What a great example of most obedience by Abidi, these ruthless, shameless people, He really amuse Zardari today, I am sure Zardari will reward him nicely.
Ansar Abbasi is much better choice as compare to Saleh Azafir.
Even though I hate that Abidi but still even this program was one sided as anchor(Shaheed Masood) and another guest were against one person that was Abidi and it was like 2 on 1 situation and I can bet that if Shaheed Masood and another guest in this program got himself in the condition where Abidi is then even they cant defend themselves....Shaheed Masood is a knowledgeable person and he should came out of his personal vendetta and start something constructive for our audience while sorting his problems with Zardari outside his studio...All his programs had nothing but Zardari bashing if he has problems then sort it outside why wasting his and Geo TV's whole hour on nothing more then Zardari???does he even deserve that much attention???he should have to constructive because if he dont then people wont get anything out of his program except Zardari...
I cant even give damn about his program because his program got nothing new same old Zardari bashing but just to know that how people could watch same stories for moths or even year thats I dont get it???but anyways people are people some are are rational and some are emotional so let them watch same thing like their are nothing else....BTW most people who watch this program are Imran Khan fan club because Imran Khan is guest in this program frequently so just to watch Imran Khan they watch this program and other people who watch this program are Zardari haters(In PPP itself and other Parties)...Thats why the progam is called "Meray Mutabiq", genius?. Btw it has the highest rating among all talk shows in Pakistan, if you dont like it why dont you change the channel? :P
I wonder where Faisal Raza Abdi gets his motivation from? He is defending the undefendable.
There is no question he is a kutta kamina and all the galian you can name him but the way he he defends zardari is applausable.
Actually every one is agaisnt peoples party which is not good. Zardari is an elected president. Peoples of Pakistan have elected him, we should at least learn to respect democracy.
Actually every one is agaisnt peoples party which is not good. Zardari is an elected president. Peoples of Pakistan have elected him, we should at least learn to respect democracy.
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