
Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

I am livid with Pakistani Journalists after the news that Christina Lamb never contacted by anyone regarding the Arsalan Scandal.
I think someone has to convey the feelings of so many disappointed and angry Pakistanis to them. I have taken the initiative to write some tweets to selected few, with IK also included in the tweets. IK name is sullied by JC in today's column, I therefore have given IK suggestions to sue JC and claim hefty damages from him.

It is about time, instead of leveling false accusations these Journalists should be held responsible for what they say and write.
Enough is enough.

I request all of us to assert pressure on them, they need to behave responsibly. We have to save our beloved Pakistan, otherwise we would all regret it. We have lost one part already, thanks to interference from India.

Pakistan's enemies are at it again, this time, they all have ganged up. It is not India alone, it is USA and some say also Israel. We should look at the statements given by Paneta.

We know the elections are nearing in USA, not only in Pakistan. USA would try its best to pressurise Pakistan before the Elections for Obama to win again. We cannot allow our useless and corrupt Journalists to destroy Pakistan, because of enemies of Pakistan or from their own stupidity and greed.
Please read from bottom towards top, thanks.

We have to stand together and make sure no harm comes to Pakistan. Thank you all.

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Senator (1k+ posts)
read from bottom to top,
make a story, publish and share them on twitter, it is hard to understand when somebody gets lots and lots of tweets from others


MPA (400+ posts)

I am livid with Pakistani Journalists after the news that Christina Lamb never contacted by anyone regarding the Arsalan Scandal.
I think someone has to convey the feelings of so many disappointed and angry Pakistanis to them. I have taken the initiative to write some tweets to selected few, with IK also included in the tweets. IK name is sullied by JC in today's column, I therefore have given IK suggestions to sue JC and claim hefty damages from him.

It is about time, instead of leveling false accusations these Journalists should be held responsible for what they say and write.
Enough is enough.

I request all of us to assert pressure on them, they need to behave responsibly. We have to save our beloved Pakistan, otherwise we would all regret it. We have lost one part already, thanks to interference from India.

Pakistan's enemies are at it again, this time, they all have ganged up. It is not India alone, it is USA and some say also Israel. We should look at the statements given by Paneta.

We know the elections are nearing in USA, not only in Pakistan. USA would try its best to pressurise Pakistan before the Elections for Obama to win again. We cannot allow our useless and corrupt Journalists to destroy Pakistan, because of enemies of Pakistan or from their own stupidity and greed.
Please read from bottom up, thanks.

We have to stand together and make sure no harm comes to Pakistan. Thank you all.

chief I tried to add you on twitter but failed,, add me @sjimam so i can add u back???


Councller (250+ posts)
Mr Crank you have a habit of blaming everything on third parties. Until a week ago you were so much against SCP and CJP and blaming them for all the problems in Pakistan and now suddenly you are putting all blames on journalists like Ansar Abbasi (who is the best investigative journalist in Pakistan). Why dont you ever blame real culprits, thugs and corrupt politicians?? Is your MO is to distract people from real things??


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Mr Crank you have a habit of blaming everything on third parties. Until a week ago you were so much against SCP and CJP and blaming them for all the problems in Pakistan and now suddenly you are putting all blames on journalists like Ansar Abbasi (who is the best investigative journalist in Pakistan). Why dont you ever blame real culprits, thugs and corrupt politicians?? Is your MO is to distract people from real things??

My criticism of SCP and CJ was justified, they were not tough enough to take care of the political crooks. The evidence of non-compliance with SCP orders by PPP is there for everyone to see. Do you have any doubts?
Criticism for implementation doesn't mean, SCP should be compromised.

I am not criticising AA only, in the message I have used "Journalists" as a combined force and written many in talk shows and in writing made comments which are now negated by Christina. It is a fact.

AA definitely said in many places he and Aitzaz persuaded MR not to break the scandal in foreign press, it would be too damaging for Pakistan. You should listen to the videos of different programs AA appeared in recent days. No one else made this claim, other said they have seen the evidence. He is the one who meet MR 5 times to check and recheck the evidence and ask questions. Other have only seen the evidence once.
Therefore, he bears more responsibilities to misguide Pakistani nation. I rightly pointed that out to him. It is not only him, but Aitzaz never denied what AA was saying or writing. By implications of silence, he became party to this lie as well.

I have also written many have perjured themselves in SCP. This was the direct reference to HM, KK and Sehbai, who have either appeared or given statement to the SCP. Earlier I have already written separate tweets to HM pointing to his remarks in a program and telling him by not disclosing in SCP such fact that MR told him CJ himself is blackmailing him. If he has said this in the SCP, Arsalan wouldn't have been in the dock, but MR would have been charged for bringing the Judiciary into disrepute. It is different from the charges faced by Arsalan. I wrote to HM he should be recalled by SCP and charged for perjury.

My friend, I don't write anything in thin air. I can back up everything I write. These are not allegations either but questions and remarks based on what has already happened, i.e. based on facts. Don't you ever think for a second that what I write could be challenged by many. I am very well aware of legal implications of what one writes.

Contrary to me, our Journalists are careless, evidence are to numerous.

You are wrong my friend, I criticise and blame the politicians all the time. But the politicians are quite on this issue, not many are making statements. I have already wrote Zardari's hand is behind it all. Please read everything I write before blaming me, thank you.
