L lovely.jutt Banned Apr 18, 2016 #1 Featured Thumbs https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/12993476_1699897650283713_8485270462921181108_n.jpg?oh=50d4f350c9a12bb2c051bf439802c185&oe=57BC4886&__gda__=1470908601_0bf39e73664e244156684a563043364a Last edited: Apr 18, 2016
J jaanmark Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Apr 18, 2016 #2 Re: Nawaz Sharif Ko Hoa Kiya Tha Jiske Ilaaj Ke Liye Wo London Gaye - Arif Nizami And Ghulaam Muhammad Tells money talking , cash money from London
Re: Nawaz Sharif Ko Hoa Kiya Tha Jiske Ilaaj Ke Liye Wo London Gaye - Arif Nizami And Ghulaam Muhammad Tells money talking , cash money from London
H Hasnad Senator (1k+ posts) Apr 18, 2016 #3 Re: Nawaz Sharif Ko Hoa Kiya Tha Jiske Ilaaj Ke Liye Wo London Gaye - Arif Nizami And Ghulaam Muhammad Tells bakwas karne ki bi had hoti hai jhoot pe jhoot
Re: Nawaz Sharif Ko Hoa Kiya Tha Jiske Ilaaj Ke Liye Wo London Gaye - Arif Nizami And Ghulaam Muhammad Tells bakwas karne ki bi had hoti hai jhoot pe jhoot
U Urooj_lbw Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Apr 18, 2016 #5 Panama leak ne noore ka Pajama hi leak kar dia, bhaga UK, ab dekho kia hota he, phans to buri tarha gia he ye chor khaandaan
Panama leak ne noore ka Pajama hi leak kar dia, bhaga UK, ab dekho kia hota he, phans to buri tarha gia he ye chor khaandaan