"No apology, no supplies", Gen. Kayani tells Gen. Allen (ISAF)


Councller (250+ posts)
Re: General Kayani to Mullen: No Apology, No Supplies!

Murshad add another demand after they rub their nose on ground i.e. Checking of NATO containers.......and supply of only food and daily use items.....Nothing related to arms and ammunition should be allowed.

Laqta hay........Qudsiyoon ka Shair hoshiyar ho raha hay..

........ Chawinday ka Choudhry bhi dhoti kas kay badhay baitha hay.....huqah pa kay....hein ji:)

Alas! you would have seen me today in "kasur'i Lungi" and full sleeve white "HINZ" vest by coming on 'Skype'. Left smoking way back on the advent of Ramazan in 1982. Come after "Friday-Jumna" prayers and see with your 'Naked' eye drinking real "HOT n BLACK" coffee without cream and sugar, in ROYAL size Mug. Do not stop supply of NATO / ISAF "Arms n ammunition" as it will be mostly used by our Army and Public. Think prudently, though we are "fools" but certainly, not that much "Goofs". How many NATO/ISAF containers leave Karachi-Port for Afghanistan and "those” Thousands (Containers) which are either declared missing or stated to be burnt!
Cheer-Up Buddy, Qudsiyoon ka Shair hoshiyar ho Gaya hay..!
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Councller (250+ posts)
Sorry to say for Kiyani but he is the man who facilitated the NRO between
these corrupt politicians(Mafia).The threat to Pakistanis not from US or
any other country but the internal situation in the country.look at the
president,now PM and the whole of the cabinet what a joke is all this.
The whole of the population is suffering and waiting for Maseeha to come.
Army is as responsible as the politicians.We need leader who can take stand
on national security and defend national interest on every forum.Our PM is
property dealer.can we expect something bold from him or present cabinet or
No bone of contention. Concur with each 'single' word written as above. Remember, Bhutto n Zia-ul-Haq both were pro Americans in the beginning. Later, they were transformed and heard their Mother-Land's demand, (Though had a revengeful death, bestowed by their Mentor). Gen. Ashfaq. P. Kayani can therefore also be forced to call it an end. Now, "Enough is enough"!


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: General Kayani to Mullen: No Apology, No Supplies!

This a real reply from kiani to Mullen

Not Mullen, as he retired last year.

The reply was given to ISAF Commander General JOHN R. ALLEN.
I m amazed at the mentality of us Pakistanis.. We are emotional beyond logic. We dance on indian songs, are proud on copying the west, have literally adopted the indian life style, cant stand a day without eating meat or having garlic and onions or oil in our curry based dinners but we BOAST of being able to fight a war with USZ. Mind you i m not being a pessimist but merely realistic. How many of you know that the F-16s we use were given to us by USZ and they can shut them down remotely at any time they want.. How many of you know that there were 16 F-18s and 2 AWACS flying CAP on the Pak-Afghan border waiting for us to retaliate on the helicopters so they could bomb inside Pakistan. Do you think that this nation (for nation read mob) who still are ready to vote for corrupt PPP, PML N etc and give "rishwat" to get there work done, try and get "sifarish" for the smallest of jobs can pick up arms and fight against USZ. Do you think that AK47s are enough for shooting down planes. We are very quick to jump to conclusions which are based on our assumptions. Let me remind all those "pro war phobic" people commenting that even Prophet Muhammad S.A.W made the pact of Hudeybiya since he knew that muslims were not powerful enuff to take on Makkah. Only after they were powerful enuff did they react to the broken pact. So Islam does not tell us to pick a stone and throw it at a tank. Islam asks us to "prepare our swords and horses".. Sadly our swords and horses are not prepared. So all those who want to fight a war, first fight your corrupt leadership. And all those who says Gen Kiyani is responsible for NRO. My dear NRO na hota tou tum fauj ko gaalian detay, NRO hai tou fauj ko gaalian daitay o.. Make up your mind and grow up. I am sure many of you didnt even bother to caste votes in the previous elections. I didnt. So i have no right to say anything to this govt. In the end the pt is simple, "doosron per ungli uthanay say pehlay apnay garebaan mein jhanko"..


Councller (250+ posts)
I m amazed at the mentality of us Pakistanis.. We are emotional beyond logic. We dance on indian songs, are proud on copying the west, have literally adopted the indian life style, cant stand a day without eating meat or having garlic and onions or oil in our curry based dinners but we BOAST of being able to fight a war with USZ. Mind you i m not being a pessimist but merely realistic. How many of you know that the F-16s we use were given to us by USZ and they can shut them down remotely at any time they want.. How many of you know that there were 16 F-18s and 2 AWACS flying CAP on the Pak-Afghan border waiting for us to retaliate on the helicopters so they could bomb inside Pakistan. Do you think that this nation (for nation read mob) who still are ready to vote for corrupt PPP, PML N etc and give "rishwat" to get there work done, try and get "sifarish" for the smallest of jobs can pick up arms and fight against USZ. Do you think that AK47s are enough for shooting down planes. We are very quick to jump to conclusions which are based on our assumptions. Let me remind all those "pro war phobic" people commenting that even Prophet Muhammad S.A.W made the pact of Hudeybiya since he knew that muslims were not powerful enuff to take on Makkah. Only after they were powerful enuff did they react to the broken pact. So Islam does not tell us to pick a stone and throw it at a tank. Islam asks us to "prepare our swords and horses".. Sadly our swords and horses are not prepared. So all those who want to fight a war, first fight your corrupt leadership. And all those who says Gen Kiyani is responsible for NRO. My dear NRO na hota tou tum fauj ko gaalian detay, NRO hai tou fauj ko gaalian daitay o.. Make up your mind and grow up. I am sure many of you didnt even bother to caste votes in the previous elections. I didnt. So i have no right to say anything to this govt. In the end the pt is simple, "doosron per ungli uthanay say pehlay apnay garebaan mein jhanko"..

