M Mubashir Nadeem Banned Apr 18, 2016 #1 Featured Thumbs https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xal1/v/t1.0-9/12321347_1699486580324820_8219353259263615618_n.jpg?oh=56ea09ade77cc613393185b169bbe3fa&oe=57BF4F81&__gda__=1471461549_5bb8d3b5a07756e6e64a16dc993da65f
R ranaji (50k+ posts) بابائے فورم Apr 18, 2016 #2 Re: Pakistan Can Earn 100 Billion dollars/year easily: Aftab Iqbal's amazing revelation Woh to abb bhi earn ho rahaay hain Pakistan saay laikin jaa hukmrano ke zatti accounts aur off shore companies mai
Re: Pakistan Can Earn 100 Billion dollars/year easily: Aftab Iqbal's amazing revelation Woh to abb bhi earn ho rahaay hain Pakistan saay laikin jaa hukmrano ke zatti accounts aur off shore companies mai
chandaa Prime Minister (20k+ posts) Apr 19, 2016 #3 Jabb takk saanp sharif, army aur judiciary ka gath jour nahin toraa jaata tabb takk iss mulk mein kuch nahin honey walaa.
Jabb takk saanp sharif, army aur judiciary ka gath jour nahin toraa jaata tabb takk iss mulk mein kuch nahin honey walaa.