News Night with Talat 11th June 2012 - Ejaz Hussain & Ahmed Awais - Malik Riaz Case & Public Issues


Councller (250+ posts)
Re: News Night with Talat 11th June 2012

Our Chief Justice Rocks! (clap), Sir, chorna nahin iss choor "Malik Riaz" ko, plz.


MPA (400+ posts)
I know you very well.Just ask you CM Punjab why did he award contract of 'Ashiyana Housing Scheme' to his beloved Malik Riaz? If Mubashar Luqman (and also, Javed Ch, Kamran Khan etc) is trying to defend Malik Riaz, he is doing wrong but remember, he is not our leader.But Shahbaz and Nawaz are your leaders.Both Sharif brothers have business relations with Malik Riaz.That's why Ch.Nisar has not been able to do anything against Malik Riaz.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: News Night with Talat 11th June 2012

I agree with you, if there is any law and justice this should be the begining of the end of Baharia and MR. This has lot of similarities to GDC, if you are interested go to the following link.

If there is Law and Justice in the country,
Kalu Sarkar should be six feet high up in the air by the neck,
the day is fast approaching, InshaAllah, it is just matter of time ...


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: News Night with Talat 11th June 2012

If there is Law and Justice in the country,
Kalu Sarkar should be six feet high up in the air by the neck,
the day is fast approaching, InshaAllah, it is just matter of time ...

You have been saying this for many years, I am still waiting for that day. Put more men to work on this project.
