Oversea's Pakistani Ignored Govt's Advise Not To Travel Before Lockdown, Now He Wants Special Pia Flight To Uk

Shareef Insaan

Councller (250+ posts)
Last 6 weeks people are dying and the experts and governments advise was not safe to travel but this Manchester doctor ignored and still went on holiday to pakistan.
Now airports are closed and there is no flights but he wants Pakistan government and British governments to make special arrangements for him to bring him back to uk and not charge him extra. Geo reporter murtaza shah is helping him to do propaganda against Pia and pakistan government.
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Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
All those people who saw shit is coming down all around them still refused to travel back or travel away from home are total idiots.

A couple in Dubai around the 2nd week of March ( when the world was already shutting down ) fucked off to South Africa for a vacation leaving their 2 year old child with their nanny and now are stuck in South Africa crying like this fool.

Man how stupid do you have to be.

Similar shit has happened with a very good friend of mine. He was supposed to bring his family back to UAE and I kept telling him bro it's getting bad better bump up those dates before it gets bad. And he kept on saying no no don't it's going to be ok and on the day they were suppose to fly here. All flights were stopped. Now he is sitting here with his L in his hand and his family stuck back.

I have 0 sympathy for such fools

Shareef Insaan

Councller (250+ posts)
All those people who saw shit is coming down all around them still refused to travel back or travel away from home are total idiots.

A couple in Dubai around the 2nd week of March ( when the world was already shutting down ) fucked off to South Africa for a vacation leaving their 2 year old child with their nanny and now are stuck in South Africa crying like this fool.

Man how stupid do you have to be.

Similar shit has happened with a very good friend of mine. He was supposed to bring his family back to UAE and I kept telling him bro it's getting bad better bump up those dates before it gets bad. And he kept on saying no no don't it's going to be ok and on the day they were suppose to fly here. All flights were stopped. Now he is sitting here with his L in his hand and his family stuck back.

I have 0 sympathy for such fools
Its first time me and you agree on something. Citizen x Dhool player from canada

The Revolutionist

Minister (2k+ posts)

اس کو جوتے مارو اور اڈیالہ جیل میں بند کرو

ڈاکٹر ہو کر حکومتی احکامات کی خلاف ورزی کرنے پر اسے شرم آنی چاہئیے
And yet your begger PM and the whole beggar nation beg them to send money.
Badi beghairat nation hai aur Ehsan faramooosh bhi


Senator (1k+ posts)
Last 6 weeks people are dying and the experts and governments advise was not safe to travel but this Manchester doctor ignored and still went on holiday to pakistan.
Now airports are closed and there is no flights but he wants Pakistan government and British governments to make special arrangements for him to bring him back to uk and not charge him extra. Geo reporter murtaza shah is helping him to do propaganda against Pia and pakistan government.
Stop this victim shit, you are holding dual citizenship aren’t you? So technically you are not just british citizen and by having pakistani citizenship means you are in ur own country with a lot of support.
People in other countries are only british citizens and the had their whole families left behind.
Don’t pakistani keeps dual citizenship for their own safety and benefit for such circumstances?
So you can’t be benefited more than this by keeping dual CS.
People here in uk, even settled for decades want to go back to pakistan.
So sit there and wait until this thing is over as it was ur own stupid decision to travel in such circumstances.
BTW you are not such a special person, that UK embassy has nothing more important to do but to arrange chartered flight for a dual citizenship holder sitting in his own country.

بگ باس

MPA (400+ posts)

جاہل۔۔۔ چوتئیے سالے۔۔۔ ایسی کی تیسی میں وڑنے دو

ایڈا توں پرنس چارلس کہ پاکستان اور یو کے تیرے بغیر نہی چل رہا


Minister (2k+ posts)
Last 6 weeks people are dying and the experts and governments advise was not safe to travel but this Manchester doctor ignored and still went on holiday to pakistan.
Now airports are closed and there is no flights but he wants Pakistan government and British governments to make special arrangements for him to bring him back to uk and not charge him extra. Geo reporter murtaza shah is helping him to do propaganda against Pia and pakistan government.
اوہ گوجرانوالیا
ہاہاہا as expected
مانچشٹڑ شے گجڑانوالا
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