please don't fight in election. U may get hurt or hurt someone lol .I hope u contest election and win it and help people getting out of troubles . best of luck .you will win lotto one day. never give up and keep on buying until u win it :)
You got a point there pal, good catch LOL
Its my Iman and every Muslim;s Iman that I am gonna die ONLY ONCE and WHEN He (swt) wants me back. Then why not do something good for the Ummah per chance my sins are washed off in return and I become deserving of shafa'ah from aqa (s.a.w) Ameen
I can do in three years provided I have the power that I will be after (not necessarily in the same order, or start working on ALL at the same time).
1. Eradicate corruption
2. Fix police culture
3. Eradicate or reduce fohashi, casual sex, and other western 'amenities'
4. Land reform - eliminate wadera and jageer dari system (this may take longer than three years)
5. Eliminate riba/interest system of banking.
6. bring free and quick justice system
all others are at lower priorities.
یا رب دل مسلم کو تمنّ دے +++ جو خون کو گرما جو روح کو تڑپا دے