Muslims in India accused of 'corona jihad' | DW Report


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
کہاں ہے شیطان مدنی مولوی کی شکل کا لعنتی شیطان جمیعت علما ہند کا فراڈیا جو حرامی نطفہ بھونکتا تھا کہ مودی کشمیر می جو لاک ڈاؤن اور ظلم کر رہا ہے ییہ اس مسلے میں پوری ترہ مودی کے ساتھ ہے یہ حرام زادہ گشتی کا نطفہ یہ بھی بھونکتا تھا کہ وہ اور اسکی حرامی جماعت جمعیت علما ہند پوری ترہ مودی کے اس ظلم کی حمایت کرتی ہے وہ حرام زدہ یہ بھو بھونکتا تھا کہ انڈین مسلمانو ں کے بارے می پاکستانیوں یا پاکستان کے حکمرانوں یا کسی بھی اور حکومت ایران ترکی سمیت کسی کو بھی انکے معاملے میں بولنے کی ضرورت نہیں اور اسس حرام زادے نے ترکی ایران اور پاکستان کی کشمیر کے مسلے پر لاک ڈاؤن پر بولنے کی پر زور مذمت بھی کی تھی یہ حرام زادہ گشتی زادہ بھونکتا تھا کہ وہ اور اسکی جماعت مسلمانوں کے مسلے خود ھل کرے گی اور وہ اور اسکی جماعت نے پہلے بھی مودی کا ساتھ دیا ابّ بھی دے گی ، ابّ کہاں اپنی ما کی ...... میں گھسسا ہوا ہے یہ فراڈیا مدنی اب کیوں نہیں بھونک رہا اب کیوں نہیں مسلمانو ں کو بچا رہا خنزیر کا نطفہ مدنی


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
اپنی شہ رگ چھڑوانے کے قابل نہیں مدنی اور اویسی کو گالیاں دے کر مطمئن ہو جاتے ہیں


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
بڑے حرام خور اور مودی کو اپنی ماں کا خصم بنانے والوں کے پچھواڑے می بہت تکلیف ہوتی ہے


President (40k+ posts)
Unfortunately, we are also blaming muslim pilgrims bringing the virus from Iran???

Fortunately, our media and government is not inflaming the anger against those pilgrims.



(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Unfortunately, we are also blaming muslim pilgrims bringing the virus from Iran???

Fortunately, our media and government is not inflaming the anger against those pilgrims.
کرونا کو تبلیغی رونا بنانے کی انھتک کوشش جاری ہے

Wake up Pak

President (40k+ posts)
all Muslim countries should deport all Indian Hindus in reaction to Modi govt and Hindutua terrorist brutalities against innocent Muslims in India.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Indian Muslims are slaves of their country. They need to kiss the ass of Modi and his chum's as much as possible to save their women! Even bashing Pakistan is not good enough anymore for these Hindunised so called Muslims. Nonetheless, it is only common sense to remain in quarantine in such times if they had any sense. The Rasoolullah(SAW) told us to tie our camel's first before making salat. Do not associate Indian Muslim sellouts and cowards with Pakistanis, we chose independence where as they did slavery. Now they should go to Abul Kalam's grave to tell him how Quaid Jinnah was right!


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Indian Muslims are slaves of their country. They need to kiss the ass of Modi and his chum's as much as possible to save their women! Even bashing Pakistan is not good enough anymore for these Hindunised so called Muslims. Nonetheless, it is only common sense to remain in quarantine in such times if they had any sense. The Rasoolullah(SAW) told us to tie our camel's first before making salat. Do not associate Indian Muslim sellouts and cowards with Pakistanis, we chose independence where as they did slavery. Now they should go to Abul Kalam's grave to tell him how Quaid Jinnah was right!
? ? ? ? ?


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Indian Muslims are slaves of their country. They need to kiss the ass of Modi and his chum's as much as possible to save their women! Even bashing Pakistan is not good enough anymore for these Hindunised so called Muslims. Nonetheless, it is only common sense to remain in quarantine in such times if they had any sense. The Rasoolullah(SAW) told us to tie our camel's first before making salat. Do not associate Indian Muslim sellouts and cowards with Pakistanis, we chose independence where as they did slavery. Now they should go to Abul Kalam's grave to tell him how Quaid Jinnah was right!

tum log pahle pakistan me rahne wale shia , muhajir , hindu , masihi , sikh , qadiani ki badhali par aansoo baha lo phir india par tabsara karna .

pakistani shias were blamed and hounded for corona virus .


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
hazzam Tum hamari fikr mat karo. We may have problems but they are nothing comapred to what you have. Now go and lick the boots of your Brahmins before they rape your sisters!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Indian so called Muslim's are always begging Pakistanis to care for them. Fact is most Pakistanis don't give a shit about them. I have no love and sympathy for these pigs so let Modi do whatever he wants with them. I love seeing them beaten up and getting the shit kicked out of them? They think we love and care about them when nothing could be further from the truth.There ugly women think Pak men fancy them, keep dreaming you ugly whores!
