i think idea bura nahi hai....
why people want to steal whatever little honour chief justice has still got in hearts of poor foolish sheeple of pakistan.foolish pakistani sheeple who like hindus make every munafiq their idol and start worshipping him.
i can assure you people that chief justice will not solve any problem of pakistan whatsoever if he is given rule over pakistan
like others chief justice is also an american pawn.if he was not one he had not survived one day in office .(remember that aitizaz ahsan took present chief justice to usa during lawyers struggle,where zionist lobbies gave him awards and perhaps took some promises from him and later our chief justice was allowed to get his seat back..poor pakistani sheeple are too blind too see into it!)
whoever is on right path of islam is fired upon and persecuted by americans and their munafiq muslim slaves ,such are evil times of dajal presently.good and pure hearted muslims nowdays can not be given supreme court leadership!forget it!
pakistani sheeple wake up!
after becoming leader of pakistan the present chief justice may not even put mqm on trial for 12th may massacre of lawyers in karachi.so forget that he will change anything else.he cant give justice to lawyers who foolishly sacrificed their lives for his seat,so for other pakistanis he has nothing to offer be assured.
listen to iqbal who advised us to select a "perfect" maumin man.who is from heart a muslim not like our chief justice who once said that islamic punishments are "uncivilised"!
we need a braveheart!yes braveheart pure muslim leader who is not embaressed of our religion in its pure form
......in above note i have intentionally written sheeple instead of people.sheeple means a cross between people and sheep,its referred to those nations who have no wisdom and follow whatever others do.just like sheep (referred as bhair chaal in urdu).someone labelled american people as sheeple ,than i thought pakistani nation qualifies for this title more ,as this nation again and again votes for jamshaid dasti like criminal and fraud cases! and never votes for real change.so this nation is a herd of sheep,nothing else