Musharaf Getting Serious About His Party - Meeting with party workers in London (Full Video Added)


MPA (400+ posts)
People like Rashed Quranshi, Musharf and others in presents in Army will never leave Pakistan and Pakistani Polictics. this Dirts must be killed in revolation. these all must be hanged or Public themself do somthing about these Criminals. these are money makers. destoryed Pakistan. shame on so called Suppourters.


MPA (400+ posts)
es ko CIA or america ki back hia including UK, and ISI ki army ki. i remeber Cheif Jusctice recently said army still havent accept Indepence of Judaciary.

syed rizvi

sala qatil

Pakistanis will not leave this murderer alone.

kia ajeeb stories hoti hein pakistan. All the criminals and murderers want to do hukumrani on us.


If this nation can kill liaqat ali khan and choose Zardari as a president then no wonder more mircle will happen on this soil.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
We should look at our actions and ask forgiveness from Allah.

The Last Prophetpbuh requested Allah (SWT) to please not to destroy Muslims Ummah like the Ummahs of earlier prophets. Allah (SWT) granted the request. The actions (Aamaal) of Muslims in this age are even worse than the collective evils of previous ummahs. So what kind of punishment we can get? The current rulers and lot of politicians is one form of punishment. For such a nation like us Musharaf sort of leaders are very befitting until our nation asks forgiveness of its sins from Allah (SWT). I pray for all the people who unknowingly out their sheer innocence in the search of peace support such leaders. May Allah (SWT) guide us to the right path and enable to derive our guidance from Quran-O-Sunnah.
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
The best way to face him and his party is not to vote for them. But US is vigorously paving the way for him. They are for now grooming him. I guarantee that awam will be stupid enough to vote him again



Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Quiet a few suit n tie chamchas. They are hopeful for Ministerial jobs

Musharraf: I will not let you down

No you wont let them down but YES you will let down the nation

pakistan first

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Dear my all Anti Musharraf group,,,
I have not seen any serious logic behind to oppose Musharraf, may be Musharraf is not the best but when I saw the list of existing Pakistani politicians, I ranked Musharraf "the best". The judgment about his govt tenure is the econimy situation during his era. I hope Pakistan needs a leader like Musharraf, who may have the strength to take decission and later have courage to accept those actions. Inshallah time will come soon when we will have some realistic leader,like Musharraf, with wide vision who help us to convert Pakistan into a descent country.
Welcome Musharraf,,,,,,,,,,,


MPA (400+ posts)
a guy with wisdom and courage!
god bless him. he is 10000Xbetter than the current democratic setup.
goodluck to him on my behalf and i would like to see his party gain roots in pakistan! (Inshallah)


Ab ak aur London waly Pir aa rhy hain mrkt mai . . . . Banda acha hai bt dar dar k politics karny sy acha hai k Pk mai aa k politics kary . . . . . . . . :)


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Dear my all Anti Musharraf group,,,
I have not seen any serious logic behind to oppose Musharraf, may be Musharraf is not the best but when I saw the list of existing Pakistani politicians, I ranked Musharraf "the best". The judgment about his govt tenure is the econimy situation during his era. I hope Pakistan needs a leader like Musharraf, who may have the strength to take decission and later have courage to accept those actions. Inshallah time will come soon when we will have some realistic leader,like Musharraf, with wide vision who help us to convert Pakistan into a descent country.
Welcome Musharraf,,,,,,,,,,,

What are you joker or something? There are tonnes of logic, serious or not


Minister (2k+ posts)
Compare the economic condition of Musharraf's era with the economic condition of this current regime.
Musharraf's era was much much better. This is an open fact.

However, if people dont want to improve themselves and are happy with the bad economic conditions, then they can live happily in their conditions.
Its simple.

pakistan first

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
What are you joker or something? There are tonnes of logic, serious or not

Alhamdulillah, I am not joker but a very realistic person, I dont close the eyes and start to think that Allah (SWT) will send send angels from Jannat to rule Pakistan. Musharraf is a leader who could put us in right path,,,,, At the end I just wish that Almighty give you sense (at least common sense) to compare what is ground reality,,,,
WELCOME MUSHARRAF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


MPA (400+ posts)
Umeede pakistan

good home work musharruf
carry on
long live musharruf
long live pakistan

sub se pehle pakistan





staray khaatir

Minister (2k+ posts)
hi,i have been visiting these forums for quite a while now but never bothered to register or comment,though there has been quite a few occasions where i was thinking like participationg in the discussions but i cant just stop to talk about this shameless creature worried about the well being of pakistan and pakistanies.This man has been a total disaster for pakistan and he still can dream sorting out pakistan,s problems.this is utterly disgusting.
The reason he dared to think of a return to pakistan is partly because of our "corrupt to the teeth" politicians.This man has gone mad,this is because he is addicted to power and cant just live with it.
He can do 2 things only,1:day dreaming, 2:waste the wealth he looted from pakistani taxpayers.
keep dreaming,
