Nawaz Shairf Has Already Taken Political Asylum In London - Claims Asif Zardari


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The British talk about morality and fair play but are always happy to back criminals as long as they do as they are told.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
آسائلم کا مشورہ بھی اسی حرامی نے دیا ہو --- کیوں کہ کا اسے نظر آ رہا ہے کہ پاکستان میں نوروں کے دن گنے جا چکے ہیں -- این آر او بھی ممکن نہیں


Minister (2k+ posts)
question is why foreign countries allow looter of nation for political asylum ? did they allow same to other countries ?


Senator (1k+ posts)
question is why foreign countries allow looter of nation for political asylum ? did they allow same to other countries ?

ex Shah of Iran comes to mind lol

The West is full of traitors to their own countries Looters Thieves Murderers in the name of Political Asylum and Human Rights

IN Reality they can use UK laws on Investors Visa to stay It only requires £200.000 and not in cash Just as long as you have access to it

You only need £50000 in actual funds

Look Here
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Minister (2k+ posts)
آسائلم کا مشورہ بھی اسی حرامی نے دیا ہو --- کیوں کہ کا اسے نظر آ رہا ہے کہ پاکستان میں نوروں کے دن گنے جا چکے ہیں -- این آر او بھی ممکن نہیں
بات کرنے کی تمیز نہیں ہے آپکو۔
تھوڑی سی تو شرم و حیا کر لو۔
قومِ یوتھ اور شرم و حیا دو مختلف چیزیں ہیں۔


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
It won't help him for long. He will, still, be a Pakistani citizen and, if wanted, can be dragged into Pakistan through Interpol.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
if AAZ saying means Ex-President, he will not talk rubbish.
Now Suo Motto against CJP , he allowed them to go even without NS requested.
These Kanra Judges role very dubious like his Language Ghassyara Language and attitude.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Kuch bhi Karlo
Eik Paisa Bhi Wapis Nahi Milna
Only lawyers Judgea Media person made money
Pakistani poor lost further Their Tax paid Money in prosecuting the Chutta PM


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
تصدیق کی گئی.

برطانیہ (لندن) امیگریشن آفس میں کام کرنے والے ایک قریبی دوست نے اصل میں نواز شریف، شہباز شریف اور مریم نواز شریف کی درخواست پر عمل درآمد کیا ہے.

انہوں نے سیاسی پناہ لے لیا ہے.

نواز, شہباز اور مریم ہمیشہ لندن میں رہیں گے اور یورپ میں کاروبار اور دولت کی دیکھ بھال کریں گے.

PMLN مسلم لیگ ن کے حامیوں کو بیوقوف کرنے کے لئے انتخابات کا بائیکاٹ کرے گا.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Kuch bhi Karlo
Eik Paisa Bhi Wapis Nahi Milna
Only lawyers Judgea Media person made money
Pakistani poor lost further Their Tax paid Money in prosecuting the Chutta PM
Great idea, dont prosecute thieving ex PM's. Why not go further and bring them back to office as prosecution might hurt their souls. Bless these poor thieving billionaire ex PM's.

با شعور

Senator (1k+ posts)
Great idea, dont prosecute thieving ex PM's. Why not go further and bring them back to office as prosecution might hurt their souls. Bless these poor thieving billionaire ex PM's.
Yar ye nootheye kia chez hain matlub ke chor ko chori se rokne per bhi inhain itraz... Inke pait main khote ka gosht and khoprion main khote ka gobar bhara hai

Dr ali ahmad

Voter (50+ posts)
The Panama Papers, millions of confidential documents leaked from the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca in April 2016, revealed the Sharif family had assets worth millions in Britain and many other countries – including the Avenfield flats.The Daily Mail’s recent article (23 June) writes: ‘ Penthouse pirates: How the mega-rich former prime minister of Pakistan and his sons have ploughed millions into London's swankiest addresses to amass a vast property empire•Avenfield House is where Pakistan's super-rich former PM, Nawaz Sharif, has lived when in London, since 1993•He knocked four luxury flats together to make a single mansion, now worth at least £7million•Sharif shares it with his two sons, his daughter and political heir-apparent Maryam and her husband’Further, the paper mentions: The family are also accused of using dirty money to buy at least 21 UK properties on top of the Avenfield flats, most at equally grand Central London locations, in Mayfair, Chelsea and Belgravia. The total value of the properties is estimated at at least £32 million.’ All the Sharifs added hugely to their wealth during periods when Nawaz was prime minister.’Sharif family has for years moved its money in and out of UK, Switzerland, the Middle East and the British Virgin Islands in order to conceal its dirty wealth. The properties are registered via a bewildering network of companies, trusts and bank accounts. ‘The flow of dirty money into the property market contributes to the wider issues of empty homes, and the distortion of developer priorities away from affordable housing and towards luxury properties,’ said Rachel Davies Teka, of global anti-corruption group Transparency International.Imran Khan has been raising the issue of the Avenfield flats since 1998, just after he first entered politics. He did a protest then outside those flats, saying these belong to Nawaz Sharif, and they were money laundered. Interviewed by the MoS at his hilltop estate near Islamabad, Khan said: ‘But you in Britain have to play your part. Corruption and money laundering that transfers wealth from poor countries to rich causes poverty and death. We have massive unemployment, 25 million children out of school and one of the highest child mortality rates in the world. I guess money laundering is making it more expensive for Londoners to buy houses. For us, the consequences are unethical, immoral, disastrous.’The web of the Sharifs’ British real estate portfolio has evidently been woven with the fabric of national exchequer by the three -time prime minister, Nawaz Sharif. The stark disparity between the family’s wealth and any known legitimate means of profit reflects the corruption of the Sharifs, who have failed to provide the real origin of the funds. These funds would have been used for poverty alleviation, education, healthcare and other national developmental tasks.
The verdict of the court on his corruption case is coming tomorrow on 6 July, which will hopefully a verdict of the mega-poor people of Pakistan.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
زرداری کے میٹر شاہ نے(صرف اپنی ذاتی کرپشن بچانے کے واسطے مک مکا کر کے نواز شریف بٹ اور اسکی حکو مت کا ساتھ دے کر نورا کشتی کرکے اور بہت سے موقعوں پر اس ....می نواز شریف بٹ کا کھلم کھلا ساتھ دے کر پنجاب اور سرحد میں پی پی کو ناقابل تلافی نقصان پونچایا اور نواز شریف بٹ ....می نسل نے بہت مکاری کے ساتھ پی پی کو میٹر شاہ کے ذرئعیے استمال کر کے نواز لیگ کو بچاتا رہا اور پی پی کو نقصان پوھنچاتا رہا اب بھی اگر زرداری نے اپنے بچاؤ کے دھوکے میں نواز شریف بٹ کا ساتھ دیا تو پھر تاریخ کے صفحات ہی میں پی پی کا ذکر ہوگا اور اگر نواز کے خلاف ڈٹے رہے تو اینٹی ضیاء اور اینٹی نواز اور پرو بھٹو ووٹ لے سکتا ہے پہلے بھی میٹر شاہ کی نورا اپوزیشن سے اصلی اپوزیشن کا ویکیوم پیدا ہونے کی وجہ سے پی ٹی آئی کو کامیابی ملی اور اینٹی ضیاء اور اینٹی نواز اور پرو بھٹو ووٹ بنک بھی پی ٹی آئی کے پاس چلا گیا اب بھی اگر میٹر شاہ کے مشوروں پر عمل کیا تو اور زیادہ نقصان ہوگا
