Muskerahat Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Dec 11, 2016 #2 نبی کا میلاد ہوتا رہے گا .دشمن میلاد روتا رہے گا .سیدی مرشدی یا نبی یا نبی
M Mughal1 Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Dec 11, 2016 #3 I have explained a lot of information about the quran and deen of islam HERE, HERE and HERE. If one has not managed to discover things of vital importance by oneself then at least one should learn them from those who have.
I have explained a lot of information about the quran and deen of islam HERE, HERE and HERE. If one has not managed to discover things of vital importance by oneself then at least one should learn them from those who have.