The reality is that all of them have a fear in heart.MQM wants Martial Law as they always enjoy the company of generals as MQMis the creation of Martial LAw.Nawaz sharif has the fear that if the army impose Martial Law then for atleast coming 15 years there will be no election or no place for Nawaz sharif and his family means they are out of politics.PPP knows that no one can impose Martial law as army can not take the burden in this situation.And army knows that MQM wish of Martial Law is the extended statement of US government as soon after the meeting with US council general in London ALTAF issued this statement.US wants ARmy to take over to complete her assignment in Afghanistan while General Kyani knows all this and he is not interested in Martial Law.As long as Kyani remains the army chief there is no fear of Martial Law.My request is to all patriotic pakistanis not to listen these timewasters politicians.They are all corrupt.we should support judiciary to take action against these corrupt people.When a leader is setting in london and he is talking about revolution what a pathatic person he is.come home and lead then we will see what will happen.
The reality is that all of them have a fear in heart.MQM wants Martial Law as they always enjoy the company of generals as MQMis the creation of Martial LAw.