Pakistan: Countdown To Melting Down: An Eye Opener from Brig. (rtd) Samson Simon Sharaf


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

Summary of the Article:

1. GHQ-Pentagon romance is over
2. US/NATO containers leaked weapons to anti-Pakistan terrorists
3. Pakistani military examined possibilities of meltdown as back as 2002
4. Pakistan is a robust and successful nation but rulers are bringing it down
5. US pursuing policy of controlled attrition, demolition of Pakistan, using raids, corrupt politicians
6. Pakistani military made tactical successes against terrorists but will lose in the end
7. A year to 26/11, was it a JSOC attack or a US/NATO attack?
8. US recruited agents in Pakistani media
9. Pakistan Army convinced American stabbed us in the back several times
10. US expected to act against Pakistan through increased CIA drones, Balochistan terror
11. Signs of American provocations: arrest of alleged Mumbai attack mastermind, mysterious militant incursions from US-controlled Afghanistan, a US battleship off Gwadar

Pakistan has reached a point where democracy as revenge is counterproductive. Every event is set to move in concert with US designs, unless the Supreme Court finally decides that the present dispensation is no more in the national interests of Pakistan; a question for Pakistans legal experts to ponder and liberals to rue.

Link to the Complete article


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
وڑائچ صاحب ہمارے جیسوں کے لیے کچھ لفظ اردو میں لکھ دیا کرے ساتھ کومنٹ کرنا آسان ہو جاتا ہے


Councller (250+ posts)
As per wikipedia, he serves in PTI's shadow cabinet as spokesperson for Defense Production. Does that mean that these views are of PTI also?


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
وڑائچ صاحب ہمارے جیسوں کے لیے کچھ لفظ اردو میں لکھ دیا کرے ساتھ کومنٹ کرنا آسان ہو جاتا ہے

تیرا یہ بھائی اگر پڑھا لکھا ہوتا تو اس طرح کے کالم لکھ رہا ہوتا.....ہیں جی
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MPA (400+ posts)
all of us know these things and as usual we will be saved by Allah ,as Pakistan is the only nation leaving everything to Allah and would not do anything.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
all of us know these things and as usual we will be saved by Allah ,as Pakistan is the only nation leaving everything to Allah and would not do anything.

Don't U see some very strategic measures taken by the Pakistani establishment ......... doesn't these show a shift in the policy of the total submission to the gradual defiance?


MPA (400+ posts)
yup its the biggest interval b/w Pakistan and American relationship........May Almighty Allah help Pakistan to understand and stay firm for what is in favor of their own country......


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
پاکستان آرمی کا حساب تو آجکل ایسا لگ رہا ہے ..
ہم طالبان کی طرف کتنا بھاگے
انڈیا میرے پیچھے ہے تو نیٹو میرے آگے


Senator (1k+ posts)
جناب اس آرٹیکل کا مین پواینٹ یہ ہے کے پاکستان نے امریکا کو پیر رکھنے کی جگا دی تھی اور وہ اپنے دوستوں کے ساتھ پورا کا پورا خیمے کے اندر آ گیا ہے اور ہم باہر سردی میں مر رے ہیں امریکا نے اسی دوران ہم سے ہمارا سب مال اور اسباب چھین لیا ہے اور ایک لاٹھی جس کا نام ایٹم بمب ہے وہ بچی ہوئی ہے اور ہم باہر کھڑے سردی میں اس لاٹھی کو اپنے کانپتے ہاتھوں سے مضبوطی سے پکڑے رہنے کی جدوجہد کر رے ہیں اور امریکا اس لاٹھی کو بھی چھین لینا چاہتا ہے تاکے اس کے ناجائز بچے انڈیا اور اسرائیل ہماری بینڈ بجا سکیں اور ہماری اس حالت کے اصل ذمدار وہ ہیں جو اپنے آپ کو ہمارے حکمران اور قائد اعظم کے جانشین کہتے نہیں تھکتے اور اس صورت حال کا حل ایک ہی ہے کے سپریم کورٹ موجودہ غلیظ حکومت کو ملک کے لیے نقصاندہ قرار دے کر ایک عبوری حکومت قائم کرے جو ملک میں آزاد اور منصفانہ انتخابات کرواے اور عوام سے بڑے احترام سے گزارش ہے کے چا والوکوئی بندے کا پتر چنو جو اس ملک کو بچا کر اس حالت سے باہر نکال سکے


