C Chaos agent Prime Minister (20k+ posts) Mar 29, 2016 #1 Featured Thumbs https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/10153766_1690868081186670_1742048156097712494_n.jpg?oh=3bb51f9b6517ddf6b787cc02fed9ee3b&oe=579426ED&__gda__=1468088389_1e9cc140516c9d258f5069256d83c8a2
S Star Gazer Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Mar 29, 2016 #2 I am glad to see that baloch are being asked about what is happening in Baluchistan. Most of these anchors are just using their all purpose all informed Experts which is shameful.
I am glad to see that baloch are being asked about what is happening in Baluchistan. Most of these anchors are just using their all purpose all informed Experts which is shameful.
S Star Gazer Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Mar 29, 2016 #3 After IK, AU and JT I think Sarfraz Bugti is the best politician I have heard talking with logic and clarity of thought.
After IK, AU and JT I think Sarfraz Bugti is the best politician I have heard talking with logic and clarity of thought.