Zaidi Qasim ka baap aik dafa phir.......... ishtihari....
lol @ GNN and Bhatti though.
hmmn, that zameen was Pakistan's zameen or was it mian's peo's personal zameen that mian gave for the hospital?اچھا کیا - اس گنجے پر شوکت خانم کو پچاس کروڑ اور چنگڑ ا عظم جس نے لکھ کر دیا کہ میرے پاس کوئی گھر نہیں ہے اس کا بھی مقدمہ کرو
اچھا کیا - اس گنجے پر شوکت خانم کو پچاس کروڑ اور چنگڑ ا عظم جس نے لکھ کر دیا کہ میرے پاس کوئی گھر نہیں ہے اس کا بھی مقدمہ کرو
hmmn, that zameen was Pakistan's zameen or was it mian's peo's personal zameen that mian gave for the hospital?
Zaidi Qasim ka baap aik dafa phir.......... ishtihari....
lol @ GNN and Bhatti though.
Arrest and execution of Nawaz traitor is a MUST. IA.
Haha Good day for patwaries
Bring this devil back in Ramazan
hmmn, that zameen was Pakistan's zameen or was it mian's peo's personal zameen that mian gave for the hospital?
It was Paksitan`s Zameen but it was CM`s prerogative to give or not which is the case he has been summoned now that why did he use that prerogative.
Why do you go Blind about IK giving an affidavit that he does not own any property and he is Kangla, can`t afford a house so he should be given a plot.
اسے عزت راس نہیں آتی ۔ پھر خود ہی لکھتا ہے کہ یہ جی این این اور پھاٹی کی خبر ہے ، اسکا مطبل یہ ہے کہ سحری میں نسوار منہ کے بجائے ناک میں چڑھالی ہے ، اب سارے دن ناک سے پچکاریاں مارے گا کہ روزہ نہ ٹوٹے ۔
So I see, giving Zameen to newspaper barons is akin to giving it Cancer Hospitals. Is there anything more disturbing and disgusting than thick Nooras.It was Paksitan`s Zameen but it was CM`s prerogative to give or not which is the case he has been summoned now that why did he use that prerogative.
Why do you go Blind about IK giving an affidavit that he does not own any property and he is Kangla, can`t afford a house so he should be given a plot.
Phele aap apna patwari bandar dance to khatam kerlo! ? ? ? ? ?چلو جی عمرانی باندروں کو نچانے کے لئے ایک اور ڈگ ڈگی بجی --- اب سارے مل کر باندروں کا ناچ دیکھو
Not on this earth.Is there anything more disturbing and disgusting than thick Nooras.
So I see, giving Zameen to newspaper barons is akin to giving it Cancer Hospitals. Is there anything more disturbing and disgusting than thick Nooras.
Kissay Anay Heejray Di Aulad, there is a sentence written in Bold, which asks why did Ganja gave a plot to Fraudia IK on a fake Affidavit, Jawab hai koi !!!
I won't swear at you today as I have Roza. But puttar, I will remember this and give it back with interest after Ramadan but you won't have this Id by then. LolKissay Anay Heejray Di Aulad, there is a sentence written in Bold, which asks why did Ganja gave a plot to Fraudia IK on a fake Affidavit, Jawab hai koi !!!
I won't swear at you today as I have Roza. But puttar, I will remember this and give it back with interest. As far as this is concerned only a moral loser like you would compare the 2. Puttar enjoy
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