Off The Record - 2nd July 2012 - Zaeem Qadri & Ch Aslam - YDA's Strike: 11 dead, Failure of Punjab G


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
yeh bacha hospital may oxygen na honay ki waja say chal basa na k doctor ki waja say.

oxygen/drugs/medicines is the responsibility of punjab govt. not doctor's responsibility.

Remember what happened in dengue and drugs case last year?? just because of ppl like haneef abbasi 1000s of ppl lost their life.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Oxygen nahen he
Oxygen nahen he
Oxygen nahen he
bahi merey intellect ki toheen he agar mein is mein Doctor ki galati kahun
good question ke tumhara ilaj kahna hota he
if even a single patient died due to any doctor, that doctor should be hanged twice. But what about the 100s of patients dying every day in pakistan due to corrupt and incapacitated health system made by these crying politicians. Doctor is talking about more jobs for doctors, same service structure as that of other departments in Pakistan that is his right to ask for, the ultimate benefit will be for none other than the poor patients which are being kept busy for AATA schemes. Message of the day "never think he is speaking truth when a politician is crying or getting emotional, he is just exploiting your tender nature"
Hartal ka koi aur tareeka hona chahye


Voter (50+ posts)
Most dignified and reserved but correct in etiquette and manners.He was a model to be envied in every respect.No one could surmount the indomitable character of jinnah.His legal arguments in law courts,no one to challange him in the legislature,or match him on the negotiation table and no one excel his eloquence on public forays Jinnah was invincible.He played his part with utmost diligence,poise and dignity.Always a man of principles,but was supremely a man of pride.Some people took his"pride"for arrogance but he was far from it.It was true that he indulged no one and was always formal and correct to the point of perfection.No one dare take liberties with him.Internationaly,Mr Jinnah stood shoulder to shoulder with top leaders of the world.Lenin.Mao amongest them considered to be all time greats only revolutionary.Whereas Jinnah went a step ahead,he carved out a new country,few individuals significally alter the course of history,fewer will modify the world map,Jinnah did all three.


Senator (1k+ posts)
i donno why some douche-bags of PTI makin it Docs vs punjab government issue, its doctors greed which i have been observing since i was child...

these crook workin in govnment institutions which include doctors and teachers must be dealt ironically who are enjoyin free salaries and also running their private dens...

Don't act like an IDIOT and stop this generilisation. I would be the first one to criticise doctors for acting like idiots, they have no right to take anyone's life for their own personal gains even if they aren't getting paid enough. Imran Khan has so far offered to help resolve this issue without showing any support for the doctors so who the **** r u to call PTI fans as if we are all responsible for this mess??

Doctors have been on strike all around the world and government have been criticised for lack of reaction so don't be so touchy princess, your beloved Sharifs whole politics revolves around taking advantage of such situations.


MPA (400+ posts)
Don't act like an IDIOT and stop this generilisation. I would be the first one to criticise doctors for acting like idiots, they have no right to take anyone's life for their own personal gains even if they aren't getting paid enough. Imran Khan has so far offered to help resolve this issue without showing any support for the doctors so who the **** r u to call PTI fans as if we are all responsible for this mess??

Doctors have been on strike all around the world and government have been criticised for lack of reaction so don't be so touchy princess, your beloved Sharifs whole politics revolves around taking advantage of such situations.

If u use 1 penny of ur mind u would behave like a twat... calling someone idiot wouldnt hide ur own identity.... Again in ur lame argument u r mentioning Imran's offer which he certainly made after criticizing government, which reveals he is also doin point scoring on this sensitive issue noting elso.....

i would like to congratulate you that he has become a core politician who now dont lose any point scoring issue by chucking out the nation interst..


Senator (1k+ posts)
If u use 1 penny of ur mind u would behave like a twat... calling someone idiot wouldnt hide ur own identity.... Again in ur lame argument u r mentioning Imran's offer which he certainly made after criticizing government, which reveals he is also doin point scoring on this sensitive issue noting elso.....

i would like to congratulate you that he has become a core politician who now dont lose any point scoring issue by chucking out the nation interst..

Oh so you can't even tolerate the word "Idiot" at the same time calling others douche-bags hahahaha. Now you have perfectly defined the word "MUNAFIQ" and suits you as well since you are supporter of a party that is known for it's munafiqat.
