حیدر البادی اور بتا کافری کیا ہے؟
یہ پوچھنا ہے تو پہلے عراق میں موجود صدام حسین کے وفادار علاقوں کے ایم پیز سے پوچھو ۔۔۔۔ یہ سوال پوچھنا ہے تو پہلے کردوں سے پوچھو۔۔۔۔ جنہوں نے عوام کی منتخب کردہ مالکی کو ہٹا کر اس کو عراق میں بٹھایا۔
عراقی تو امریکہ کا بہانے ختم کر کے اسے عراق سے نکالنے میں کامیاب ہو گئے تھے، مگر امریکہ اپنے پٹھو داعش کے بل بوتے پر پھر سے عراقی عوام پر سوار ہونے میں کامیاب ہو گیا۔
اب داعش کے ان حمایتیوں کے منہ سے یہ رونا دھونا اچھا نہیں لگ رہا۔
کیا کبھی آپ نے القاعدہ سے کافری کا پوچھا تھا جب وہ عراق میں ہزار ہا معصوم زائرین کو خود کش حملوں کا نشانہ بنا کر انکا خون بہا رہے تھے؟
ویل ڈن ویل ڈن
سلام ہے آپ کی اس فراست پر۔
طالبان تو خود امریکہ کی ناجائز اولاد تھے، جنہوں امریکہ نے اسوقت کی آئی ایس آئی اور بینظیر بھٹو کی مدد سے مل کر جنم دیا تھا اور اس مٰیں سعودی اور عرب امارات کا پیسہ لگا تھا۔
یہی طالبان، جو ہر وقت کافر کافر امریکہ کی رٹ لگاتے تھے، یہی طالبان وقت آنے پر کافر امریکہ کے کافر ہیلی کاپرٹروں میں بیٹھ کر کافر امریکی اہلکاروں سے آئل پائپ لائن پر مذاکرات کرنے پہنچے ہوئے تھے (امریکہ نے طالبان کا جنم اس لیے کروایا تھا کیونکہ وہ چاہتا تھا کہ ایک تکفیری ریاست ایران کے ہمسائے میں قائم ہو جس کے ذریعے ایران پر جنگ جاری رکھی جائے۔
اس مقصد کے حصول کے لیے طالبان کی زبردستی پیدائش کروائی گئی، امریکی اسلحے سے بھرے بحری جہاز (جنکا پیسہ سعودیہ نے ادا کیا) وہ پاکستان کی بندرگاہوں پر لنگرانداز ہوئے، پھر اس اسلحے اور آئی ایس آئی کی ٹریننگ کی مدد سے طالبان نے افغانستان میں لاکھوں مسلمانوں کا خون کرتے ہوئے طاقت کے زور پر اپنی حکومت مسلط کر دی۔
حوالہ: ایکسپریس نیوز
زرداری کی گواہی کہ سی آئی اے طالبان کی پیدائش میں ملوث تھی![]()
طالبان کی پیدائش بینظیر حکومت کے دور میں ہوئی۔ پیپلز پارٹی بذات خود تو سیکولر جماعت ہے، مگر افسوس کہ اسکی قیادت میں دم خم ہی نہیں کہ وہ امریکی مطالبات کو رد کر سکے۔ اسی لیے آپ کو یاد ہو گا کہ بینظیر کو "مادر طالبان" کا خطاب بھی دیا گیا تھا۔ اسی بینظیر کے شوہر آصف زرداری صاحب کی گواہی دیکھئیے:
zardari tells american press that the cia and pakistan's isi together created the taliban
washington, may 11 (pti) in a new revelation, pakistan president asif ali zardari has said that the cia of the united states and his country's isi together created the taliban.
"i think it was part of your past and our past, and the isi and cia created them together," zardari told the nbc news channel in an interview.
In the interview, which was given to the nbc on may 7, zardari also accused the us of supporting the military rule of pervez musharraf who was alleged to be taking sides of the taliban.
He disagreed with the popular belief in the us that the pakistan military and intelligence services still have sympathies for the taliban.
