relaxation to India after pressure from their masters. India is not allowed on ground but they can use air and water. So it is same thing. And most of all, it was never disclosed to media and so called parliament. This will pose some serious implications to the security and future of Pakistan.
"pakistanis can sell their mothers for dollars " this was said by an american diplomat .. i didnt believe it then since i was young and naive .. how about it now ??

Why dont u answer this question urself...since u seem to be a Pakistani are u ready to....?



Minister (2k+ posts)
Trade and transit routes make countries dependant on each other. There is no way ahead but peace and prosperity. We and Indians should come out of mentality who is better than who. We can export and import many things to and from India which is good for the poor people of both countries.
India should come to table on all issues also. Lets compete who has better mangos and cricketers not who has better bombs.

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
duh... as if india never knew pakistan is never going to agree on land route , but that was their plan to get the air route ,, and they are successful yet another time ,, an pakistani stupids lost it on the table again .. God really knows how many muanafaqeens we have among us ..

"pakistanis can sell their mothers for dollars " this was said by an american diplomat .. i didnt believe it then since i was young and naive .. how about it now ??

I think you are trying to maligne American diplomats, they can not stoop to such levels for they are trained much better than you indians can imagine.
President Nixon called Indira Gandhi "Liar" and he also called indians "The most goddamn aggressive people on this earth. " He was a higher authority than a nameless american diplomat. And just FYI this reckless remark was made by a lawer, not a diplomat for then he could not be a diplomat!

Looser attitude, is written all over your post!!!!


Senator (1k+ posts)
I think you are trying to maligne American diplomats, they can not stoop to such levels for they are trained much better than you indians can imagine.
President Nixon called Indira Gandhi "Liar" and he also called indians "The most goddamn aggressive people on this earth. " He was a higher authority than a nameless american diplomat. And just FYI this reckless remark was made by a lawer, not a diplomat for then he could not be a diplomat!

Looser attitude, is written all over your post!!!!

@ Star Gazer ---- Nixon ne Indira Gandhi ko "old *itch" bhi kaha tha ----- Aur Pakistanion ko bewaqufi ke hadd tak saada bhi kaha thaa. Ab agar hum american certificates par chalnay lagain to humara Allah he Hafiz hai.

@ Ramses ----- Bhai kion aisi batain likh kar apnay aap ko aur Pakistanion ko 'laughing stock' banana chahtay ho.

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
@ Star Gazer ---- Nixon ne Indira Gandhi ko "old *itch" bhi kaha tha ----- Aur Pakistanion ko bewaqufi ke hadd tak saada bhi kaha thaa. Ab agar hum american certificates par chalnay lagain to humara Allah he Hafiz hai.

@ Ramses ----- Bhai kion aisi batain likh kar apnay aap ko aur Pakistanion ko 'laughing stock' banana chahtay ho.

Absolutely right we do not need certificates from any one,save our own conscious, and this was my point in trying to brig to the attention of ramses who is trying to maligne the reputation of yjr american diplomatic skills and Pakistanis' credibility. Just wanted to point out that if ramses believes one such remark then ramses must also agree with the ones you and I have pointed out. We can not let such remarks go unnoticed.


Councller (250+ posts)
Ghulam hukmaran (only came for order to zardari)





Senator (1k+ posts)
If Indians are not allowed Afghan transit trade and if Afghans are unilaterally allowed to send goods to India, then who will monitor the returning Afghani containers enroute to Jalalabad.
This is another knee jerk and silly reaction from Pakistan ISI / army who are paranoid about India's role in Afghanistan.

It is a pity that Pakistan and to a lesser extent India have politicians and leaders who have no grand vision of how to economically integrate the sub continent.


Senator (1k+ posts)
This is another knee jerk and silly reaction from Pakistan ISI / army who are paranoid about India's role in Afghanistan.

It is a pity that Pakistan and to a lesser extent India have politicians and leaders who have no grand vision of how to economically integrate the sub continent.

But this paranoia and knee-jerk response is eclipsed by your implication of ISI in every sporadic terrorist act in India. Let me tell you that Afghanistan is not part of sub-continent, however it is part of extended south asia. With India acting like a bully, I don't think that dream of economic integration will be fullfilled. And traditionally India has no role in Afghanistan, whatsoever. Indian role has always been to encourage an imperial power (be it the USSR or USA) to occupy Afghanistan.
ISI is involved in most if not all terrorist strikes inside India including 26/11 . you don't want to believe it but then I don't blame you for it since you are more angry than rational. Afghanistan , Pakistan are all part of Indian sub continent.

your statement that India has always encouraged USSR or USA to occupy afghanistan is nonsense. USSR occupied afghanistan for it's own strategic reasons and USA attacked afghanistan because of 9/11.

Zionist Hindu

Senator (1k+ posts)
Anything and everything should be done to improve the economic condition of the subcontinent starting with free trade. Just imagine if we had to barriers , How many economic possibilities there are!!! It will also help in the resolution of problems such as Kashmir. Any Pakistani who talks against trade, cultural / educational exchanges etc with India or Afghanistan is a traitor to Pakistani average people. There can be no peace without trust, there can be more trust by opening up our borders and our heart and mind.


