Note the point


New Member
ویسے تو ن لیگی مطمئن بے غیرت ہیں لیکن اس تصویر کو دیکھ کر ان دین کے ٹھیکے داروں کو شاید تھوڑی بہت شرم آ جائے ..جو اسلام کو اپنے سیاسی مقاصد کے لئے استعمال کرتے ہیں



Minister (2k+ posts)
We shouldn't waste our time talking about these useless subjects. Allah is too great to judge anyone by the position of his hands during Salah.


Minister (2k+ posts)
ahlesunat main namaz main haath bandhnay ke 19 tareeqay raaeij hain jo sb sunnat hain waajib nahin. kisi bhi aalim sae is ki tasdeeq kr saktay hain .

this is uncommitted post, without any political motive


Minister (2k+ posts)
Useless criticism here. You'll easily find 2 or 3 out of 10 muslims with different 'style'. This doesn't negate the adab of namaz, as there's no single defined gesture, as far as I know.

jawad aziz

MPA (400+ posts)
Allah kaa wasta hy bhaioo... yeh humaray leaders hain koi begumber nahi...muzheb koo is main mut laya kuroo..ager kuch logoon nain gult kiya is kaa mutlub her giz nahi ky hum bhi follow kurain


MPA (400+ posts)

posted this thread out of innocence. so can be ignored... this is the result of hate, a group spreads against another, then the innocents comit the same mistake in retaliation... May ALLAH subhanahu wata'aala forgive us all...


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
jo jis tarha be naamaz pharay sub teke hain .......Africa kay muslman aaj tak haath chore ker naamaz ada kertay per bahas kerna galate hain
