Mubashar Luqman - An Agent of Establishment


Voter (50+ posts)
The primary goal of the Establishment is to crush the will of the people and rule the country unhindered. In this show Luqman is trying hard to protect Musharraf and the Establishment.

Luqman is an agent of the Establishment, his primary job is to discredit democracy. Remember the following :

1. He supported Musharraf unconditionally and became a part of his caretaker setup.

2. He was against the lawyers movement and he insulted the Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry on his show

His father worked for the establishment (in uniform) as well and much like so many other people who grew up in military families he is against democracy and wants the army to rule the country against the will of the people of Pakistan.
i think the civilized society we live in, it is not right to put forward baseless allegations without any proof whatsoever. Just because he said something or if he holds a certain opinion does not prove him to be an agent of anybody. I ve seen this several times on this forum that when one does not agree with the opinion of another they just call him an indian, israeli or establishment agent... many of the PPP leaders does not seem to be fond of CJP..whose agent r they? well thats a debatable issues... even i do not agree on a few stands taken by CJP (although having high respect for judiciary and being a part of legal family myself). So please, it is a humble request not to be so quick in holding such intrigue opinions about someone.. Much of Luqman's work is actually appreciable and he has spoken against Musharraf and Establishment quite a lot of times...


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Luqman is ill mannered person all the time.

He looks educated and smart but he is not...

He is just Horn... A big mouth...

Basically he is from film industry and Salman Taser entered him in TV anchor -ship.


Mubashir Luqman Zindabad. He is a great man who is not manipulative about facts, such criminals does not deserve any respect!

khan afghan1

Minister (2k+ posts)
we should not be naive about demorcracy in pakistan.We need peace and which is not possible under the corrupt parliment and president.all of them want to be above the law and they dont care bout people ,rule of law.if luqmn is the son of military establishment ho was baynazeer ,who is monas elahi,who is asfandyar wali.gohar ayoub khan,fazal rehman,samee ul haq. etc are they not democratic dectators.and now with the help of 18th amendment party leadership is more powefull than the state president and Prime minister ,in other words they are above the constitution,what a joke.shame on the parliment and politicians.


MPA (400+ posts)
such an absurd analysis. Just becuase he support MQM does not mean he is brought foward by establishment. It is not very difficult to fathom what Pakistani establishment is made up of and that definitely is not Luqman creed. If establishment would have been behind Musharaf he would not be going any where. Those who thinks democracy has power and people made change to Musharaf's regime they in my opinoin are day dreaming.

I do not support any political party in Pakistan. I am a supporter of the cause of Dr Israr but unfortunately he is no more with us. I do not indulge my self in political discussion on this forum but it gives me shivers when people due to their bias throw unconvincing and distrubing analysis. If a person is a theif you can not justify him to be a thug just becuase you your self is a theif ( this is just a parable so do not take it seriously).

If we stop adoring or abhoring people based on their affiliation with parties and start judging people based on their character in the light of Quran and Sunnah, we will be better placed as a nation and we will not have to go through the hysteria of establishment, army, agencies, landlords, sect, province etc. If we have people like these in the lime light then it is bceuase; based on the views of Dr Israr: the currently haunting Azab-e-ashgar that is a pre-cursor of more sever Azab-e-akbar that is eminent if we do not change our selves.


Senator (1k+ posts)
He is the only one who focuses on social issues along with the crappy politics.... He is the man...


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
The primary goal of the Establishment is to crush the will of the people and rule the country unhindered. In this show Luqman is trying hard to protect Musharraf and the Establishment.

Luqman is an agent of the Establishment, his primary job is to discredit democracy. Remember the following :

1. He supported Musharraf unconditionally and became a part of his caretaker setup.

2. He was against the lawyers movement and he insulted the Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry on his show

His father worked for the establishment (in uniform) as well and much like so many other people who grew up in military families he is against democracy and wants the army to rule the country against the will of the people of Pakistan.

regardless whether he is MQMer, he is just an anchorman. All anchormen, one way or the other, are liars, caniving, deceitful, and self serving. They are looking for increased rating to keep jobs. With over 60 Channels in Pak, all are doing the same. Some have subtle manner, some are straight rude and ruthless interviewers. Free media is a new thing in Pak. Perhaps the next generation of journalism will be better. There is no council to guide journalists, no regulatory agency.

I have noticed Lucman has made promise with few victims of the society saying ' I will mention this on this program every day until matter is resolved'. Then we never hear again.