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
That is what empires do, they will use all their resources to undermine those they think are not under their control, smart ones will come out of it safe and sound by using their smart wits, intelligent discussions and use tactical manipulations instead of war to achieve their goals, because war is hell and today's war will destroy cities and the whole populations in it.

So war should not be the option unless it is imposed, the only answer is the negotiations and in it one gives some and take some, but smart one will take better things and give those that are insignificant.

I read in the news that opportunities are being provided to Pakistan to discuss, But is Pakistan able use those opportunities to its benefits.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Who is this guy and what are his credentials.
Need to know to evaluate his analysis.

Brigadier Samson Simon Sharaf is a retired officer in the Pakistan Army and a military scientist. As of current, he is news columnist, businessman, and a former military college administrator. Sharaf also serves in the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf's Shadow Cabinet as the Spokesperson for Defense Production. He served Pakistan Army for 33 years and most notably in Nuclear Policy making. Despite being qualified in security and nuclear strategy, he prefers to call himself a Political Economist: the robe of a modern Strategist.

He attended St. Anthony's High School (Lahore) from where he did his Senior Cambridge in 1971. He completed the F.Sc. from Government College Lahore in 1972. He joined the Pakistan Military Academy from where he graduated in 1974. In 1985, he obtained an honours degree in English literature from the University of Balochistan. He also attended the Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, from where he obtained a double M.Sc. in Defence and Strategic studies in 1997. His dissertation pertained to Kautilya's Political Thinking.

Military career

He rose rapidly through the ranks of the Pakistan Army ending up as a Brigadier. He has served in the General Staff Branch of General Headquarters (GHQ) of the Pakistan Army. In 2005, the President of Pakistan conferred awards in the Order of Imtiaz (Military) on Independence Day to the officers of the armed forces in Rawalpindi. Sharaf was awarded the Sitara-i-Imtiaz (Military). He has also been an honorary Colonel of the Battalion of 1st Sindh Regiment based in Waziristan. Sindh.

Current activities

Sharaf is a columnist for The Nation and other newspapers.
He is also been a defence analyst, specialising in South Asia, Nuclear and International Political Economy.
He is CEO of WaterTech Private Limited, Pakistan, a water treatment systems business.
He is also currently the Rector of St Mary’s College, Rawalpindi.


MPA (400+ posts)
جناب اس آرٹیکل کا مین پواینٹ یہ ہے کے پاکستان نے امریکا کو پیر رکھنے کی جگا دی تھی اور وہ اپنے دوستوں کے ساتھ پورا کا پورا خیمے کے اندر آ گیا ہے اور ہم باہر سردی میں مر رے ہیں امریکا نے اسی دوران ہم سے ہمارا سب مال اور اسباب چھین لیا ہے اور ایک لاٹھی جس کا نام ایٹم بمب ہے وہ بچی ہوئی ہے اور ہم باہر کھڑے سردی میں اس لاٹھی کو اپنے کانپتے ہاتھوں سے مضبوطی سے پکڑے رہنے کی جدوجہد کر رے ہیں اور امریکا اس لاٹھی کو بھی چھین لینا چاہتا ہے تاکے اس کے ناجائز بچے انڈیا اور اسرائیل ہماری بینڈ بجا سکیں اور ہماری اس حالت کے اصل ذمدار وہ ہیں جو اپنے آپ کو ہمارے حکمران اور قائد اعظم کے جانشین کہتے نہیں تھکتے اور اس صورت حال کا حل ایک ہی ہے کے سپریم کورٹ موجودہ غلیظ حکومت کو ملک کے لیے نقصاندہ قرار دے کر ایک عبوری حکومت قائم کرے جو ملک میں آزاد اور منصفانہ انتخابات کرواے اور عوام سے بڑے احترام سے گزارش ہے کے چا والوکوئی بندے کا پتر چنو جو اس ملک کو بچا کر اس حالت سے باہر نکال سکے
bilkul sehe most of Pakistanis are v. religious and socially good only few black sheeps have ruined them right from independence...What we need is a true leader....


