B Bilal Raza Prime Minister (20k+ posts) May 14, 2019 #1 Featured Thumbs https://i.imgur.com/LdvbGjm.jpg
Munawarkhan Chief Minister (5k+ posts) May 14, 2019 #3 IMF will soon hire Najm Sethi as replacement of Baqir Reza
shafali Chief Minister (5k+ posts) May 14, 2019 #4 اچھا یہ 35 پنکچر لگانے والا جرنلسٹ بھی ہے واہ جی واہ ہرفن مولا
disgusted Chief Minister (5k+ posts) May 14, 2019 #5 Sethi's wife Jugnu was advising Bhagori qatari kababkhor and managed to sink the whole tabbar of Ganja lohars. Take Sethi's advice and do the exact opposite. You will always be successful.
Sethi's wife Jugnu was advising Bhagori qatari kababkhor and managed to sink the whole tabbar of Ganja lohars. Take Sethi's advice and do the exact opposite. You will always be successful.
N !n5aNiTy Minister (2k+ posts) May 14, 2019 #6 Tu pehlee awam konsa ayashi ker rahee thee economist dee putar...