The shameless PPP govt is abusing the votes of people by reacting anti-national policies with totally destructive and selfish actions.Zardari have signed 18th amendment but he is still incharge and sitting on the steering wheel whereas dummy PM is not able to say anything.As long zardari is there,country will be moving towards a failed state because of bad governence and no direction.This govt have to go by judiciary or establishment, and replaced with a technocrat govt for some time to lead the country towards stability otherwise we are doomed.For a clean govt , direct taxes on doctors,lawyers,landlords , businessmen and others should be levied on fair basis and collected at any cost whereas indirect taxes are mostly effect the common person.Property taxes , sales and excise duties are mostly gone in the collectors pockets , corruption have to be checked. Accountability is the most important issue which have to be in place ,does not matter who is the personality.Richard Nixon,the late president of US did not once show his real income ,the revenue deptt fined him and collected the balance of income tax with penalty.In pakistan,NS is paying Rs.5000 as income tax,what kind of joke is this.NS did,t show his foreign income nor his son,same with others.The govt have to cut down its expenses and live within its means otherwise how long pakistan will act like beggar,i dont have to tell them -the govt knows this. I will repeat NS is not doing any justice with the country to keep its mouth shut,being an opposition leader,its is obligation to go after the govt and tell them to cut the expenses and ask for good governence on daily basis but he is waiting for his turn which will never come.All the politicians and others have to bring their money back into pakistan from foreign banks,it will not be done easily -someone have to use the stick for that.