Nawaz-Zardari Game is Over Now; I would advice Imran Khan to offer full support to army to do ruthle


Minister (2k+ posts)
Army should go ahead and do the accountability, they don't
need to ask Imran Khan. Bring in caretaker government
that can sort this mees out.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Kuch nahi huna is mulk main, yahan jotna bara chhor utna bara status, jese qaum wese hukmaran


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Army should go ahead and do the accountability, they don't
need to ask Imran Khan. Bring in caretaker government that can sort this mees out.

Army is head to toe engaged in cold war.......It is job of the politicians to come forward and take the lead with the full support of Army. All of them are brothren in corruption and bad blood except Imran Khan. Would that Imran had even an average political wisdom? He himself has tied heavy stones like SMQ/JKT to his ankle. The nation suffers.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Army is head to toe engaged in cold war.......It is job of the politicians to come forward and take the lead with the full support of Army. All of them are brothren in corruption and bad blood except Imran Khan. Would that Imran had even an average political wisdom? He himself has tied heavy stones like SMQ/JKT to his ankle. The nation suffers.

If RAW can bring in Modi who is a nationalist and is doing well for his country.
Then why didn't ISI bring in some1 good for the country in 2013?


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
If RAW can bring in Modi who is a nationalist and is doing well for his country.
Then why didn't ISI bring in some1 good for the country in 2013?

It is what Pakistan is paying for. Busharaf the b@stard & Kiyani the Comprised did great harm to Pakistan. Rather, Busharaf did more harm to pakistan than all rulers since 1971. He must be hanged for treason as he made Pakistan free for all enemy agencies. Allowing establishment of largest US embassy in Pakistan is the gravest crime ever done by any ruler. He must be hanged in public for these crimes not for 1999 coup. Due to such brand of people at the helm of affairs nation was kicked into this bloody state of affairs.


Minister (2k+ posts)
It is what Pakistan is paying for. Busharaf the b@stard & Kiyani the Comprised did great harm to Pakistan. Rather, Busharaf did more harm to pakistan than all rulers since 1971. He must be hanged for treason as he made Pakistan free for all enemy agencies. Allowing establishment of largest US embassy in Pakistan is the gravest crime ever done by any ruler. He must be hanged in public for these crimes not for 1999 coup. Due to such brand of people at the helm of affairs nation was kicked into this bloody state of affairs.

Agree with you 100%. Kayani was part of 2 rigged elections, first to bring in Zardari and the
Nawaz. If they want to continue with democracy then surely best option is PTI. Then
the drone strikes, Raymond Davis/Blackwater, then Abottabad raid. The crime list of
Nawaz, Zardari and Gen Kayani is too long.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Agree with you 100%. Kayani was part of 2 rigged elections, first to bring in Zardari and the
Nawaz. If they want to continue with democracy then surely best option is PTI. Then
the drone strikes, Raymond Davis/Blackwater, then Abottabad raid. The crime list of
Nawaz, Zardari and Gen Kayani is too long.

Constituent parts of Establishment a.k.a Ruling Elite:

1. Top Politicians
2. Top Military
3. Judiciary
4. Top Bureaucrats.
5. Media Tycoons.
6. Top Business Tycoons

If only military leadership gets out of it.....the rest are toothless. Otherwise, establishment becomes hyena and nibbles the nation alive..........unfortunately it was being done since 1990s.

I would like do differ on democracy as best option. It has never brought any good to humanity or a nation...........check the record of last one & a half century and count the miseries of humanity. Allama Iqbal nabbed it at its outset and warned about the agenda hidden under this apparently very beautiful face. I am least interested the type of government whether it is democracy, kingship, dictatorship, Khilafat, Chinese system or whatever...........any system which brings good is my choice. Remember, Islam as Deen didn't specify and hard and fast system of governance. It left it on your choice as per situation's demand with only condition that Quran & Sunnah must have supremacy.


Minister (2k+ posts)
aah it wasnt her pics it was your ganjays daughter are so busy in ma****R ba****N thats why you didnt checked.come on mate first check and then do bull **** you mother plunker


Minister (2k+ posts)
first tell your daughter to stop texting me naked pics of hers
aah it wasnt her pics it was your ganjays daughter are so busy in ma****R ba****N thats why you didnt checked.come on mate first check and then do bull **** you mother plunker​



best thing for pakistan today is to make zaid laal topi wala dictator of pakistan. iske twitter se nijaat mil jayegi.............[hilar][hilar][hilar]


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
best thing for pakistan today is to make zaid laal topi wala dictator of pakistan. iske twitter se nijaat mil jayegi.............[hilar][hilar][hilar]

Patiala Jee. Do You have clue about Pakiatani politics or you just want to say things without any rationale, there is a history behind what the thread is about, look at the history of these politicians, they are now being exposed by even foreign banks, so think before you talk about Pakistani politics.

All people of subcontinent want is leaders who donot play like kings, when driving around they use 50 cars whereas the prime minister of Denmark goes to parliament on a bicycles and one for a week drove a taxi to find about his Govt. actions from common man, now that a leaders even though Denmark is a rich country as compare to Pakistan. Pakiatan P.M. Imported there 7 series BMWs bullet proof to drive around when the od Cadallac was good enough as it was also a bullet proof car. You should check his wrist watch. It cost millions in rupees. So think before you support these nincompoops.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
جب تک قوم باہر نہ نکلے کچھ نہیں ہو سکتا. اور قوم حرام پر پل رہی ہےسب ایسے ہی چلے گا.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
IK has backed army to do vigirous accountablity on govt, he has gone to the extent to say rangers can come to KPK as well.

Secondly it is time establishment back IK, and stop supporting the likes of NS and Zardari.
