MQM now blames rangers and police for worsening the situation


MPA (400+ posts)

MQM says its workers houses are being attackedUpdated at: 2030 PST, Wednesday, August 04, 2010

KARACHI: Muttahida Qaumi Movements Rabitta Committee Wednesday claimed that terrorists of Qasba Colony, Banaras, Faqir Colony laced with modern weapons are looting and killing MQM workers and sympathizers by barging into their houses.

Addressing a press conference here, MQM leader Wasay Jalil said Urdu speaking people are being targeted in the city while houses of MQM workers and sympathizers living near Banaras Katti Pahari are being set on fire.

He said terrorists are resorting to fire by setting up bunkers in Muslimabad and Pirabad Society but added that police and Rangers are not taking any action against them. In this context he said, The attitude of police and Rangers is very negative.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Classic scenerio where MQM feels at home. Nobody for sure knows the identity of the killers, but they have assumed it is Pathans. Now they are on a killing bing. The are saying that Pathans or Pakhtoons killed him and they also killing and destroying their own properties. Classic killer machine is what MQM has become.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Classic scenerio where MQM feels at home. Nobody for sure knows the identity of the killers, but they have assumed it is Pathans. Now they are on a killing bing. The are saying that Pathans or Pakhtoons killed him and they also killing and destroying their own properties. Classic killer machine is what MQM has become.
Figment of imagination .
Openly said to start investigation in scenario of ANP's SHAHI SYED statement on 26th July.
No name has mentioned in FIR.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Classic scenerio where MQM feels at home. Nobody for sure knows the identity of the killers, but they have assumed it is Pathans. Now they are on a killing bing. The are saying that Pathans or Pakhtoons killed him and they also killing and destroying their own properties. Classic killer machine is what MQM has become.

That is amazing, when MQM says something its assumption, when you assume it becomes a fact. Simply amazing!
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Collect all members of the GANG of Target Killers (MQM) and throw them into the Arabian Sea so that people of Karachi and economy of Pakistan can have a sigh of relief.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Watch this video about current situation of Karachi in Kati Paharh and especially watch a flag of parties as well...

and also watch that old program of Kamran Shahid...

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Senator (1k+ posts)
Can you MQM supporters show us the difference between ANP and MQM. ANP supporters come from culture of revenge for generations and MQM has become the present day terrorists. AMMAD the world knows what MQM has been doin for the past 25 yrs, these ANP and MQM killlers will pay the price eventually.

Ammad Hafeez

Minister (2k+ posts)
Look at the number plate of the Shehzore. "Rangers / Coast Guard" in Action


This picture is taken by Express Tribune on August 5 in Korangi where the workers of specific ethnic political party is harassing and killing innocent people of other ethnic communities

Ammad Hafeez

Minister (2k+ posts)
Can you MQM supporters show us the difference between ANP and MQM. ANP supporters come from culture of revenge for generations and MQM has become the present day terrorists. AMMAD the world knows what MQM has been doin for the past 25 yrs, these ANP and MQM killlers will pay the price eventually.

Enough is Enough !! ANP is against to MQM, Bcoz MQM makes hurdle with Land Grabbers and These ANP walas want to grab the lands for the terrorists who are coming from K.P, ANP wants to Grab Land in Qasba Colony that's why they are using power of arms and ammunition to threaten the innocent localities of Qasba Colony !!


Senator (1k+ posts)
I think the supporters of MQM are the only those peoples who has got the big amount in Bhatia, corruption and occupying peoples and public properties in Karachi. I know hundreds of them who were living in one room flat in 1988 and now they own billions and bungalows in defense. They are only making peoples fool.


Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
This situation was being created for some months when mqm started to voice allegations of ammunition being collected and this and that remember? There was aplan already in place and now it has been worked out .
I pray upon all the people of Pakistan to say 2 Nafal for the security of Pakistan and Pakistanis'. Allah is the best planner and if we have no plan or think have no way of handling the situation then prayers are the only way.

Ammad Hafeez

Minister (2k+ posts)
This situation was being created for some months when mqm started to voice allegations of ammunition being collected and this and that remember? There was aplan already in place and now it has been worked out .
I pray upon all the people of Pakistan to say 2 Nafal for the security of Pakistan and Pakistanis'. Allah is the best planner and if we have no plan or think have no way of handling the situation then prayers are the only way.

LOL, Hypocrisy at its best !!
S.G : This situation was started, when MQM was demanding massive operation against Land grabbers and Drug Mafia While A.N.P opposed this operation and now they stand against MQM and the supporters of MQM
We all know who's grabbing the land of Karachi !!



Voter (50+ posts)
Look at the number plate of the Shehzore. "Rangers / Coast Guard" in Action


Ohh God
its a well planned game.
This number plate is used by Rangers, its a planned conspiracy against Karachi and MQM.
How this person with arms in his hands standing on a truck of Rangers?
This picture shows MQM is right about Rangers and Police.

Asif Ali

Since the inception of Pakistan, we the people of Karachi have seen a steady flow of POLICE who are NOT the actual residents of Karachi, and who do not belong to Karachi physically and mentally - In this scenario we can also take an example of former East Pakistan, which were basically treated like "Ghulams" and NOT like First Class Citizens - Karachi has also seen continuous IGs coming and going who NEVER belonged to Karachi - Unlike any other provinces where the people are "relaxed" at this situation, Karachiites are more educated, cultured, and believe in freedom. This scenario, if we all educated people realize, have created a dissension and "disappointment" among us, like when on Saturday Nights we sit on a chowk with a gathering of 15-20 boys, the Police comes in and misbehave, they 'FAIL' to understand the mentality of Karachiites.

Honestly speaking, and if it's not taken as a discriminatory statement, how many Mohajir policemen there are in Lahore Police, Peshawar Police, Baluchistan Police??? How many Mohajir IGs are sent to Punjab, Baluchistan and Khyber PK???

Asif Ali

Our Establishment & other governmental departments speak untiringly of "equality" and "freedom-to-all" but the physical efforts are not visible, we are living in a new century, we need to "over-haul" this system and allow more representation of "locals" into Police and other departments, this would cut this friction.


Senator (1k+ posts)
All the department including Police are being run under the directive of MQM's "terrorists and Bhatta Khoar" and no one even media an say anything against them or tell the truth. Now the peoples under MQM areas are living like slaves and it is the need of the time to free these areas from these terrorists.
