MQM resolution against extortionists and terrorists passed unanimously in Sindh Assembly


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: آج کا لطیفہ

پھر کہتے ہیں پاکستان میں انصاف نہیں ھے. دنیا میں کون سا ایسا ملک ھے جہاں لوگ اپنے ہی خلاف قرارداد منظور کرتے ہیں


Re: آج کا لطیفہ

Sir jeee..... original post is not a Joke but it could be considered as reflection of Ethnic Racism.

If I was to Joke about Punjabi ..... and there way of life I can be labeled as Anti Pakistani, a Raw Agent. But if I even write a line against
MQM Its commemorated as Pure Pakistani love and very Islamic.

Chacha jee, grow up.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: آج کا لطیفہ

Sir jeee..... original post is not a Joke but it could be considered as reflection of Ethnic Racism.

If I was to Joke about Punjabi ..... and there way of life I can be labeled as Anti Pakistani, a Raw Agent. But if I even write a line against
MQM Its commemorated as Pure Pakistani love and very Islamic.

Chacha jee, grow up.

In becharon k dimagh nay kaam karna chor dia hai jab say 20 ghantay ki load sheding start hui hai. Shahbaz shareef kehta hai k pooray pakistan main equally load shedding honi chaye. Poora pakistan equally tax na day to koi baat nahi. Poori pakistan cricket team main pooray pakistan say players na hon to koi baat nahi magar in ko in ka haq mil jaye sab say pehlay. Yeh becharay waqt k sath sath aur pagal hotay jayengay.


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: آج کا لطیفہ


saeed khan

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: آج کا لطیفہ

Sir jeee..... original post is not a Joke but it could be considered as reflection of Ethnic Racism.

If I was to Joke about Punjabi ..... and there way of life I can be labeled as Anti Pakistani, a Raw Agent. But if I even write a line against
MQM Its commemorated as Pure Pakistani love and very Islamic.

Chacha jee, grow up.

Bhai I did not understand you because MQM is a political party whereas Punjabi is not a political party.
How way of life of a political party and way of life of a citizen can be compared ?
Kya yeh khhula tazad nahi ? ;)


Re: آج کا لطیفہ

Yah you are right.... I totally agree with you ..... word Punjabi over here refers to segment of Punjabi who refer MQM as a whole as a Party representing Urdu speaking people, whose parents immigrated from India minus East Punjab.

Are you able to understand what I am saying?

further, if you go around 5,000 plus post on topic of MQM ... you will Find that Ethnic links are clearly indicated when ever MQM topic comes up. So lets make it clear, MQM voters are Ethnic motiviated. MQM represents a culture that is not local to Current Son of Soil logic.


Bhai I did not understand you because MQM is a political party whereas Punjabi is not a political party.
How way of life of a political party and way of life of a citizen can be compared ?
Kya yeh khhula tazad nahi ? ;)

saeed khan

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: آج کا لطیفہ

Yah you are right.... I totally agree with you ..... word Punjabi over here refers to segment of Punjabi who refer MQM as a whole as a Party representing Urdu speaking people, whose parents immigrated from India minus East Punjab.

Are you able to understand what I am saying?

further, if you go around 5,000 plus post on topic of MQM ... you will Find that Ethnic links are clearly indicated when ever MQM topic comes up. So lets make it clear, MQM voters are Ethnic motiviated. MQM represents a culture that is not local to Current Son of Soil logic.


You mean that MQM is not a national party and will never be a national party ?
I do not agree with you that MQM represents all the Urdu speaking people whose parents migrated from India because my many friends told me that they do not support MQM but they hate MQM. A friend told me that to live in Karachi you have to support MQM otherwise bori will be ready for you and I think you also live in Karachi, good luck bro :)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The MQM leader is mental Psychopath, he is a blood happy sucker, until he does not see blood his thirst cannot be satisfied. The only place for these MQM looney toons is in hell with the devil.

