New Logo and some color changes


AS guys,

You probably have seen our new logo on our facebook page. We are implementing it on the site and making some color changes to match the logo.

What do you think of the colors?



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

1. I joined this forum because the three panel system was easier to surf then other available forums. I hope the home page retains the three panels.
2. The colors are too bright, IMHO should be more green then yellow.
3. Logo is great


Senator (1k+ posts)
جناب اگر رنگ تھوڑا زیادہ ہرا ہو جاتا تو آنکھوں کو ٹھنڈک اور زیادہ دیر تک دیکھنے سے مشکل نا ہوتی پیلا رنگ تھوڑا کم ہو جاتا فونٹ کا رنگ بھی تھوڑا تیز ہو جائے تو اچھا ہے
and for slogan
every opinion counts



1. I joined this forum because the three panel system was easier to surf then other available forums. I hope the home page retains the three panels.
2. The colors are too bright, IMHO should be more green then yellow.
3. Logo is great

this is just to show the colors. everything will stay as it is on the main page.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
[MENTION=4936]Adeel[/MENTION] saab

site ko chaltay rehnay doo ,app chair chaar kero gaayy to phir baycharay masooom terrorists ko site kay close honay aur open honay ki tension ho gee.
aur aap ko koe aaur kaam nahe hai kia jo color kay peechay per gayee hain?
office se chutiaa wutiaan to nahe milii kahee?


Staff member
Bhai change the logo but keep the color scheme.
We can make some variation in the same color scheme if you want to make those changes.


MPA (400+ posts)
i actually like current logo with people in the background , i thought that was clever. new logo is too bland , other than manare Pakistan in the middle i guess. and about colors you have already heard. they are too light. new colors are kinda like every other blogg online. make it darker .


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
[MENTION=4936]Adeel[/MENTION] bhai current color scheme is good, and yes logo and slogans are good


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Here is my take on this.

Logo is beautiful. Looks gorgeous on facebook page on white background.

On this design colors are a bit too bright. Use darkish, so they are easy on eyes. Use white back ground, I just feel that its easier to read on that. There is just too much yellowish color in this theme. Dark colors will do it.
