Meray Mutabiq- 16th May 2010 - Hasan Nisar, Saleh Zafir, Irfan Saddiqi


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
ڈاکٹر صاحب ، ہم نے تو کل ہی کہہ دیا تھا ، آپ دیئے گئے ایجنڈے سے ہٹ کے اپنا ایجنڈا چلانے کی کوشش کر رہے ہے ، اب لیں مزہ اب تو آپ کے اپنے بھی ساتھ چھوڑ گئے ہے

اسی لیے تو قتل عاشقان سے منع کرتے تھے
اب پھر رہے ہو یوسف بے کاروان ہو کر

یہ ہیت مقتدرہ کی پشت پناہی ہی ہے کہہ

بنا ہے شاہ کا مصاحب پھرے ہے اتراتا
ورنہ شہر میں تیری آبرو کیا ہے

اب تو ساری قوم کا ہے ایک ہی نعرہ
نہ کھپے نہ کھپے ایہہ نظام نہ کھپے

نظام نہ کھپے غیر سیاسی محاذ
کنوینر : ڈاکٹر شاہد مسعود


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Change comes with the wisdom and educationin a stable society.General public is hundrads of miles away form that animal.They will vote the same people who kick their a.., take away their bread and butter, treat them like animals and loot them like Gangeiz khan, and on top of that they are equipped with the wealth of corruption, Mafia,fake qualifications.You accept it or not, unfortunatelt this is the fate of pakistani people.
PPP, PML giving tickets to corrupt, fake degree holders is a very very small issue.Untill people in general and educated middle class (teachers, clerks, dispencers, shop keepers, agrarians) do not stand up and take a role to advocate on behalf of society and tell them about these issues ,people will continue to vote these FAKE, FILTHY,PSEUDO-LEADERS.
Untill that date best of luck and stop moaning and winging. Face it with bravery and live with it.Accept it or not ZARDARI,BABUR AWAN, REHMAN MALIK, PML CANDIDATES,PML Q, PPP Candidates all will play and are playing the dirty games.Who does not know ??? on their qualifications of them and menthioed above but nothing will and nothing has changed. Courts wont PUNISH THEM AND JAIL them B/C courts don’t want to derail the political system.In the abscence of justice and if criminals are not punished,how can you expect any improvement.
Toady with so mush effort Hamesh khan is brought back and his in charge in corruption (Pervez Elahi) has left.
Today MNA,MPA with fake degrees have been elected by so called nation.
Today your PM and ministers have ganged up against supreme court and I bet this time “NATION” will do nothing.
Today People in hunza are dying in water, punjab and sindh dying in drought.
Today perople cant have pure water to drink, milk, bread, medicine, gas, oil, vegetables, any utility.
Best of love my beloved “NATION” and “PEOPLE” you rightly deserve this. You have not been treated enough to cry yet.So continue to face the consistences and don’t dare to protest and wing about it…………….this is your fate & you have chosen it.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Although Irfan Siddique in the past tends to disagree with Dr Shahid Masood but today Irfan Siddique knew bloody well that the election of Jamshed Dusti and Asghar Ali is a gross irresponsibility on the part of the Govt and particularly by the people of Muzaffargarh and Vihari. Irfan Siddique tried to take a different view but he was checked by Dr Shahid very strongly. When Irfan Siddique said you have already said three ‘words’ to which Dr Shahid Masood responded very well that he has said ‘ten’ words on dictatorship. Dr Shahid was definitely criticising the present system in constructive way, we can’t wait for another 60 years.
Hasan Nisar was as always to the point that this is not democracy at all. Dr Shahid was getting bit emotional and should not have interrupted too much, and I quote the two news items which I saw on Geo News today. This Awam ki adaalat is rubbish, we got all chor and badmash back in the Assembly. I hope that other anchors will also come out tomorrow with all guns blazing.
I quote below the two news items which I saw today, relates very much to todays’s programme.
Geo News……NRO creators should also be issued summons: Gilani

Could someone please tell this bloody fool PM that, He is the one who gave Guard of Honour to the Creator of NRO and let him out of Pakistan.
And this bloody fool is now covering up the murderers of the another creator of NRO, whose nick name is BB NRO Waali.
However I must add here that on 25 May, the day when Babar Awan has to appear before the Supreme Court, I bet you all ONE million stupid, junglee and jahil people will come out in support of Babar Awan, chanting and dancing…..Jiye Zardari. Just note my words this will happen, like Muzaffargarh and Vihari yesterday.