Only solution to get rid of MQM is the following:

1. Send all MQM trained terrorists back to India, such as Ajmal Pahari who was trained by RAW.

2. Take away all voting rights from MQM members

3. Totally ban MQM from Pakistan

4. Ask Britain to extradite Altaf to Pakistan and put him in a cage and parade him through Pakistan and then hang him


Re: آج کا لطیفہ

Sir jeee..... with all due respect, I strongly trust Democracy, and its very principle ... voice of the people. You can not extablish governance based on Fear. We are talking about Karachi, not Balochistan.

There ae area in Pakistan where one can rule based on Fear, and killings.... like Taliban control area od NWFP. Or supress one religious sect over another. Or one Religion over another. But any kind of force has a very shot time span. One can rule or force its idiology for a few weeks to a few years before the same die its natural death.

Same here, if MQM is to be measured in terms of Brute FOrce... dont worry it willl die out ... but if not.... then we sure are in a very uncomfortable situation.

And the Uncomfortness can be see all over Do you get my point?

You mean that MQM is not a national party and will never be a national party ?
I do not agree with you that MQM represents all the Urdu speaking people whose parents migrated from India because my many friends told me that they do not support MQM but they hate MQM. A friend told me that to live in Karachi you have to support MQM otherwise bori will be ready for you and I think you also live in Karachi, good luck bro :)


WOW !!!!

You cant control your self.... !!!!

Ban MQM, and you inflect the very cause of unjustice that you stan for. Its a Shame, what you wirte is not logic, its reflective of your self and the comune that you support.

The MQM leader is mental Psychopath, he is a blood happy sucker, until he does not see blood his thirst cannot be satisfied. The only place for these MQM looney toons is in hell with the devil.

Only solution to get rid of MQM is the following:

1. Send all MQM trained terrorists back to India, such as Ajmal Pahari who was trained by RAW.

2. Take away all voting rights from MQM members

3. Totally ban MQM from Pakistan

4. Ask Britain to extradite Altaf to Pakistan and put him in a cage and parade him through Pakistan and then hang him


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
WOW !!!!

You cant control your self.... !!!!

Ban MQM, and you inflect the very cause of unjustice that you stan for. Its a Shame, what you wirte is not logic, its reflective of your self and the comune that you support.

Your party is full of cannibals, and is an enemy of humanity, the only solution to deal with you people is the prescribed method I have given above.

The avatar you are using shows you up! Only somebody mentally ill would use an avatar like yours.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: آج کا لطیفہ

sir jeee..... Original post is not a joke but it could be considered as reflection of ethnic racism.

If i was to joke about punjabi ..... And there way of life i can be labeled as anti pakistani, a raw agent. But if i even write a line against
mqm its commemorated as pure pakistani love and very islamic.

Chacha jee, grow up.

this person is indian mole will try to bring fight,alway filthy,typical indian.


Minister (2k+ posts)
wow !!!!

You cant control your self.... !!!!

Ban mqm, and you inflect the very cause of unjustice that you stan for. Its a shame, what you wirte is not logic, its reflective of your self and the comune that you support.

be ware this is ram chandar,check his post always filthy.


If you have read spanish childern stories.... you will find a character called PAN.

What Pan does in very intresting..... he eats little kids... kids like you .

LOL !!!!! So my AVATAR has a hidden message..... Trust me I am very inocent. Only problem is I only eat onion, other than that I dont have any problem... but some time i get tired eating onion, so I add a few peice of beef Kabab... and the rest you know. LOL !!!!!;)

Your party is full of cannibals, and is an enemy of humanity, the only solution to deal with you people is the prescribed method I have given above.

The avatar you are using shows you up! Only somebody mentally ill would use an avatar like yours.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Hans you are full of sh**. You have no idea what you are saying? Come to karachi and see how these bast**** mqm and anp are terrorizing the whole city. Also PPP Aman committe is same now a days but root cause is MQM because they started this ethnic Funda group.

And don't tell me I don't anything about Mqm.

If you have read spanish childern stories.... you will find a character called PAN.

What Pan does in very intresting..... he eats little kids... kids like you .

LOL !!!!! So my AVATAR has a hidden message..... Trust me I am very inocent. Only problem is I only eat onion, other than that I dont have any problem... but some time i get tired eating onion, so I add a few peice of beef Kabab... and the rest you know. LOL !!!!!;)
