Muslim group Minhaj ul-Quran runs 'anti-terrorism' camp in UK

Knowledge Seeker

Senator (1k+ posts)
Muslim group Minhaj ul-Quran runs 'anti-terrorism' camp
By Dominic Casciani
BBC News home affairs correspondent


Dr Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri says he feels it is his duty to "save" young Muslims from extremism

A Muslim group has opened what it calls the UK's first summer camp against terrorism.

The three-day event in Coventry is expected to see more than 1,000 young Muslims at sessions teaching religious arguments to use against extremists.

The event has been organised by the Minhaj ul-Quran to promote a fatwa, or religious ruling, against terrorism by its leader Dr Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri.

Dr Qadri launched the fatwa in London in March.

'Spiritual war'

Opening the summer camp, Dr Qadri told the audience - predominantly made up of British Muslims - to reject al-Qaeda and its "cancer" that was spreading through their faith.

He told them to embrace being British and do all that they could to build a safe and secure society by using sound theological arguments to confront any extremists that they meet.

The populist Pakistani cleric's 600-page theological study is billed by his followers as the most comprehensive and clear denunciation of the arguments deployed by jihadists to justify violence including suicide bombings and the targeting of civilians.

The summer camp at Warwick University will concentrate on this document and will include debates and talks.

Participants are being asked to join "a spiritual war" against al-Qaeda's recruiters.

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I feel it is my duty to save the younger generation from radicalisation and wave of terroristic recruitment in the West
Dr Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri

Minhaj ul-Quran, the international organisation set up by the cleric, argues that many traditional Muslim organisations have been too timid in taking on jihadist ideology, unintentionally leaving youngsters bewildered and susceptible to brainwashing.

The organisation, which is expanding in the UK, argues that there has to be a more public stand against extremism, underpinned by a sound understanding of what Islam says about violence.


Speaking ahead of the event's launch, the cleric said: "I have announced an intellectual and spiritual war against extremism and terrorism. I believe this is the time for moderate Islamic scholars who believe in peace to stand up."

"I feel it is my duty to save the younger generation from radicalisation and wave of terroristic recruitment in the West."

Dr Qadri, now based in Canada, is not the first preacher to speak out against terrorism - but his followers hope his fatwa will become the most influential document in circulation.

The UK's largest umbrella body, the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), has repeatedly called together scholars and preachers to denounce extremism.

But critics say that some of the MCB's leaders have no moral authority to preach to youngsters because they have been equivocal about violence in the Middle East.


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Minister (2k+ posts)
I know lots of our friends have their reservations on this event.

I will appreciate all members to hope and pray, our youth will learn the right path and learn the lesson of Quran teaching. Insha Allah.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Better to educate people about Quran, Because Quran is the text book for us by God. for every one.

Sunnat is practicle book.No one is doing this.

Knowledge Seeker

Senator (1k+ posts)
Jazak Allah for your comments.

Al-Hidayah UK & EU is a sub-organisation of Minhaj-ul-Quran International UK which aims to bring about spiritual and educational renewal of individuals through the means of the Qur'an and the Way (Sunnah) of the Beloved Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Through this renewal, individuals will be able to achieve balance and moderation in their personalities in order to live purposeful and wholesome lives in their societies as well as fulfil their primordial trust with their Creator.

Al Hidayah residential retreat started back in 2004-2005 with its first event in Glasgow which attracted more than 150 young people and each year the number of participants doubled. In 2009 Al Hidayah was participated by 1200 young people.

Al Hidayah 2010 is expecting 1300 young people 80% of them between the age group of 14-35 and it is a unique and one of the first anti-terror camps in the UK. Al Hidayah 2010 aims to tackle extremism and clarify key concepts which British youth are currently facing including jihad, khilafah, terrorism etc.

Too often the younger generation, especially in the West, is exposed to shallow religious rhetoric in the guise of Islamic teachings. Al-Hidayah aims to rectify this by organising gatherings in the company of Islamic scholars who follow in the classical tradition of Islam. This will ensure that attractive slogans by extremists are rebutted and young Muslims are equipped with ideological arguments to counter extremists.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Better to educate people about Quran, Because Quran is the text book for us by God. for every one.

