Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Summary of the Article:
1. GHQ-Pentagon romance is over
2. US/NATO containers leaked weapons to anti-Pakistan terrorists
3. Pakistani military examined possibilities of meltdown as back as 2002
4. Pakistan is a robust and successful nation but rulers are bringing it down
5. US pursuing policy of controlled attrition, demolition of Pakistan, using raids, corrupt politicians
6. Pakistani military made tactical successes against terrorists but will lose in the end
7. A year to 26/11, was it a JSOC attack or a US/NATO attack?
8. US recruited agents in Pakistani media
9. Pakistan Army convinced American stabbed us in the back several times
10. US expected to act against Pakistan through increased CIA drones, Balochistan terror
11. Signs of American provocations: arrest of alleged Mumbai attack mastermind, mysterious militant incursions from US-controlled Afghanistan, a US battleship off Gwadar
Pakistan has reached a point where democracy as revenge is counterproductive. Every event is set to move in concert with US designs, unless the Supreme Court finally decides that the present dispensation is no more in the national interests of Pakistan; a question for Pakistans legal experts to ponder and liberals to rue.
Link to the Complete article