Minister (2k+ posts)
If Indians are not allowed Afghan transit trade and if Afghans are unilaterally allowed to send goods to India, then who will monitor the returning Afghani containers enroute to Jalalabad.

There was a news that Afghan trucks will only be allowed to go to Wagah border from where Indian trucks will carry the goods to India. On their way back, those trucks will carry Pakistani goods to Afghanistan.

I heard few days ago that Afghanistan has imposed restrictions on importing Pakistani marble. Anyone has an update on this?


Senator (1k+ posts)
Pakistan is set to lose big... this agreement will help India forge better ties with Afghanistan build road infrastructure, etc there, they already have a good relationship with Tajikistan, moreover this trade deal will help India encircle Pakistan which does'nt want to improve and is going years behind them in every field. Afghan trucks would take the same products made in India they used to get from PAkistan PAkistani businesses will lose awful amount of trade. Pakistan partly due to its bad image as well as its filthy politicians [who can be bought at reasonable prices] already restricted by poor relationship with Afghanistan as well as Central Asian countries[Tajikistan, Uzbekistan,etc.] plus who would want to trade with a nation which eats its own middle class compared to India a big market, a growing middle class, years ahead in terms of science and technology.
India has refused to grant Pakistan access to Nepal and Tibet[China] and has put non-tariff barriers[unofficial sanctions on imports from Pakistan] on us. US key player in getting this deal is collaborating with India not only security issues, also on Space technology, civilian nuclear deal, whereas Pakistan is being helped with only words rite now. Kerry Lugar bill aid this year according to Shireen Mazari will be used on new US embassycum fort construction in Islamabad. May Allah help us get rid of the political class and feudal lords that exist rite now.


Senator (1k+ posts)
There was a news that Afghan trucks will only be allowed to go to Wagah border from where Indian trucks will carry the goods to India. On their way back, those trucks will carry Pakistani goods to Afghanistan.

I heard few days ago that Afghanistan has imposed restrictions on importing Pakistani marble. Anyone has an update on this?

There are Pakistani trucks which take Pakistani goods into Afghanistan already. The trucks from Afghanistan are not passenger buses or old maal garis[trains] that will dump or take cargo on various locations it travel around, very specifically this deal is about these Afghanistani trucks taking Afghani goods which will go into India via Wagah in return take their goods and will travel thru the PAkistani highways back to their country. If Pakistan would've been serious they would've indicated that Indian goods mite be checked or screened when on Pakistani roads, but PPP cowards have'nt even squeak till now. Regarding your query about import of Pak marble if there is a ban it can't be confirmed but on eve of this deal was signed, there is an interesting article by journalist based in Kabul regarding Afghani marble:

Afghanistan trade deal
Jon Boone in Kabul
Afghanistan and Pakistan have signed an historic trade deal which development experts say could revitalise Afghanistan's feeble rural economy and even bolster the chances of regional peace.
The deal will for the first time allow Afghans - who produce everything from fruit to carpets and some of the world's finest marble - to ship their goods across Pakistani territory to the border of India and its vast consumer market.
For decades the two countries, which dispute the line of their mutual border, have had terrible relations. Trade talks, first initiated in 1965, were never concluded.
Afghan producers complain that they cannot get their most prized products to India, which means that often goods are left to rot in trucks prevented from moving quickly into Pakistan. But under intense pressure from the US, which has been pushing the two countries on the issue, the deal was signed in Islamabad on Sunday with Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, in attendance.
The deal, which needs to be ratified by Afghanistan's parliament and by Pakistan's cabinet, will also see 18 border crossings opened to increase trade between the two countries. And Afghan trucks will be free to travel through Pakistani territory to the Wagah border post with India, where they will transfer their cargoes to Indian lorries.
The US embassy in Kabul said the Afghanistan-Pakistan trade agreement was one of the most important concrete achievements between the two neighbours in nearly 50 years.
If the deal is properly honoured, it will be a huge step forward for the producers of pomegranates, perhaps Afghanistan's most famous legal crop, which for years have been cited by foreign development workers as the key to creating decent alternative livelihoods for poppy growers in the south.
Richard Holbrooke, the US special representative to the two countries, is known to understand the importance of pomegranates to southern Afghanistan's agri-economy. For the last three years the United States Agency for International Development (Usaid) has been backing various schemes to boost pomegranate production. One British investor, Adam Pritchard, has put GBP3m into buying fruit concentrate for his Pomgreat enterprise. get top prices for the crop, farmers had to have access to international markets. With the doors to India closed, Usaid arranged for the fruit to be airlifted on military aircraft: the pomegranates ultimately ended up in supermarkets in Dubai.
Even the scheme's most ardent supporters acknowledged such a hidden subsidy was never going to last and that access to India would be the ultimate solution.
Haji Abdul Salam, a 56-year-old farmer from Dand district in Kandahar province, said he gets very poor prices for his pomegranates and so struggles to feed his family.
"The worst time after the harvesting is when we transport the harvest to the market with these rubbish roads and when we reach the market then there is no customer to buy it from us." He said the prospect of selling the fruit to Indian buyers would "change the lives of farmers".
