Change comes with the wisdom and educationin a stable society.General public is hundrads of miles away form that animal.They will vote the same people who kick their a.., take away their bread and butter, treat them like animals and loot them like Gangeiz khan, and on top of that they are equipped with the wealth of corruption, Mafia,fake qualifications.You accept it or not, unfortunatelt this is the fate of pakistani people.
PPP, PML giving tickets to corrupt, fake degree holders is a very very small issue.Untill people in general and educated middle class (teachers, clerks, dispencers, shop keepers, agrarians) do not stand up and take a role to advocate on behalf of society and tell them about these issues ,people will continue to vote these FAKE, FILTHY,PSEUDO-LEADERS.
Untill that date best of luck and stop moaning and winging. Face it with bravery and live with it.Accept it or not ZARDARI,BABUR AWAN, REHMAN MALIK, PML CANDIDATES,PML Q, PPP Candidates all will play and are playing the dirty games.Who does not know ??? on their qualifications of them and menthioed above but nothing will and nothing has changed. Courts wont PUNISH THEM AND JAIL them B/C courts don’t want to derail the political system.In the abscence of justice and if criminals are not punished,how can you expect any improvement.
Toady with so mush effort Hamesh khan is brought back and his in charge in corruption (Pervez Elahi) has left.
Today MNA,MPA with fake degrees have been elected by so called nation.
Today your PM and ministers have ganged up against supreme court and I bet this time “NATION” will do nothing.
Today People in hunza are dying in water, punjab and sindh dying in drought.
Today perople cant have pure water to drink, milk, bread, medicine, gas, oil, vegetables, any utility.
Best of love my beloved “NATION” and “PEOPLE” you rightly deserve this. You have not been treated enough to cry yet.So continue to face the consistences and don’t dare to protest and wing about it…………….this is your fate & you have chosen it.