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Brigadier Samson Simon Sharaf is a retired officer in the Pakistan Army and a military scientist. As of current, he is news columnist, businessman, and a former military college administrator. Sharaf also serves in the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf's Shadow Cabinet as the Spokesperson for Defense Production. He served Pakistan Army for 33 years and most notably in Nuclear Policy making. Despite being qualified in security and nuclear strategy, he prefers to call himself a Political Economist: the robe of a modern Strategist.

He attended St. Anthony's High School (Lahore) from where he did his Senior Cambridge in 1971. He completed the F.Sc. from Government College Lahore in 1972. He joined the Pakistan Military Academy from where he graduated in 1974. In 1985, he obtained an honours degree in English literature from the University of Balochistan. He also attended the Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, from where he obtained a double M.Sc. in Defence and Strategic studies in 1997. His dissertation pertained to Kautilya's Political Thinking.

Military career

He rose rapidly through the ranks of the Pakistan Army ending up as a Brigadier. He has served in the General Staff Branch of General Headquarters (GHQ) of the Pakistan Army. In 2005, the President of Pakistan conferred awards in the Order of Imtiaz (Military) on Independence Day to the officers of the armed forces in Rawalpindi. Sharaf was awarded the Sitara-i-Imtiaz (Military). He has also been an honorary Colonel of the Battalion of 1st Sindh Regiment based in Waziristan. Sindh.

Current activities

Sharaf is a columnist for The Nation and other newspapers.
He is also been a defence analyst, specialising in South Asia, Nuclear and International Political Economy.
He is CEO of WaterTech Private Limited, Pakistan, a water treatment systems business.
He is also currently the Rector of St Mary’s College, Rawalpindi.

After reading all his achievements i am sorry to say that this the first time I know of him and his analysis of Pakistan of doom of gloom, he could have proposed solutions, but he did not, on the other hand I have been sugesting many solutions of which some i have learned even on this forum, such as that all Pakistani money sitting abroad be brought by GOP and brought back to Pakistan, this stratagey alone will raise the standing of Pak. ruppee.

Other thing is to learn to negotitiate as I mentioned above.

People like himd ignore the fact that Pakistan has been at war for 20 yeas and has not only survived but has been a thorn in the eyes of its enemies. the time i now and Paksitan can do better by implementing good acts of negotitiations by telling the truth about how India who has interfered been awarded and Pakistan who is fighting the war is being neglected for business opertunitiers and it has been a dilibrate try to undrmine Pakistan.

Our religious leaders have failed to tell the truth about Islamic values of not killing innocent people no matter who and where they are. and stop fighting amongst MUslims is also not relayed to those who are fighting us to stop and tell them that it is against Islam if a Mulsims kills a muslim, he has earned hell.

In karachi all that ammo given to undrworld must be taken back and those who donot hand it be punished. How do you find who has it, it is done by undercove agents, most countries in the world do it, why not Pakistan. if some people do not know how to go about it, they should learn fron US style of under cover operations.

So to do the job right and listen to nagative folks who are singing the tunes of our adversaries. Worst is over, Pak. Army has done fantastic and it should not let it go waste and keep up the work till it is completed.
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President (40k+ posts)
As per wikipedia, he serves in PTI's shadow cabinet as spokesperson for Defense Production. Does that mean that these views are of PTI also?

He is a defence and independent analyst. Nothing to do with his analysis and PTI MR?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
He is a defence and independent analyst. Nothing to do with his analysis and PTI MR?

He is first and foremost Pakistani so he should be carefully about what he writes for Pakistan.

If you watch American media they never say anything of this insutive about their country, but Pakistanis have no sense of patriotism.