"i think general musharraf may have had a mindset to run head and hand with the hound but certainly not on our watch. We don't have a tough process at all," zardari said.
Asked about the influential role of the pakistan army, zardari said he is in control of everything in the country, including the military.
"the parliament has final say. It's the parliament form of government, and i am a product of the parliament," he said.
Earlier, zardari in an another interview had said that india was not a "threat" to his country and that pakistan had moved some of its forces from its indian border to western frontier to eliminate taliban in its tribal belt.
لنک پاکستان نیوز
وزیر اطلاعات قمر الزمان کائرہ صاحب کی گواہی
طالبان آئی ایس آئی نہیں سی آئی اے کی پیداوار ہیں ، قمر الزمان کائرہ
پاک فوج شدت پسندوں کیخلاف بہادری سے لڑ رہی ہے ، دنیا میں امن پاکستان میں امن سے مشروط ہے ، نیویارک میں پاکستانیوں سے خطاب
نیویارک۔۔۔۔ وفاقی وزیر اطلاعات ونشریات قمر زمان کائرہ نے کہا ہے کہ طالبان آئی ایس آئی نہیں امریکی سی آئی اے کی پیداوار ہیں ایک لاکھ بیس ہزار فوج شرپسندوں کیخلاف جنگ بہادری سے لڑ رہی ہے وہ نیویارک میں پاکستانیوں سے خطاب کررہے تھے وفاقی وزیر اطلاعات نے کہا کہ پاکستان اس وقت عالمی جنگ کا میدان بنا ہوا ہے پاکستان میں امن قائم ہوگا تو دنیا میں بھی ہوگا انہوں نے کہا کہ طالبان امریکی سی آئی اے کی پیداوار ہیں سی آئی اے کے سربراہ افغانستان پر روسی حملے کے دور میں پاکستان آکر جہاد کی اہمیت پر لیکچر دیا کرتے تھے انہوں نے کہا کہ پاکستانی دینی مدارس کے حوالے سے پائے جانے والے تحفظات کا مقابلہ جدید سکولوں سے کیا جاسکتا ہے اس حوالے سے اصلاحات کی بھی ضرورت ہے جبکہ امریکہ سے بھی مدد مانگی ہے
During the House Committee on Foreign Affairs discussion recently. Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher named the Clinton administration, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia for creating the Taliban.“Let me repeat that: The Clinton administration, along with Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, created the Taliban…” Rohrabacher
If this seems strange to you then look closely at the picture and you will see Congressman Rohrabacher on the right dressed in Taliban garb. Mr. Karzai’s elder brother was a Taliban and both used to live in Quetta Pakistan. Part of his family still lives there. Mr. Hamid Kiimself is a self-professed Taliban who was proposed as the UN Ambassador of the Taliban government. During this days as a Conoco representative Mr. Karzai reportedly received lots of money from Enron and Conocoto get the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan pipeline off the ground.
Dana Rohrabacher is Congressman for 46th congressional district. The 46th district includes the whole of the Palos Verdes Peninsula, Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Seal Beach, andAvalon on the island of Catalina. Also included are parts of Long Beach, San Pedro, Garden Grove, Santa Ana, and Westminster. Rohrabacher has accepted money from Jack Abramoff. He is pictured here with the Taliban.Specifically, for the CIA, which effectively trained and funded the Mujahideen back in the 80s, the genie is now out of the bottle and is haunting them. The Americans and their intelligence establishment are reaping the whirlwind of a terrible and deadly legacy they had once sown in the hope that it would not affect them. In a phenomenon that is fast becoming a trend in Afghanistan, a sympathiser from the Afghan army carried out the attack. It would definitely add to NATO’s worry because it is the Afghan army personnel, who provide security to the foreign armies. This also shows the general hatred towards the US and its cohorts in Afghanistan. It is not just a particular group like the Taliban who want the Americans out but the ordinary Afghans as well who loathe their very presence. Shireen Mazari writing in the The Nation. http://www.nation.com.pk/pakistan-n...nions/Editorials/02-Jan-2010/CIA-under-attackUS SPENT 3 BILLION USD FOR TALIBAN DURING 1994-1996
Sy Hersch as well as George Crieldiscussed the CIA connection at length The Talibaanwere a construct of the CIA! See Congressional records and visits to Texas ranches.“In the 1980s, the CIA provided some $5 billion in military aid for Islamic fundamentalist rebels fighting the Soviet occupation in Afghanistan, but scaled down operations after Moscow pulled out in 1989. However, Selig Harrison of the DC-based Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars recently told a conference in London that the CIA created the Taliban “monster” by providing some $3 billion for the ultra-fundamentalist militia in their 1994-6 drive to power.” Times of India, March 7, 2001Though Mr. Haqqani is much hated by the current White House and wants him killed, previous White House under President Reagan invited him and praised him. This picture shows the Afghans in the White House with President Reagan. Other Reagan-Afghan pictures used to be ubiqutous on the internet but have now vanished. The Taliban was a construct of the CIA and was armed by the CIA, ISI and the Saudis as a counter to a resurgent Russian-backed communist party andan antidote to the civil war in Afghanistan. Pakistan supported the Taliban in conjunction with the CIA who were arming it right up till 2000.
