Nawaz has to make correct decision on army chief and urdu speaking people representation in power ci


Minister (2k+ posts)
PM Nawaz sharif has to do two important decisions in coming weeks , first is the decision of army chief .

Here choice depends on what is going to be Pakistan's relationship with India in the coming two years . If a battle has to take place is seems likely under circumstances then people with mainly fighting abilities have to be given precedence in promotion , if next two years are to be of detente with india which is unlikely then we need a less militant military chief . My view is that kashmir war is likely if Obama type strategists keep working under TRUMP and like 1965 facilitated by Chinese encouragement we might end up in war again in kashmir .

The second decision is of representation of Urdu speaking people . Will government leave them perpetually under MQM or its fractures parts , militancy being need of the urdu speakers under an opponent provincial government of old sindhis , or will urdu speakers demand Federal control of Karachi rather than karachi province. Would urdu speakers join PMLN in droves to press for karachi as federal province ?

I see no solution of karachi acceptable to sindhis and even federal province will be very hard to make of karachi , we might need to declare all provincial capitals as federal territory which might be a good step for law and order of peshawar and quetta as well , although nisar has not been able to run islamabad as crime free either.
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
اردو سپیکنگ کی بات کہاں سے آ گئی یہاں ، اگر آرمی چیف اردو سپیکنگ آ بھی گیا تو کیا ایم کیو ایم کو چھوڑ دے گا ؟؟


Minister (2k+ posts)
Nawaz will be in jail soon with his family so do not expect much from a looter/murderer

How you know ???? PMLn bringing 24amendment whose main theme is to appeal against SC decision. Which means you can appeal and then laydown to rest and keep continue to be PM for Pakistan for the rest of his term........Since they know 15 judges some of them must be BEGHERAT....some of them are Bako.......some of them zameer farosh and they will delay the case and this way NS can complete hist term......
Keep in mind PPPP is with PMLn to save F***** democracy.......they will not stand up to save country but they want to save eachother..........the People like Aitzaz, are all traitors......


MPA (400+ posts)
All those who live in Sindh are considered as citizen of Sindh and the state does not make any distinction between the people living in Sindh.The urdu speaking have the same rights and priveleges as the other inhabitants of Sindh.Therfore the term urdu speaking represenation in power circles is vague and needs some clarification.

mubarik Shah

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
>>>>>>> PMLn bringing 24amendment whose main theme is to appeal against SC decision.

Appeal to who??? Ayaz Sadiq??

Why they bother ...send all judges home and declare this country as the state of Sharif's....


Minister (2k+ posts)
To understand the dilemma of power representation of Urdu speakers one has to see what was the state of affairs in 1960s. Because of their sheer numbers in central government and Ayub government was centralized government , they had sufficient employment oppertumities and along with pashtun Punjabi dominated administration had determining say in federal government . The breaking of one unit brought anarchy , it severely curtailed Urdu speaking people power gradually . PPP and Bhutto inspired language riots uprooted their power in sindh as well .The hinterland sindh uprising under Zia of some old Sindhi supported by PPP and India , made a case for supporting Urdu speakers as insurance against sindh seperation , as Pakistan was not nuclear by then and Russia on one side in Afghanistan and India on the other meant serious dangers . Like most projects this too was bungled by Junejo and blame went to Zia . Karachi instead of seeing strong party of modern type got into mafia like extremists influenced by India ,Britain and shias what is called as MQM , Musharaf appointment aggravated the situation and Urdu elite was permanently side lined in politics and killers took up power. After military operation what is needed is a good active less militant and more nationally integrated party for sindh , job quotas need fresh census , one way is declaring Karachi federal province , this will give protection to Urdu speakers without having militant parties like MQM from others .Militant parties running cities is incompatable with modern rich city dogma of administration . Today Urdu speakers are completely sidelined in federal issues of importance ,
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Senator (1k+ posts)
Where the Urdu speaking has come from. If you are to discuss them let me point out one thing. There has been no Sindhi got to the position of general since independence let alone COAS or CMLA. Where as We have seen two Urdu speaking COAS and one worst dictator. What else are you demanding.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Where the Urdu speaking has come from. If you are to discuss them let me point out one thing. There has been no Sindhi got to the position of general since independence let alone COAS or CMLA. Where as We have seen two Urdu speaking COAS and one worst dictator. What else are you demanding.

Zia was semi urdu speaking not UP , CP type , he was not a worse dictator , the only reason we can face India today is because of nuke , the work of zia , ishaq and Qadeer khan . you may believe in multiparty democracy which favours political super class , the media barons and feudals , not us the technocrats and tax paying business class , we infact like just dictators.

The decision of next army chief has to depend on Modi's intentions , if he wants war we need fighting type general similar to Raheel , if not we need one who can focus on internal disorder and law problems.

Karachi urdu speaking issue is unsolved from power sharing point if view.

Sindhis initially were not interested in military careers but now this is changing .


Senator (1k+ posts)
Zia was semi urdu speaking not UP , CP type , he was not a worse dictator , the only reason we can face India today is because of nuke , the work of zia , ishaq and Qadeer khan . you may believe in multiparty democracy which favours political super class , the media barons and feudals , not us the technocrats and tax paying business class , we infact like just dictators.

The decision of next army chief has to depend on Modi's intentions , if he wants war we need fighting type general similar to Raheel , if not we need one who can focus on internal disorder and law problems.

Karachi urdu speaking issue is unsolved from power sharing point if view.

Sindhis initially were not interested in military careers but now this is changing .

I am not talking about Zia. I am talking about Mirza Aslam Baig (He was COAS)' and Perwez Mussharaf (First COAS and then CMLA in the garb of CEO).
