Nawaz and government should not participate in attempts by SCCJ Nasir ul Mulk to provide cover to I


Minister (2k+ posts)
PMLN and government should not actively participate in the effort of Supreme court CJ Nasir ul Mulk to try to save Mr.Imran Khan and TUQ from section 6 treason trial commencement about which interior minister hinted indirectly but not specifically saying so.

SC judges as saqib Nisar , Nasir ul Mulk are trying to provide a cover under the garb of solution and reconciliation via court. If PMLN will accede to this trap and with two remaining adversaries still in field , i.e the agencies and US Iran alliance outside and PPP , MQM inside , this will give time to conspirators to regroup who are now off balance after robust police action, and allegations of PTI president Mr.Javed Hashmi which is strong evidence against Imran of treason trial.

If Army chief will not take action against those agency people who create great commotions for little political benefit for army and damage the stability of state and the economy , and something which they have done thrice in recent years , i.e Hafsa issue , CJ restoration issue and recent Imran khan augmentation black hole issue , then he himself will kicked out like Musharaf was by a previous intelligence chief.

The battle has not ended at all, only Imran has been comprehensively defeated , and completely uprooted , but his main supporters will not give up and will either govern sharif brothers and uproot them and it will not take them more than a few weeks or at best months unless Nawaz , Shebaz start seriously giving benefit to people. The two brothers are not fatally but definitely critically wounded.

Nawaz must appoint proper team of technocrats and economic experts in Power sector and he must announce power subsidies and ignore understanding with IMF or defer them if needed.

He must solve issue of CNG and load shedding .

He must initiate measures to reduce food prices in the country , and must do it soon .

He must get rid of current Supreme court and reduce age of retirement of Sc judges to 60 years and same with high courts , to bring it at par with civil service and reduce the salaries of judges touching fifteen lac a month for basically an LLB .

To improve law and order in cities he must recruit from urban domiciles special prosecutors from not only lawyers but retired senior civil servants and some other sections of society. Too young persons should not be appointed as magistrates.

Civil servants are not at all happy with recent salary raise by ishaq dar , this needs immediate raise.

All the above measures cannot assure survival of Nawaz but the recent offer of reconciliation by Saudi king with USA via invitation to essentially replace IS with some proper sunni administration with help of Turkey and Egypt might lower the temperature between US Iran alliance and the sunni block of middle east whereby Sunni block has previously essentially ousted Obama favourites in Egypt , Turkey , Iraq and Gaza . Iran recently demolarised from defeat in Iraq and Gaza and sensing regime fall in Syria has approached Saudia for some middleway it seems , this will lower tension in Pakistan too and may be Nawaz too survives as Pakistan army was not interested in siding with any of the two blocks anyway as it is not in the long term interest of Pakistan. That is the main reason which is why despite full force of agencies and PPP and MQM and US surrogates in PTI , the remove Nawaz campaign has failed as predicted by me long time back . But this failure of agencies is temporary as essential power sharing theorems of Pakistan remain intact . Army has no better economic performer than Nawaz and Nawaz is running state in a laid back approach which is not good for Pakistan and him.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Well, if the logic is to put political opposition to trial under article 6, then we salute you. Sanity RIP.
May be you need to listen Aitizaz Ahsan before spending efforts on writing this.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Shaikh tera hazma khraab hay

kisi achay hakeem ku dikha

aur agr mrz brqrar rahay to pshychiatrist kay paas chala ja.


Minister (2k+ posts)
what are you writng....your story based on one person who is mentally retarded and changes his statements. Treason case against IK (i M anot IK fan) how about this parliment these all in the parliment are traitors and their are proof for this and these people know. That is why they are trying to crush IK. But remember Lie never prevails. May be they will win now for short time but you will see things will unfold soon and NS and his F**king parliment (which he called democracy) this stupid parliment which can not give anything to the people who send them in this building, will be history.


Minister (2k+ posts)
in main Musharaf, Adnan Rashid aur malik ishaq ko saza dainay ka tappr hay ? IK ko saza dayn gay


Voter (50+ posts)
Utter disappointment to read your article. It reflects the mind set of the nation and I feel fortunate not being among such mentalities. Do you think MNS has the ability and skills to do what you suggested? Do you think Dar has the ability to run the financial affairs without help of IMF? By the way what about the billions looted and put in swiss banks? what should MNS do about this? I am not here to favour just one man however I must say, what exactly IK is saying that you are not agreeing with? Under constitution, you and I have been given rights to protest and ask for resignation from the government. We have a right to file cases against them if we have proofs. If the courts, institutions, ECP is under government , what do I do? live with it? well You may but some dont and we respect who dont


Minister (2k+ posts)
Utter disappointment your article. It reflects the mind set of the nation and I feel fortunate not being among such mentalities. Do you think MNS has the ability and skills to do what you suggested? Do you think Dar has the ability to run the financial affairs without help of IMF? By the way what about the billions looted and put in swiss banks? what should MNS do about this? I am not here to favour just one man however I must say, what exactly IK is saying that you are not agreeing with? Under constitution, you and I have been given rights to protest and ask for resignation from the government. We have a right to file cases against them if we have proofs. If the courts, institutions, ECP is under government , what do I do? live with it? well You may but some dont and we respect who dont

One of the great tragedies of Pakistan is that skillfil part of population looks at unskilled part the politicians for improvement in their lot .I have never supported democracy because in Islamic doctrine justice and wisdom is more important than mere consensus. Most politicians of Pakistan are nothing beyond plots ,cars ,transfers, sex and wine , only a few persons like Nawaz or Ishaq Dar are in politics who think about strategy or value of rupee . See Gilani , unbothered except about his suits ,trips and rest .


Voter (50+ posts)
I think it is very easy to say looking at the stock market and the fake predictions of dollar coming down. I want to know why Saudi put money in state bank ? what was the purpose? Why dont Ishaq Dar explain why he lied about GDP growth? If you notice, there is not a single energy meeting which is without Nawaz and Co. As you know, business is the leading profession in Pakistan due to years of corruption and politics based employment in instituitions. PMLN is business oriented organisation hence corruption is focussed in Energy sector , import and export. PPP is a commission based party, they dont care if you open a night club , they just need commission. PMLN creates opportunities hence people notice someothing positive. A motorway is a motorway for a common man. They dont care why it cost 10 billions whereas it should have costed 2 billions. Nendipur project, yellow cab, motorway etc etc and now the youth loan scheme was for business oriented people. Please tell me what happened to yellow cabs? Nendipur project? what is actually happening with tax payer money which was given to youth for business? I am not here to criticise everything ofcourse there are individual efforts however overall Pakistan is on the losing side and my heart bleeds.
