New Catholic sex scandal as undercover reporter discover in Italy


Voter (50+ posts)
By Nick Pisa
Last updated at 5:47 PM on 23rd July 2010 from

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A gay priest sex scandal has rocked the Catholic Church in Italy today after a weekly news magazine released details of a shock investigation it had carried out.
Using hidden cameras, a journalist from Panorama magazine - owned by Italian Prime Minister and media baron Silvio Berlusconi - filmed three priests as they attended gay nightspots and had casual sex.
Today there was no immediate comment from the Italian Bishops Conference and the Vatican - which has been rocked by a series of sex scandals involving paedophile priests since the start of the year
A preview of the Panorama article sent out by email last night added that video footage from the investigation would be made available.
The article describes how the reporter was assisted by a gay 'accomplice' as they 'gate-crashed the wild nights of a number of priests in Rome who live a surprising double-life.'
In it's preview, Panorama added: 'By day they are regular priests, complete with dog collar, but, at night it's off with the cassock as they take their place as perfectly integrated members of the Italian capital's gay scene.'

Panorama described its investigation as 'deeply disturbing' as it detailed how three priests - two Italians and a Frenchman - happily took part in gay events and had casual sex.

The Catholic Church forbids priests to have sex and homosexuality is also seen as a 'sin' .
In 2008 the Vatican issued guidelines which said that any would be trainees should not join if they had 'deep-seated homosexual tendencies'.
In one part of the investigation Panorama said that one priest, named as Carlo, willingly put on his cassock to have sex with the reporter's gay accomplice, adding 'all of which was filmed by the hidden camera'.
The magazine also described how they had attended a Mass which was celebrated by Carlo.
In its preview Panorama insisted that it had carried out through checks and established that all three priests were bona fide but would not reveal their real names or any other details.
Panorama editor Giorgio Mule said: 'This was a two week investigation and was not aimed at creating a scandal but showing that a certain section of the clergy behaves very differently.'

sarbakaf - Blogger
Christians priests are doing as good for Vatican as our rulers are doing for country.

sarbakaf - Blogger
and our moulvis are not far behind them ... so no need to cheeer up

how many cases of molvees have u actually seen or known with ur own eyes...
its easy to blame molvees but if you havent seen any thing dont believe on rumors....our molvees are still much better off than others


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
and our moulvis are not far behind them ... so no need to cheeer up

Looks to me that you have an agenda against moulvis. I do not think that every bad thing out there in the world must be compensated for by blaming our own??? I do not cheer on this news and I think most people don't BUT please leave it at that.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Bother Sarbakaf
Dont take ramses2x1 too hard. he/she knows lot about illuminati & about all these cases. He/she is responding to almost all illuminati related posts & now this thread. Any ways about this sex scandals, please note that all the cults which worship devil they dont want any kind of GODLY RELIGION, they need athiesm to promote their thoughts & order.
So as u know NEW WORLD ORDER is similar ONE RELIGION, ONE CURRENCY, ONE GOVERNMENT. The religion is LUCIFER or DEVIL. I am not advocate of Christianity, but i think they want to disgrace all the religions including ISLAM so that people stop thinking about GOD & PROPHETS ..
So this is one of their goals. ALLAH knows best. We should not enjoy this, as soon they will be attacking ISLAM with in by starting fights amongst different sects, just to weaken it & increase hatred amongst its followers.
So atheism is one of their weapon or tool..
I hope u got my point.


Minister (2k+ posts)
how many cases of molvees have u actually seen or known with ur own eyes...
its easy to blame molvees but if you havent seen any thing dont believe on rumors....our molvees are still much better off than others

dude those arent .. trust me
i would not name them but i know many people who were sexually abused in their childhood by moulvis ..

most of them are still good people nonetheless ..


Voter (50+ posts)
Salam to All,

I have posted this too inform my brothers about the dirty hypocracy of the Roman Church. If a person commit adultry in europe with a kid below the age he or she will be prosecuted. This is because of having no physicle contact with women. We as Muslims are allowed to marry and live a proper family life with all sorts of enjoyments.

Yet christians Priests and Nuns are not allowed to have wife or husband, which drag them to this path.

Please stop this non sense of blaming the Molvees. I have studied in the Musjids and by grace of Allah SWT every Molana is very responsible and well honorable. Islam fulfill all the needs and requirements of a person's normal life.

We are under constant persure of west brain washing us from our belief, please dont fall in to that. Protect your self and your faith by Thanking Allah SWT that we are Muslims.

