Most dignified and reserved but correct in etiquette and manners.He was a model to be envied in every respect.No one could surmount the indomitable character of jinnah.His legal arguments in law courts,no one to challange him in the legislature,or match him on the negotiation table and no one excel his eloquence on public forays Jinnah was invincible.He played his part with utmost diligence,poise and dignity.Always a man of principles,but was supremely a man of pride.Some people took his"pride"for arrogance but he was far from it.It was true that he indulged no one and was always formal and correct to the point of perfection.No one dare take liberties with him.Internationaly,Mr Jinnah stood shoulder to shoulder with top leaders of the world.Lenin.Mao amongest them considered to be all time greats only revolutionary.Whereas Jinnah went a step ahead,he carved out a new country,few individuals significally alter the course of history,fewer will modify the world map,Jinnah did all three.