Meray mutabiq 28 march 2010


Minister (2k+ posts)
Meray Mutabiq 28th March 2010
Dr. Manzoor Ijaz, Shaheen Sobai, in fresh episode of Meray Mutabiq in GEO Tv with Dr. Shahid Masood.



Minister (2k+ posts)
Mr.Zardari should have removed the corrupt people surrounding him but he did't do it and now its too late. Its time now for accontability and catch all those who looted the treasury have to bring back the money to pakistan, no chance for them to run away this time .Gen Kiani is in the driving seat right now and he should bring in the technocrat govt because this one did't change its tactics of corruption,inefficient and insincere with the country otherwise condition in the country would have changed but corrupt people are looking after their own interest rather than the country's so lets ged rid of this corrupt govt and have a technocrat one from within the country,honest and experienced educated people who look after the interest of the country.I would like to request Gen Kiani that he take a very high level delegation to China and give them the delebrations about the pak-US negotiations because it will remove any misunderstanding if china have about pakistan.China is the best friend of pakistan and always there when ever we need them,we should have our full confidence with our best friend China,no misunderstanding on any level.I hope someone must be listening. Pakistan should be careful not to get involved in fighting with afghan talibans because they never pose any threat to pakistan.US wants to get out of afghanistan, may be they want to save their neck and transfer this problem to pakistan. Pakistan will have this menace for ever so be carefull.Afghan talibans already told indian no to leave afghanistan,so the Gen Kiani should read between the lines the message they gave to inidans.
