Pakistan - A failed state!!!

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Murshad Jee

Did I Hear Pakistan is a Failed State????
This video is a response to all those who has been portraying Pakistan as a failed state since last few years. Here is a long list of our achievements just to let them know who we were and who we are.......

Do not lose hope because we are the nation in the entire world who can happily die for the honour of Piyaray Aaqa Muhammed pbuh and ALLAH-U-RABB-UL-IZZAT will help us to get rid of these corrupt and be-gherat hukmraans.

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the main thing is...........We have to stand up against these criminals for the sake of our future.
As Iqbal said:

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(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Murshad Ji !

Pakistan is not a state.

It is a mosque....and u know very few namazi goes to Mosque who have passion...

Tis mosque will stay for ever. Masha allah

We need a Imam.

The founders have gone but the Shaitani forces were working since last 60-70 years..

So they are succeeding.

Mosque needs Imam from the founder group.

We need imam who has Junaud and adh-sheri together. (ZH)


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Murshad Ji !

Pakistan is not a state.

It is a mosque....and u know very few namazi goes to Mosque who have passion...

Tis mosque will stay for ever. Masha allah

We need a Imam.

The founders have gone but the Shaitani forces were working since last 60-70 years..

So they are succeeding.

Mosque needs Imam from the founder group.

We need imam who has Junaud and adh-sheri together. (ZH)

Pakistani Patriots is as such InshaAllah


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Pakistan is NOT a failed state. We wrote exams and result was announced Aug 14 1947. We passed with first division. And now we are doing PhD (Perfectly and Highly Determined). InshaAllah we shall pass that too with even better honorable mention.

One day soon, from the southern tip of Indonesia, to Burma, Bangladesh, India to Palestine will be one Ummah with capital in Islamabad., inshaAllah

by the way, Pakistan is not a failed state, but all leaders specially PPP sure are



Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

Murshad Ji !

Pakistan is not a state.

It is a mosque....and u know very few namazi goes to Mosque who have passion...

Tis mosque will stay for ever. Masha allah

We need a Imam.

The founders have gone but the Shaitani forces were working since last 60-70 years..

So they are succeeding.

Mosque needs Imam from the founder group.

We need imam who has Junaud and adh-sheri together. (ZH)

JazakallahAlhamdulillahMasha allah


New Member
Video is rather an illusion , where is the education and health and broaden our exports ?? Its the enemy within , even the nuclear bomb will not be able to safe us from our internal conflict .


Minister (2k+ posts)
This video says that in 1980s we defeat soviet union but it doesnt say that it happen through the help of american dollars and their aid of weapons and through the help of jihadi organizations and Al qaida . Army wanna take all credit wow.

Murshad Jee

This video says that in 1980s we defeat soviet union but it doesnt say that it happen through the help of american dollars and their aid of weapons and through the help of jihadi organizations and Al qaida . Army wanna take all credit wow.


Army should take credit to make MQM and the seats you win in NA ............ all credit should go to Army.

Its crystal clear that Army helped and support K@li M@ta to make MQM party against PPP in Sindh and now this Mir@si is living in UK and using his agents against Pakistan and himself too working against Pakistan.

جس تھالی میں کھاتے ہیں اسی میں چھید کرتے ہیں

As far as your this point is concerned "This video says that in 1980s we defeat soviet union but it doesnt say that it happen through the help of american dollars and their aid of weapons and through the help of jihadi organizations and Al qaida"

If Pak Army didn't want to break Soviat Union then this could be only a dream for USA to defeat Russia and became new Super Power, even if they used all of their wealth and force without the help of Pak Army.

And by the way,
Why you forget that, due to defeat of soviat Union, how many new Muslim states became Independent with Millions of Muslim population.
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President (40k+ posts)
This video says that in 1980s we defeat soviet union but it doesnt say that it happen through the help of american dollars and their aid of weapons and through the help of jihadi organizations and Al qaida . Army wanna take all credit wow.

At that time US had spent little Dollars as compare to US have spent since 2001 i.e. More than 900 BN US$. And in this war more than 150,000 Army of US and it allies (which make about 42 countries, ) are fighting against Taliban. Can you see what is the net result? While in Afghan war in 1980, only Mujahidin had defeated Soviet Army. So it is not Army dear, it is the Man behind the Gun which counts.

US and its allies is always asking support from Pakistan Army to fight against Taliban. Do you know Why? Because they know that their success lies with the support of only and only Pakistan and its Army.

How can you say that it were US dollars, which compel soviet to run away from Afghanistan.

I assure you, if Pakistan would stop support of US Army, Taliban would crushed US army very soon.

So dear think before you speak with some sense in it. Don't follow some one’s propaganda.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
At that time US had spent little Dollars as compare to US have spent since 2001 i.e. More than 900 BN US$. And in this war more than 150,000 Army of US and it allies (which make about 42 countries, ) are fighting against Taliban. Can you see what is the net result? While in Afghan war in 1980, only Mujahidin had defeated Soviet Army. So it is not Army dear, it is the Man behind the Gun which counts.

US and its allies is always asking support from Pakistan Army to fight against Taliban. Do you know Why? Because they know that their success lies with the support of only and only Pakistan and its Army.

How can you say that it were US dollars, which compel soviet to run away from Afghanistan.

I assure you, if Pakistan would stop support of US Army, Taliban would crushed US army very soon.

So dear think before you speak with some sense in it. Don't follow some one’s propaganda.

So I see itsnotme90 is back with his usuall BULLSHITS again. He is actually a member of anti-Pak deobandi group. We had quet a bit run-in sometimes soon after I started the siasat.

itsnotme90 is a hired hand by the maulvis to spread discredits and disinformtion against Zaid Hamid. Now he has a new assignment here.