This picture shows the Afghans in the White House with President Reagan. Other Reagan-Afghan pictures used to be ubiqutous on the internet but have now vanished. The Taliban was a construct of the CIA and was armed by the CIA, ISI and the Saudis as a counter to a resurgent Russian-backed communist party andan antidote to the civil war in Afghanistan. Pakistan supported the Taliban in conjunction with the CIA who were arming it right up till 2000. The Taliban also visited Governor Bush’s ranch in Texas.
CNN CROSSFIRE: Aired September 10, 2002 – 19:00 ET
Have U.S. Efforts in Afghanistan Been Successful if bin Laden is Alive?; Will Fingerprints Stop Terrorists From Entering the Country?
MCDERMOTT: It certainly is an improvement for the women of Afghanistan. But you’ve got to remember that of American policy, we put the Taliban there. We gave the money to the..
CARLSON: I beg your pardon?
MCDERMOTT: … Pakistanis.
CARLSON: You’re breaking news here, Congressman. I don’t think this has ever been reported before in the United States.
MCDERMOTT: Oh, yes, it has been. We funded the Taliban through the Pakistanis, and all that money — we could have cut off that money and stopped what was going on. We knew what was going on there.
http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0209/10/cf.00.htmlAfghanistan and US interests prior to 9-11
It has been widely broadcast that the U.S. helped arm and train Afghans and extremists to repel the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. It is ironic that these same people would turn their skills and arms against the United States. However, it is beyond deceptive to present this as our sole connection or interest in Afghanistan.
The Clinton administration had been working with the Taliban from 1994 forward. Why? Because some companies (particularly UNOCAL and Saudi owned Delta) wanted “to build a pipeline from Turkmenistan to Pakistan through Afghanistan.” … “so that the vast untapped oil and gas reserves in the Central Asian and Caspian region could be transported to markets in South Asia, South-East Asia, Far East and the Pacific” 17. This is supported by Jon Flanders (2001, 18) article. While official relations were purportedly broken off in 1998, relations with the Taliban were maintained through the State Department (Ahmad) and through the Pakistan Military Intelligence ISI by the CIA. 19
According to Jon Flanders (2001), U.S. interest in the pipeline restarted in 2000, but was still not moving forward when Bush was elected. With Bush came Cheney (CEO of Halliburton) and Halliburton had investments in Turkmenistan for “integrated drilling services with an estimated value of $30 million for the total package.” 20
It should not be surprising given the oil interests of the President, his kin, and his appointees, that Bush placed Afghanistan on the top of his action list. In July 2001, Colin Powell gave the Taliban $43 million for “humanitarian aid” (Madsen, 2002, 21).
According to a BBC report by George Arney (9/18/01), the US was planning military action in Afghanistan prior to 9/11. “Naiz Naik, a former Pakistan Foreign Secretary, was told by senior American officials in mid-July that military action would go ahead by the middle of October.” 22 OpEd
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