He is just another anchorman trying to make a living at the expense of his sincerity and our emotions. I am not saying it because he is a MQMer. Its true for all anchorman. I find only two hosts that seem to be educated and fair to the guests - Moid Peerzada and Shahid Masood - others are just a nutcase. :banghead:


MPA (400+ posts)


Councller (250+ posts)
mubashar luqman is a curse to our independent media.

what a joke ...... !
Independent media is what always ..... Praise the politicians.
I have no idea whom you are referring to......"independent media." at least he shows the politicians their true face and let them understand that now there's no screwing up people anymore.

Watch your feet and have heart in admitting that we are now better aware about what politicians have done to pakistan since its independence.

He is the right man to lead the brinkmanship of powerful media to right off what mediocre role media had been playing in the past.
I salute him for taking risks to his life in exposing the most dangerous politicians in the world


Minister (2k+ posts)
I have tried to hate him many times but he comes back and surprises again and again. He has brought tears in my eyes more than anyone else in the media.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Apart from discussing the politics, he has raised some significant public / community issues in his programs and he should be given credit for that.

But when it comes to politics etc, there are clear cut indications about his partial nature. Like, very soft on media, would justify everything by saying that we are in the learning phase and will do just fine in future. And will always seem to give a message that Army is not to be blamed for anything . He does not let anyone talk about Gen Musharraf in a negative way. He uses derogatory language on air all the time for anyone except Army.

Its sad to see how people use Media to project their agenda and this clip is the clear indication of that. Though he raises question about CJ, he all together ignored the role of the federal and provincial government in that mayhem. His recent program with Humayun Gohar and Miss. Ansari was also another proof of his partial journalism. Perhaps he needs to understand that hes not the only one with the brain in Pakistan.
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Senator (1k+ posts)
Everyone has likes & dislikes

On the eve of by-elections NA-55, Hamid Mir in program Capital Talk put onus of Lal Masjid operation singularly on Sheikh Rasheed, he was well-supported by another well-known columnist Irfan Siddiqui, not only Sheikh Rasheed lost the election, Imran Khan's party candidate Ijaz Jaazi and Jamiat candidate got pathetic no. of votes around 1500 and 3000 respectively, and WHAT HAS COME ABOUT OF LAL MASJID ISSUE?? To THIS DAY ABSOLUTELY Nothing, then there is Mushtaq Minhas of Aaj TV who himself admits that he is biased towards Nawaz Sharif.
Mubasher Lucman is more straightforward and only talk show host who directly addresses corruption of military and civilian bureaucracy as well as politicians' nefarious activities. From fudging no.s of bidding parties giving away contracts to their 'favourite' bidder who mite have submitted more expensive 'bid' then others, to secret commissions and kickbacks politicians earn from, after seeing Mubasher Lucman's program I realized what corruption in Pakistan is and how it is committed in the name of democracy. Mubasher Lucman provides information of the issue instead of moderating a talk show where govt. and friendly opposition debate non-issues. We should commend Lucman for doing his job, as far as bias is concerned we are all human and everyone has a bias including member who started this topic.


MPA (400+ posts)
this ignorant idiot is a pro-qadiyaniat .. see how does he behave on religious issues and tries his best to project qadiyani agenda:

he should be boycotted and banned completely


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
he is an agent of establishment and such an stupid person on tv who doesnt deserve to take interview of any politician or any respected person.. he is musharraf's chamcha..
if u want to see any sensible and educated anchors then Talat Hussain, Dr Shahid Masood, Moid Peerzada Javed Chaudhry Kahsif Abbasi are the best choice......


what a joke ...... !
Independent media is what always ..... Praise the politicians.
I have no idea whom you are referring to......"independent media." at least he shows the politicians their true face and let them understand that now there's no screwing up people anymore.

Watch your feet and have heart in admitting that we are now better aware about what politicians have done to pakistan since its independence.

He is the right man to lead the brinkmanship of powerful media to right off what mediocre role media had been playing in the past.
I salute him for taking risks to his life in exposing the most dangerous politicians in the world

You got your rules and your religion all designed to keep you safe. But when rules start getting broken you start questioning your faith. I have a voice that is my saviour
“Hates to love and loves to hate”
I have the voice that has the knowledge and the power to rule your fate. I hear voices crying. I see heroes dying. I taste the blood that's drying. I feel the tension rising


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I have no idea what the above guy just said. Some kind of wierd poetry crap it seems.

Anyway Mubasher Lucman is obnoxious in many ways but I think his efforts to bring out the social evils in society are to be lauded. I detest him for his views on Qadiyanism and we all now he is totally partisan towards MQM so whatever he says has to be taken in that context. But social issues are irrelevant to part politics so That is something he has done very well to bring to front. I still dislike him though.

Talat Hussain is by far the most upright, non partisan anchor and his analysis are well researched and presented in a well organized logical manner. I rate him as the best TV journalist in Pakistan today.