Mit Jaye Gi Makhlooq Tou Insaf Karo Gay.. !!

maksyed - Blogger
ممکن ہے زمانہ رُخ بدلے یہ دور ہلاکت مٹ جائے

یہ ظلم کی دنیا کروٹ لے یہ عہد ضلالت مٹ جائے

دولت کے فریبی بندوں کا یہ کبرونخوت مٹ جائے

برباد وطن کے محلوں سے غیروں کی حکومت مٹ جائے


Senator (1k+ posts)
Justice is not for ordinary people of Pakistan.merit is what vvip says,corruption is no t corruption for vvips it is their enforcement on ordinary people of Pakistan. where is CJ and CJs of high courts judges of junior courts and where is police?only for vip duties.shall i say Pakistan zinda baad?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
When Allah wanted to created Adam he sat down on a chair and took some mud in his hands and made a shape and them blew on it and said be there and there he was.

When Allah wanted to educate people he drop pen and paper and a lot of teachers from the sky so all people became educated and they were very happy.

Likewise when he decides that the world be a better place then he will tell it to be and there it will be.

What magical solutions for our problems that mullas teach us and we sit and listen never think for ourselves as to what is our role in this world of Allah and humanity.!-Nice-Column-by-Orya-Maqbool-Jan/page5