Sunnat is practicle book.No one is doing this.

Can you please explain what did you say? "Sunnat is practicle book.No one is doing this."

sarbakaf - Blogger
Good work
one question we need education against terrorism in uk or pakistan ?
which one is more effected UK or pakistan.
Where are youth joining terrorists UK or Pak?

or is UK govt sponsoring such an event........?????????//

Zaidi Qasim

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Good work
one question we need education against terrorism in uk or pakistan ?
which one is more effected UK or pakistan.
Where are youth joining terrorists UK or Pak?

or is UK govt sponsoring such an event........?????????//

I am also Curious to know the answer of this question. Obviously , they will say no as an anwser which I understand why.It is indeed a tragedy of this propotion that our ulmas are also divided on the need of such a camp and the location of the camp.There is always a chance that foreign power can highjack such an event which may be done with all the sincerity of those who are behind it. It is also notable that since these organizations are situated in west and try to establish themselves there, Their silence on the atrocities of the western forces in far lands, like Iraq and Afghanistan, and their quiteness of westerns sympathizers in Israel torturing the people there for years raising very valid question regarding the need of this convention while only addressing the percieved muslim terrorism. I have yet to hear a speech strongly critisizing the western barbaric bomabrdment and violence on the land of Afghanistan, Iraq and soon to be Iran from these ulams.It is very convenient for them to exercise this right ( which is also shrined in our basic education) on large scale to look good in the eyes of the west and the same time reminding our youth( who have born and raised in the west and know their cunning ways) not to even express their feelings or possibly hide them in order to please the powerful west.

I think( in my humble opinion) that we need such a campagne against our own leaders who are working as foreign agents and keeping their interest upfront. We need to mobilize our youth in Pakistan and we should spend time and energies within Pakistan to tackle this issue at home first.


I know lots of our friends have their reservations on this event.

I will appreciate all members to hope and pray, our youth will learn the right path and learn the lesson of Quran teaching. Insha Allah.

I think best way would be to visit them, share your reservations and get their views.


Good work
one question we need education against terrorism in uk or pakistan ?
which one is more effected UK or pakistan.
Where are youth joining terrorists UK or Pak?

or is UK govt sponsoring such an event........?????????//

A very good question..........realy nice one bcs its a genuine question.
In UK where there are misconceptions about Islam.Its better that the people of UK should know that people of pakistan are working against extremism and terrorism through religion also.

It will also counter the propaganda being run against muslims that their sentiments against the west are getting more and more against the west and this mind set is growing and more young muslims are more attracted to the revengefull type of thinking than moderate one.Its just to educate the youth about the Fatwa and the arguments on the bases of which this extremism is against islam.the youth needs to know why someone says suicide bombing is haram they have the right to ask and know the arguments based on quranic ayats and ahadyt.

This type of events are good alot of people will learn much about islam and it will also clear misconceptions about islam from minds of many people.

thats the UK part coming to pakistan this fatwa against terrorism is thereوی)-Fatwa: Suicide Bombing and Terrorism.html but we pakistanies do not bother to read it what it says and how on the bases of Quran and Ahadyt this fatwa is issued.we don't care ,
what we care here is that ok who gave this fatwa.......
1-Dr. tahir ul qadri oooh he is my favourite he is right very good nice work...........

2-tahir ul qadri i don't believe him i don't like him he might have done this to gain popularity.........

3-tahir ul qadri barelvi..........oh man he tried to impress his masters you see alot of media coverage given to him he has definetly taken dollars and pounds to give this fatw.......

4-tahir ul qadri .......he is mushrik he is an american supporter he is against our brothers fighting against america he is a murtid a traitor vajib ul qatl.

these are just a glimpse of whats the mind set in pakistan,in pakistan nobody cares what you are saying everybody cares who is saying.all the above cases when you ask them have you read the fatwa why you appritiate it or why you are against it answers can be guesd from their remarks on fatwa.

