Metro Bus Lahore ka Nuksan 2 arb 71 Crore ho giya


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

Metro Bus Loss crossed Rs 2.71 Billion mark



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Which stupid country allow a service of few Bus to run a whopping deficit of $27 million a year!!
This is mind boggling. on top of it, the crooks claim this is their best gift to Pakistan.
Good scam.
First make millions of dollars in the projects themselves. Then take a cut in awarding those contracts on extortionate terms to your favourite firms who are willing to offer you share under the table. These firms in turn rip off the national exchequer in subsidies by charging huge amounts.

In the end a poor nation suffers through and through , while the corrupt claim accolades for completion of the projects. What a scam.

Nadir Bashir

Minister (2k+ posts)
Can anyone imagine that Metro since it starts early morning till closing late at night is always full to its capacity or even more than that.

It dont faces losses or time losses which other public transport is facing. Private Van drivers are running their vehicles since they are making something. They do not need to run their vehicles if they can not earn some profit.

How it is possible that Metro is facing losses or need subsidy when buses are full more than capacity.

Its better to privatize Metro in every city.

Public sector can easily manage and run these services and Government can also make some money.

But everyone in Pakistan just want do bullshit as they do not care because money is coming indirectly through indirect taxation and people are not aware that they are paying something for these kind of Government Losses.


MPA (400+ posts)

[h=2]میٹرو بس یا نغرہ[/h]
میٹرو بس کی ایک چیز ہمیں بڑی کمال کی لگی ۔ اور وہ یہ کہ دنیا کے کسی ملک کا کوئی اشٹشن یا بس سٹاپ ایسا نہیں ہو گا جیسے میٹرو بس کا اشٹیشن یا بس سٹاپ تھا ۔
ہر بس سٹاپ پر دس پندرہ دروازے تھے جو بس کے انے پر خود بخود کھلتے تھے ۔ اب کوئی ان عقل کے اندھوں سے پوچھے کے پہلے تو بس سٹاپ کو شیشوں سے بند کیوں کیا ہے اور اگر کیا بھی ہے تو دس دروازے لگانے کی کیا ضرورت تھی ۔ بس کے تو تین دروازے ہوتے ہیں تین سے بھی کام چل جاتا ۔

یہ جرمنی کی بسیں ہیں اور جرمنی کے بس سٹاپ ۔



بسیں جرمنی میں اپنے ٹائیم کے مطابق چلتی ہیں ۔ اور اس پر زیادہ زور دیا جاتا ہے کہ بس شہر کے ہر کونے سے لوگوں کو ٹرانسپورٹ کر سکیں ۔ اور بس کاکام ہی یہ ہے ۔
ہاں ٹرین انڈر گرونڈ ٹرین اسٹیشن سے اسٹشن تک چلتی ہیں ۔۔۔
ان عقل کے اندھوں نے بس کو ٹرین بنا دیا ہے ۔۔۔






Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Multan Metro Corruption SECP exposed it

Todays SECP briefing in senate on MULTAN METRO CORRUPTION



Minister (2k+ posts)
Lahoris should be taxed to pay for their subsidy, why someone in bahwalpur or DG Khan should pay for the service he will never get? Its a local service and should be subsidized from local funds and local government
