Northern Alliance' flag hoisted in Panjshir


MPA (400+ posts)

Northern Alliance' flag hoisted in Panjshir in first resistance against Taliban​

Afghan soldiers, who had managed to hide themselves from Taliban troops, are reportedly arriving in Panjshir at the call of Ahmad Massoud, son of late Afghan politician Ahmad Shah Massoud


An image of the flag shared by on Twitter. (@HajiNoorUllah7)(Twitter)

Amid a complete takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban, a resistance force, led by Ahmad Massoud, son of late Afghan politician Ahmad Shah Massoud, is reportedly gathering strength in Panjshir Valley. The flag of the ‘Northern Alliance’ or the United Islamic Front for the Salvation of Afghanista has been hoisted for the time since 2001 in Panjshir valley.

An image of the same has been shared by a Twitter account that goes by the name Noorullah Durrani and who bio reads as ‘An Afghan by birth, a South African by citizenship’.The account also shared a video of Massoud, wherein he apparently urged his compatriots to join him for the freedom of Afghanistan.

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Its a tragedy people like Ahmed Shah Masood and Abdullah Abdullah never got to come into power in Afghanistan, instead these goat fuckers and corrupt bastards like Ghani and Karzai


Senator (1k+ posts)
Is Afghanistan going to be divided in multiple parts?
That is the true and natural solution to this problem. Divide this country into 2 or 3 parts. Not sure why people are trying to keep it together as a nation state when it is not possible to do so without undue use of force.

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
That is the true and natural solution to this problem. Divide this country into 2 or 3 parts. Not sure why people are trying to keep it together as a nation state when it is not possible to do so without undue use of force.
And this is the most sane thing I've read today. First of Afghanistan historically was never a nation, It was only a couple of 100 years ago the name Afghanistan even came into existence. Second the geography of that place does not support a united country with most of the city cut off from one and other with high mountains and narrow mountain passes. Some of the cities formed there now are totally unviable to modern lifestyle as they are almost inaccessible by land, Nato and americans kept those places operational by airlifting in everything. Now that is gone they are cut off.

And most of all these people have no concept of national unity or patriotism. They are mostly loyal first to their own tribe, clan, race or sardars.

Even a govt will 100% approval cannot rule, govern and provide proper administration and services to the entire country. Its just physically impossible.

Best would be to split the country along ethic lines. And let everyone have their share of that barren wasteland