We have divided ourselves on the bases of selfcreated hate against each other thats why if tahir ul qadri sahab says some thing deobandies ,wahabies will never follow him not because his fatwa has some mistakes in it only because they have bughz against him bc he belongs to barelvies.

all those who follow him or agree with him you won't find a person supporting this extremism in any form.

thats why i ask tableeghi jamaat heads specially tariq jameel sahab that he is also called maulana so ve also need a verdict from him on this issue bcs people following him do not belief tahir ul qadri even if he is 100% right.

same would be the impact of mufti taqi usmani sahab,,,,,,and specially the jamia banori and jamia farooqia people.these will cover deoband maslak people.

still ther will be people who are not folloeing both of these groups allama ibtesaam ilahi zaheer ,allama sajid mer they should give their statement so that the ahle hadyt wahabi people also re position themselves.

A Few have given clear statements against this menace some of them have to lose their life for that but most of these people are reluctant to give a clear statement as a result of which people get misguided.

Knowledge Seeker

Senator (1k+ posts)
Good work
one question we need education against terrorism in uk or pakistan ?
which one is more effected UK or pakistan

Both Muslims and non-Muslims are living around the world so we need education against terrorism around the world wherever possible not only restricted to Pakistan only. Unfortunately, some people keep restricted their selves under the shell of School of thought from which they belong to and don't bother to appreciate the positive work of people from other schools of thought that is why whenever they get chance, they don't want to waste it to create fuss within Muslims about other schools of thought.

Where are youth joining terrorists UK or Pak?

In fact, The network of terrorists to recruit youngsters could be anywhere in the world. For your information, Minhaj ul Quran have been trying to create awareness about terrorism around the world as well as in Pakistan. Keep following their website ( sometimes and I hope that you will get educated if not satisfied.

or is UK govt sponsoring such an event........?????????//

Allahu A'alam Bis Sawaab. This is not fair to create doubts about religious gatherings based on assumptions. Just for your information, There are very concrete and irrefutable evidences of getting sponsorship from UK about other Schools of thought which are spreading hatred against Mainstream Muslims and Aulia Allah since recent centuries but for the sake of unity, I would not share it on this forum.

Finally, if you would read the information which I had provided in this thread earlier that Al Hidayah Camp is an annual religious event which has been taken place in UK since 2004-2005 every year. This year, Most emphasis will be on anti-terrorism approach.

Whether this camp of Minhaj Ul Quran or any other religious gathering of any school of thought, People living in western countries really know and understand the importance of such gatherings in order to provide children proper Islamic environment.


Dr Tahir ul Qadri the 'moderate' with anti-terrorism fatwa actually stipulates death penalty for Ahmadis;

For three days from November 14 to 17, 1985 Dr Qadri presented his arguments continuously before the Federal Sharia Court of Pakistan to determine the quantum of punishment to be awarded to a person guilty of contempt of the finality of the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him), an extremely delicate legal matter.
He established, on evidence from the Quran and Sunna, that a person guilty of contempt of the finality of the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) deserved death sentence and the punishment will be imposed as Hadd.
The act of contempt of the finality of the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) is a crime, which cannot be tolerated whether its commission is direct or indirect, intentional or un-intentional. The crime is so sanguine that even his repentance cannot exempt him from the penalty of death. Dr Qadri placed a massive array of arguments before the learned Court and particularly stressed the point that no lacuna should be allowed in the legal structure of an Islamic state to encourage this form of sacrilege.,+1985+Dr+Qadri&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk

Ammar isb

Councller (250+ posts)
Jihad and terrorism are now being used as interchangeable term, while partly the blame does fall upon the western media and analysts who fail to grasp the concept in its actual essence. The Muslims however have failed miserably to do their part as whenever the word jihad is uttered a breaded terrorist flaunts to our mind. This stereotype is reinforced by the mullahs who conveniently pay no attention to the other four principles of Islam and keep chanting the mantra of Jihad.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Being an active member for NATO (North Atl antic Terrorist Organization), UK has the opportunity to learn and review its association with this Terrorist Organization, next camp should be in America.
