we think only white people are racist, in pakistan punjabees hate mohajirs and vice versa, afghani pathans hate sheeya pathans and pakistani pathans, had civil war after soviet era end, in india punjabee indians hate south indian vegetrians, in USA north Newyork area people are called yankees by south USA as they had a huge civil war ( white against white) more people died than world war, the whole planet makes fun chinese names, pre 1971 and post 1971 pakistanis hated bangladeshis for many years, in UK they make fun of each other if they from london or scotland and Ireland and they are all whites. BLACKS hate all asians, pakistanis and whites and chinese. NOW THE BEST one: african countries were some colonies of british and others FRENCH, they hate each other ( black vs blacks), CANDA ( english speaking ontario hate french speaking Quebec province), orientals indonasian malsysian honkong combo hates chinese, vietnamese, latin america/spanish people hate argentians and puerto ricans ( USA colony) although all speak spanish language
So its human nature, BUT he deserved to be fired for DISCRMINATING openly on TV media but the indian name do sound the way he said:lol: sorry