hey guys before becoming emotional plz understand my point i am patriot as u people are but we should go for reality.
2 days before there was a huge suicide attack in Muhamnd agency which killed more than 110 people which is very sad and one of the largest killings in a suicide attack but i am a bit surprised that there was no coverage on media there was some small news about it but there was nothing like as we saw a week before when terrorist attacked DATA DARBAR whole media stopped there routine transmission and for 3 days they were covering this issue but on the other side nothing
all the so called leaders of Pakistan visit that place but no one visited Muhmand Agency.
even there was no discussion on the forum like this we always blame politions but what we did ?
and the starnge thing i noticed is that it was America who first issued condolence phrase and then our politions realized ohhhhh Muhmand is also a part of Pakistan and i didnt saw any thing from shareef brothers yet may b they said something abt it but i didnt watched that
Is muhmand a part of Pakistan?
if yes the Y these double standards? Y there is always live coureges for 3 days when there is attack in lahore and not for 10 minutes if it is in Pukhtunkhwa?
don't you think this will increase hater in those people hearts because if we are not standing with them in hard time so we should not expect them to stand with us in our hard time
2 days before there was a huge suicide attack in Muhamnd agency which killed more than 110 people which is very sad and one of the largest killings in a suicide attack but i am a bit surprised that there was no coverage on media there was some small news about it but there was nothing like as we saw a week before when terrorist attacked DATA DARBAR whole media stopped there routine transmission and for 3 days they were covering this issue but on the other side nothing
all the so called leaders of Pakistan visit that place but no one visited Muhmand Agency.
even there was no discussion on the forum like this we always blame politions but what we did ?
and the starnge thing i noticed is that it was America who first issued condolence phrase and then our politions realized ohhhhh Muhmand is also a part of Pakistan and i didnt saw any thing from shareef brothers yet may b they said something abt it but i didnt watched that
Is muhmand a part of Pakistan?
if yes the Y these double standards? Y there is always live coureges for 3 days when there is attack in lahore and not for 10 minutes if it is in Pukhtunkhwa?
don't you think this will increase hater in those people hearts because if we are not standing with them in hard time so we should not expect them to stand with us in our hard time