There have been many issues regarding moderation in the recent past....
My suggestion is that a specific area to be made under the heading of moderation... where moderators can sort of notify which posts they are merging and why? or whom they are warning... or what they have deleted and why? plus who has been banned ....and why!!
It should be open to all members as well so that they can plead their case against moderation.... if they smell any bias...
This would help keeping the forum free from bias...and confusions.... because it would be an absolute disrepute to our dear forum if people keep having issues with moderation...
My suggestion is that a specific area to be made under the heading of moderation... where moderators can sort of notify which posts they are merging and why? or whom they are warning... or what they have deleted and why? plus who has been banned ....and why!!
It should be open to all members as well so that they can plead their case against moderation.... if they smell any bias...
This would help keeping the forum free from bias...and confusions.... because it would be an absolute disrepute to our dear forum if people keep having issues with moderation...