recently i tried to renew my ID card and i have been unfortunate enough to spend my entire life in this unjust country i am phobic of clerks and government offices,who humilate you beyond your wildest imaginations if you dont bribe them or use safarish..
but some "optimistic" people told me that the time of your collage university days matric pass clerks is over and now in nadra and passport office educated BA pass youth have been recruited who are courteous and do not humilate you that much.
but were these optimist people wrong!now i fondly remember those matric pass clerks of govt offices!who atleast pained you to a degree,but than did your work.but these "educated" youth of nadra and passport office etc humilate you so much and make you so much zaleel that you remember hell and naar e jahannum the entire time you are in their office.
first their are touts of these nadra and passport office workers,who demand from you 5 to 10 thousand to make "urgent" passport of ID card via "pawa" channel...and if you are mad enough not to bribe them or not go in these offices by some safarish channel than you are "SCREWED" badly so that after few weeks of zalalat you start contemplating to leave pakistan and move to tribes where no ID card etc is required..
these "educated" youth of nadra and passport office are so cruel and so zalim that i have never seen such zalim people in my life.if you did not bribe them or you went without safarish than they will humilate you in unmentionable ways.first day i remained in unbreathable humidity standing upright for 14 hours straight!i got high fever and remained on bed for days,.they kept delaying my very easy document work longer and longer .for no reason at all.once i managed to attest the documents in 2 weeks the nadra guy told me to attest these documents again due to some "minor" glitch...and when i went there again they said that sorry,you got the forms at 8 pm night so again come at 8 pm night (but they were accepting the farms of other pawa and bribe payers)
after weeks of hard work i am thinking to forget it all as no Allah fearing man has any place in paksitan .so one should say good by to this nation as soon as possible.before hammer hits this unjust system and spares no one...
than i remembered a hadeeth....prophet (s a w ) said that make ease for people ,and dont create difficulties for people
prophet (s a w )also said that in end times most of your kids will not be yours,but they wil belong to satan (they have satans seed in them ).sahaba raziallah unhum asked that how will we know which children are ours and which are satans children if we are in that time? prophet replied that you will differentiate satans children by lack of hiya (sharam or modesty) and lack of rehem (lack of mercy)....
now seeing at present generation all i see is absolute lack of hiyaa and lack of mercy!!!so who are these children anyway and whose nasal they are really?point to ponder
may Allah free his pious people from this system of zulm soon .amen.!
but some "optimistic" people told me that the time of your collage university days matric pass clerks is over and now in nadra and passport office educated BA pass youth have been recruited who are courteous and do not humilate you that much.
but were these optimist people wrong!now i fondly remember those matric pass clerks of govt offices!who atleast pained you to a degree,but than did your work.but these "educated" youth of nadra and passport office etc humilate you so much and make you so much zaleel that you remember hell and naar e jahannum the entire time you are in their office.
first their are touts of these nadra and passport office workers,who demand from you 5 to 10 thousand to make "urgent" passport of ID card via "pawa" channel...and if you are mad enough not to bribe them or not go in these offices by some safarish channel than you are "SCREWED" badly so that after few weeks of zalalat you start contemplating to leave pakistan and move to tribes where no ID card etc is required..
these "educated" youth of nadra and passport office are so cruel and so zalim that i have never seen such zalim people in my life.if you did not bribe them or you went without safarish than they will humilate you in unmentionable ways.first day i remained in unbreathable humidity standing upright for 14 hours straight!i got high fever and remained on bed for days,.they kept delaying my very easy document work longer and longer .for no reason at all.once i managed to attest the documents in 2 weeks the nadra guy told me to attest these documents again due to some "minor" glitch...and when i went there again they said that sorry,you got the forms at 8 pm night so again come at 8 pm night (but they were accepting the farms of other pawa and bribe payers)
after weeks of hard work i am thinking to forget it all as no Allah fearing man has any place in paksitan .so one should say good by to this nation as soon as possible.before hammer hits this unjust system and spares no one...
than i remembered a hadeeth....prophet (s a w ) said that make ease for people ,and dont create difficulties for people
prophet (s a w )also said that in end times most of your kids will not be yours,but they wil belong to satan (they have satans seed in them ).sahaba raziallah unhum asked that how will we know which children are ours and which are satans children if we are in that time? prophet replied that you will differentiate satans children by lack of hiya (sharam or modesty) and lack of rehem (lack of mercy)....
now seeing at present generation all i see is absolute lack of hiyaa and lack of mercy!!!so who are these children anyway and whose nasal they are really?point to ponder
may Allah free his pious people from this system of zulm soon .amen.!
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