Nawaz Sharif didn't raise the core issue of Kashmir in meeting with Narendra Modi


Minister (2k+ posts)
Toothless prime minister.Sucha disgrace.... a nation of lions runs by a coward lamb. this answer must not have been written in a parchi so he cudnt answer


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
This meeting was on order from USA to defuse the bitter situation in subcontinent and to refrain Pakistan going to UN against India for funding terrorists. We have a PM who is an average intelligence and believes in his own interests rather than states.

raheeb ch

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Politicians, Analysts Not Optimistic About PM Nawaz, Modi Meeting

Politicians, Analysts Not Optimistic About PM Nawaz, Modi Meeting



Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
In beghairtoon say hamari jaan Kab chootay gee. Sometimes I think k Nawaz Saanp and Co. Musalman bhi hain kyon k Islam ghairatmandon ka Deen hai aur Nooray say ghairat ka dur dur tak koi taluq nahin.


MPA (400+ posts)
In beghairtoon say hamari jaan Kab chootay gee. Sometimes I think k Nawaz Saanp and Co. Musalman bhi hain kyon k Islam ghairatmandon ka Deen hai aur Nooray say ghairat ka dur dur tak koi taluq nahin.

I have heard this Hades multiple times and before I quote it I ask forgiveness from ALLAH swt for any unintentional mistake(s):

Hazrat Safwaan bin Sulaim radiallaho taala anhu narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam was asked,
Can a believer be a coward? He said, Yes, he can be coward. Then it was asked whether a believer could be a miser? He replied, Yes, he can be a miser, it was then asked whether a believer could be a liar? He replied, No, a believer cannot be a liar. (Imam Malik, Mishkaat)

It is mentioned in this Hadith that a believer can be a coward, he can be a miser but he cannot be a liar. Lying is a great risk to our faith, it is a must for us to save our faith and in order to save our faith, it is very important to save ourselves from lying. We need to present ourselves as slogans of truth, the followers of the true religion, the undoubtable Quran and Ummah of a Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam, who was declared Saadiq even by the infidels of Makkah. (Saadiq means one who always speaks the truth). May Allah Taala enable us to speak the truth and always stay away from lies. Ameen

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (Radhiyallaahu Anhu) narrates, in a hadith, that the Prophet (PBUH) said, The signs of a hypocrite are three; whenever he speaks, he tells a lie; whenever he promises, he breaks his promise; if you have trust in him, he proves to be dishonest.
The above hadith of Prophet(PBUH) is of such importance to us, his Ummah, because it demonstrates to us that how evil it is to speak lies, that Prophet(S.A.W) associated the telling of lies with a hypocrite.
In another hadith narrated by Hazrat Abu Hurairah(Radhiyallaahu Anhu), Prophet (PBUH) said, Whoever does not give up false statements (i.e. telling lies), and evil deeds, and uttering bad words to others, Allah is not in need of his (fasting) leaving his food and drink. This is a clear indication to us how evil speaking lies is in the sight of Allah Taala that Allah Taala will not accept our Ibadat becase of us telling lies.
Unfortunately, our problem is that we think that by fulfilling the five fundamental principles of Islam we have become perfect Muslims. Islam has many different aspects to it and, by only fulfilling the one aspect of Ibadat, does not make us true Muslims. Turning a blind eye to such aspects of Deen, like restraining our tongues when it comes to our utterances, will only be to our detriment.

for more read :
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Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
In 65+ years Pakistan has lost half of it's country and is facing serious administrative issues in what is left over. I wonder what will happen if we take in Kashmir aswell.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Nawaz Sharif khud bhi Kashmiri hay, or is ne India mein bhi kafi bhari Investment kar rakhi hay, ager ye aisi koi baat hoti hay to is ki Investment ko khatra hoga


Senator (1k+ posts)
This meeting was on order from USA to defuse the bitter situation in subcontinent and to refrain Pakistan going to UN against India for funding terrorists. We have a PM who is an average intelligence and believes in his own interests rather than states.
After all He is your PM is proud Pakistani lol


Senator (1k+ posts)
In 65+ years Pakistan has lost half of it's country and is facing serious administrative issues in what is left over. I wonder what will happen if we take in Kashmir aswell.
Sir Ji you are 100 % correct. Look at Balochistan and Karachi!! Pakistan needs to focus on whatever is left than looking to get Kashmir.


Councller (250+ posts)
Kashmir will become Pakistan. Nawaz will not stay in power forever. India must stop it's anti Pakistan activities and stop spreading terrorism in South Asian region. Kashmir is destined to be free


Minister (2k+ posts)
میاں نواز مسلہ کشمیر بھول گیا

ہمارے حرام خور وزیر اعظم جناب میاں نواز ساڑھی پہن کر مودی سے ملنے تو گئے مگر مسلہ کشمیر اور پاکستان میں را کی مداخلت جیسے مسائل اٹھانا بھول گئے- شاید میاں نواز حرام خور کو بروقت پرچی نہیں پہنچائی جا سکی- جب اس قسم کے کند ذہن اور نکمے وزیر اعظم ہوں تو فوج نے خارجہ پالیسی اپنے ہاتھ میں لے کر ہم سویلین کے سینے پر مونگ دلنی ہی ہے



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: میاں نواز مسلہ کشمیر بھول گیا

Pakistan India relation shud improve no need for point scoring, I think most of wt NS did was dictated by Army


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: میاں نواز مسلہ کشمیر بھول گیا

نواجا ، تاجا فاطمی ٹولہ
لاہ لو جتی تے کر دو ہولا :biggthumpup:


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: میاں نواز مسلہ کشمیر بھول گیا

If Army is serious in sorting out the mess they shud start punishing the corrupt, enough of these games nabbing front man n Aslam Langra blah blah it is just blackmailing n getting dirt under the rug


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
why should we? We are brothers now? Its not a good idea to bring up the elephant in the room when you want to get along :)
