Ninety Days : What does it take to miss a PPP government? Answer: a PML-N government. - Cyril Almeid


Senator (1k+ posts)
Ninety days

QUESTION: what does it take to miss a PPP government? Answer: a PML-N government.

Ninety days was a false construct, a sexy, snappy number that deliberately missed the point: these are the first assemblies to begin their terms more confident they will complete them than not.

Somehow, though, 90 days became a false landmark. And 90 days later, some old truths have begun to reveal themselves again.

In truth, it’s difficult to miss the last PPP government.

It’s one thing to be incompetent, another to be corrupt and something else altogether to be corrupt and incompetent at the same time — a combination the last government had seemingly perfected.

But the PPP is also like an unruly child: angered as you are by their actions, scared as you are for everyone’s safety, you can’t quite stay mad at them. It’s not like they can be anything but themselves, can they?

The incompetence in government, though, has a fascinating flipside: the PPP kills it in opposition.

Just look at them — Raza Rabbani and Khursheed Shah — tearing great chunks out of the government with their slashing comments and cutting questions. They’re alert, they’re masters of parliamentary rules and convention, they never let an opportunity go, and they’re always on the hunt for something to hurt the government with.

Even when someone inconsequential from the provincial field in Sindh pipes up now in the media, you can’t help but smile. The PPP has got its mojo back.

A ragtag, happy-go-lucky sort, nothing suits the PPP more than being freed of the burden of governance.

Sure, they’re still in control of rural Sindh, but does anyone really think that place can be rescued with even the best government in the world? Not in our lifetimes — which, luckily for the PPP, means they get a free pass at home.

Governing brings out the worst in the PPP. Often, they don’t even know that they don’t know — cluelessness taken to another level. But chuck them to the other side of the aisle and, suddenly, it’s like a completely different PPP. Or the same PPP, just with its better side on display.

The PML-N? Ponderous in opposition, ponderous in government — it’s pretty much the same, except the spotlight is bigger and more intense when you cross the aisle.

The N-League’s problem, one of them at least, is that they’re just not very good at explaining themselves. Or anything they’re doing. Or anything they’re thinking of doing.

Take this business of the death penalty.

The N-League wanted to reverse the PPP’s moratorium on the death penalty. Good idea or bad idea, the reasoning may be of little relevance to the miserable chaps sitting on death row who suddenly realise they may be marched to the gallows after all, but to the rest of us, in whose name the state wants to go back to executing convicts, reasons do matter.

Except the PML-N made no attempt to explain it. Was it populist bloodlust, the PML-N pandering to its religiously conservative base? Does Nawaz think the death penalty is a deterrent, in addition to being a religious obligation? Is it a first step towards a planned reinvigoration of the Islamising process?

Who knows. All we got was a notification that the moratorium is to be ended.

And so, instead of angering or alienating or alarming possibly just one segment of the population, the PML-N ended up agitating everyone.

The businessmen came calling: umm, this may screw up our export plans; some of the Western markets are rather squeamish about executions and the like.

The TTP came knocking: hang on, we’ll go to the afterlife and all the goodness it has to offer when we want to, not when you tell us.

The human rights folk and the small but vocal — and yes, powerful — liberal, secular constituency were up in arms: monsters! You can’t drag us back into the dark ages!

Who knows, had the PML-N gone to the floor of parliament and articulated the reinstatement of the death penalty as part of its religiously conservative identity, the TTP may have been less ferocious in its threats — when Islam meets Islam, a gentleman’s agreement is often sought.

Of course, you suspect the TTP would still threaten — the code of ‘no one gets left behind’ is a terrific recruiting and cadre-galvanising trick — but then the PML-N could have earned brownie points with its political base: look at Mian sahib, he is truly the lion of Punjab, bows to no one, the crowd may have murmured appreciatively.

Or if — a remote if — the death-penalty threat was just leverage to get the TTP talking, then a signal to the businessmen would have been helpful. Because then the businessmen would be thinking: a few more exports lost versus the possibility of the hellish internal security being fixed.

But none of that happened. And even now, an about-turn on the U-turn that may or may not be reversed again, nobody knows just what the PML-N is up to.

Which leaves the possibility that maybe the PML-N itself doesn’t know.

Question: what does it take to miss a PPP government? Answer: a PML-N government.

Does the PML-N care? Not really. For there is an all-important, be-all-and-end-all, fundamental difference: the N-League continues to win — elections, that is.

Huff and puff, scream or yell, implore or deplore, go blue in the face — as long as the PML-N has its folksy, seemingly guileless, guy-next-door leader, Nawaz, who the Punjabi voter adores, the party is OK with the critics having a go at it.

