K Kashif Rafiq Prime Minister (20k+ posts) Jul 24, 2015 #1 Featured Thumbs https://scontent-bru2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/11750699_486642921494891_6371120858739548806_n.jpg?oh=7a4bcc59f72ad1f2f9ba828cb4fc71b8&oe=565CB2E7
A Aziz Sohail Councller (250+ posts) Jul 24, 2015 #2 http://tribune.com.pk/story/923302/imran-khan-k-ps-hero/
chandaa Prime Minister (20k+ posts) Jul 24, 2015 #4 Woh tou kabb ki aa chuki - That is why Rana and company were re-instated. Bloody revolution where you hang these crooks is the only way forward as you cannot change this rotten system.
Woh tou kabb ki aa chuki - That is why Rana and company were re-instated. Bloody revolution where you hang these crooks is the only way forward as you cannot change this rotten system.