Off The Record - 22nd July 2015 - Mir Murtaza Bhutto Ke Qatal Ke Peche Kis Ka Hath?? - Part 1


Minister (2k+ posts)
LOL so the guy is admitting that he was pushed by BB not to do his job and he agree to save his job ... shameful now he is acting he is a nice guy i think he should be punish for not follow his job and taking direct order from political leader

Sultan Alvi

Minister (2k+ posts)
Very good interview by Kashif. Suddle is famous for his integrity, and that fact came out clearly in the interview. He should be appointed as Governor of Sindh to straighten out MQM and PPP. He comes out as a good honest man with lots of integrity.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Why did Kashif Abbassi not ask this gentlemen about the Police Officers murdered who where part of the operation that led to the killing of Mir Murtaza Bhutto ...?


Minister (2k+ posts)
Very good interview by Kashif. Suddle is famous for his integrity, and that fact came out clearly in the interview. He should be appointed as Governor of Sindh to straighten out MQM and PPP. He comes out as a good honest man with lots of integrity.
Best ever Real Interview. Its shame for both Political and Army - After 95 this time again we have best Army Chief and Isi. I hope they are able to clean up all this mess from its roots. - Allah give a chance again and again to Pakistan a wake up call.