A government that knows how to win and an opposition that knows how to oppose — not really the best of any world, but it’s only been 90 days. A few 90s more and we’ll all know more.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Ninety Days : QUESTION: what does it take to miss a PPP government? Answer: a PML-N government. - CYRIL ALMEIDA

woh sab tou theek hai isi liyay kahtay hain kai hooor choopo



Re: Ninety Days : QUESTION: what does it take to miss a PPP government? Answer: a PML-N government. - CYRIL ALMEIDA

Looks like Cyril's missing the PPP government (bigsmile)


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Ninety Days : QUESTION: what does it take to miss a PPP government? Answer: a PML-N government. - CYRIL ALMEIDA

Another meandering pointless article from the pointless Cyril Almedia


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Ninety Days : QUESTION: what does it take to miss a PPP government? Answer: a PML-N government. - CYRIL ALMEIDA

Another meandering pointless article from the pointless Cyril Almedia

Me a PML-N voter can get the drift. First ninety days have been a disaster and many amongst my social circle are flabbergasted with the disappointing performance. Former executives were more select than the current lot.

Shah Brahman

Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Ninety Days : QUESTION: what does it take to miss a PPP government? Answer: a PML-N government. - CYRIL ALMEIDA

چول المائدہ نے پی پی پی حکومت کے بارے میں اور ان کی نا اہلی ، چور بازاری ، بد دیانتی ، بد عنوانی ، بری حکومت کے بارے میں پانچ سال لب سیئے رکھے تھے اور اب صرف نوے دنوں کے بعد ہی مروڑ اٹھنے شروع ھو گئے ہیں

اصل میں لبرل فاشسٹ کا یہی مسئلہ ہے کہ ان کو اپنے علاوہ دنیا میں اور کوئی اچھا لگتا ہی نہیں ہے

اس چول المائدہ کو چاہئے کہ زرداری اور اسکے بچوں کی مالش جاری رکھے

ف ج
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Medical colleges: Punjab cuts 10 merit seats to increase AJK quota

LAHORE: The Punjab government has reduced the number of merit seats in public medical colleges in the province by 10 in order to accommodate more students from Azad Jammu and Kashmir in admissions for 2013-14, The Express Tribune has learnt.

Last year, a total of 26 seats were reserved for students from AJK at seven medical colleges in the Punjab three at Nishtar Medical College (NMC) in Multan, 10 at Fatima Jinnah Medical College (FJMC), two at Services Institute of Medical Sciences (SIMS), three at Punjab Medical College (PMC) Faisalabad, three at Rawalpindi Medical College (RMC), three at Quaid-i-Azam Medical College (QMC) Bahawalpur and two at Shaikh Zayed Medical College (SZMC) Rahim Yar Khan. Another 10 seats at the FJMC were reserved for AJK students as part of their share under the federal government.

They will get another 10 seats this year, including, for the first time, reserved seats at the two top colleges in the Punjab, King Edward Medical University (KEMU) and Allama Iqbal Medical College (AIMC). According to official documents available with The Express Tribune, there are 3,089 open merit seats in 17 public medical colleges in the province.

A senior Health Department official said that the AJK government asked the Punjab government for another 10 seats every year, and the Punjab government usually accepted, but not by reducing the number of merit seats.

Previously, the additional seats were given to AJK students simply by increasing the total number of seats. The Pakistan Medical and Dental Council then usually objects that the Punjab government cannot do so without its approval. This year it seems they have adjusted the demand against merit seats to avoid any issues with the PMDC, he said.

According to the official order from the chief minister, the additional 10 seats for AJK students will mean one less merit seat at KEMU, one at AIMC, one at NMC Multan, three at FJMC, one at PMC Faisalabad, two at RMC and one at QMC Bahawalpur. This will leave AIMC with a total of 301 seats, KEMU with 302, NMC with 280, FJMC with 253, PMC with 287, RMC with 297 and QMC with 273 merit seats.

The reduction in merit seats is likely to anger students from the Punjab who just miss out on admission to a medical college based on their exam scores.

Last year, the Admissions Board had recommended that the number of seats reserved for AJK students be reduced because colleges had been built there.

Health Secretary Hassan Iqbal said, We are seeing this issue in a broader policy perspective and as a matter of fact the number of reserved seats for AJK students remains the same as it was the year before.
We havent increased the seats for them so its not an issue as there is no policy change.
Published in The Express Tribune, September 2[SUP]nd[/SUP], 2013.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Setting boundaries: Information secretary accuses PML-N of meddling in G-Bs affairs

GILGIT: Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader Siddiqul Farooq has been accused of interfering in the affairs of the Gilgit-Baltistan government.

The accusation was made by Pakistan Peoples Partys (PPP) secretary of information in G-B after Farooq gave a statement to the media regarding alleged corruption of the PPP-led government in the region.

What he is doing is in sheer violation of the autonomy given to provinces under the 18th Amendment, said G-Bs Secretary of Information Rana Nazeem on Wednesday.

Farooq should not worry about us. We are capable of putting our house in order as we have independent offices of the governor and chief minister in place, he said. We are answerable to the public, not him.

Nazeem said the PML-N leader is neither a minister nor a senator in the government; therefore he should stay away from G-Bs affairs. He should respect the mandate of the people who voted the PPP into power, he added.
The secretary also asked the federal government to rein in on the PML-N leader and maintain confidence between both parties.
Published in The Express Tribune, August 29[SUP]th[/SUP], 2013.
