R Rameez Chaudhry Prime Minister (20k+ posts) Jul 27, 2015 #1 Featured Thumbs https://z-n.ak.fbcdn.net/sphotos-g.ak/hphotos-ak-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/11223855_1607867446153401_5671947652297137489_n.jpg?oh=130365efbf32a7d6ae57e8c6ace8e30f&oe=5655E8FF&__gda__=1444155007_6cd30e4c7ff4d37af2a717a33eefd728
Pak1stani Prime Minister (20k+ posts) Jul 27, 2015 #2 India Killing Pakistanis while Narindra League sending Mangoes. Will Narendra League also condemn NS Brother Modi for Killing of Pakistanis?
India Killing Pakistanis while Narindra League sending Mangoes. Will Narendra League also condemn NS Brother Modi for Killing of Pakistanis?
T ThirdUmpireFinger Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Jul 27, 2015 #4 I think PMLn has right to criticise Bonga Khan who kept barking like a mental dog from container. Also, after hundred U truns PTI supporters are now used to get some Bezti.
I think PMLn has right to criticise Bonga Khan who kept barking like a mental dog from container. Also, after hundred U truns PTI supporters are now used to get some Bezti.