Geo News…. A man in Sukkhur wants to sell his kidney to feed his starving family for weeks.
Firstly, to my this Sindhi bhai in Sukkhur, I pray that may Allah have mercy on you and you don’t have to sell your kidney. الله آپ کی مشکلوں کو آسان کرے – آمین – But my Sukkhur bhai, with due respect I would like to ask you……why did you vote Peoples Party. Is it not the time that we should now vote for Imran Khan or those who support Imran Khan. This IK may not have the solution to all our problems, but I do hope things will get lot better under Imran Khan.
The irresponsible and ignorance shown by the people in Muzaffagarh and Vihari yesterday(and few weeks earlier in Mansehra, Pindi, Lahore and Jhang) gives me the impression that there are no problems in Pakistan, there is no load shedding in Pakistan. Just look at the indiscriminate firing with klashnikov’s after the election results in Muzaffargarh and Vihari. It was very shameful. It looks that there are plenty of Jobs and food in Pakistan. We all got Roti, kapra, makaan, Ataa, daal, chawal, Chenee, clean water, education in Pakistan. It’s not your fault my Sindhi brother, we are stupid, jahil and junglee……..we have once again axed in our own foot yesterday in Muzaffargarh and Vihari. We have elected the same people over and over again in the name of that zaleel Bhutto and BB NRO Waali. So please tell me. please tell me, please tell me:

Ab rona kis baat ka…
ab maatam kis baat ka…


Minister (2k+ posts)
بقول عرفان صدیقی
آج کا پاکستان پچھلے دو سالہ پاکستان سے بہتر ہے . اور پانچ سال بعد کا پاکستان آج سے بہتر ہو گا .
کیوں کہ دو سال سے ہی ان کا فینانسر میاں گنجا اس ملک میں ہے اور آیندہ جب وہ وزیر اعظم بنے گا تو تب ملک اور پھولے پھلے گا . آدھے چور آدھے جعلی ڈگری ہولڈر پی پی پی میں اور آدھےپی ایم ایل ن میں تو پھر اس نظام کو برا کیسے کہا جائے پی پی پی کی برائی کی تو میاں صاحبان کی پنجاب حکومت جاتی ہے . آج اچھائیاں نظر آ رہی ہیں کیوں کہ تیسری بار وزیر اعظم بننے کی شرط ختم ہو گی ہے اور تازہ تازہ خوشی میں سچ بول کے پھر پابندی نہ لگ جائے .
گوورنر راج کے وقت کے اخبار نکال کر دیکھ لیں اور اس نظام اور نظام والوں کے کالے کرتوتوں پے جو روشنی صدیقی صاحب ڈال رہے تھے اس وقت ان کو زرداری میں مشرف کی روح نظر آتی تھی. ان کی زبان کی مٹھاس میاں صاحبان کی میٹھی پالیسیوں کے ساتھ میٹھی اور جب وہ جلال میں اتے ہیں تو یہ بھی زہر اگلتے ہیں .
حسن نثار
ایم کیو ایم کو فوجی آمریت جمہوریت سے زیادہ راس آتی ہے اس لئے وہ آ جائے تو ایم کو ایم کو مشرف دور کے بلا روک ٹوک مزے پھر سے پورے ہو جائیں .
جاہلوں کی اسمبلیوں میں رکنیت میری سمجھ میں نہیں یی حلانکے ایم کو ایم کے زیادہ تر لوگ پرہے لکھے ہیں یہ حمایت کیوں ؟
ایک بات سے اتفاق کے چھاننی والا فارمولا ہزار سال کا تبدیلی اگر میں نے اور میری نسلوں نے نہیں دیکھنی تو اس کی فکر میں دن رات خون کیوں جلا رہے ہیں.
بہت سہانا دور ہو گا جب ہم نہ ہوں گے . کیا پلانننگ ہے
صالح ظفر
بری بات بھی سلیقے سے کی جائے تو اچھی لگتی ہے مگر تمھارے طریقے سے تو محبت نامہ بھی دھمکی نامہ لگتا ہے . کردار پنجابی میں ایک ٹرم ہے کھیل میں استعمال ہوتی ہے
ریلو کٹا . جیڑا جیتے ادے نال آج گفتگو کا آغاز اور اختتام بھی ایسا ہی تھا .
قاضی انور
آج آپ کا کیس خاصا کمزور لگا دفاعی پوزیشن اختیار کر کر دستی جیسا فیصلہ ہی آتا ہے اور محسوس ہوتا ہے کہ قانون دستی ہی ہمارا مقدار ہے .عوام کو مصلحت نظر آ جائے تو دعوتوں سے ساتھ نہیں دیتے سچ خود کھینچ کے عوام کو گھروں سے لے آتا ہے
اور آخر پے اپنے ڈاکٹر صاحب
ڈاکٹر جان جی ، تھوڑا حوصلہ تھوڑا سا صبر نوکری تو چل ہی رہی ہے ہم کومنٹس بھی کرتے ہیں اور بےتحاشا کرتے ہیں کیوں آپ کو تسلی نہیں ہوتی سب کے مون کو ایسا دیکھتےہیں کے بس ایک بار صرف ایک بار مرے کہنے پے زرداری کو اور حواریوں کو برا کہ دو .کہ دو نہ بھائی نہیں پھر، پلیز
زرداری کو رہنے دیں ابھی تو لعن تان مل رہی ہے اسے. زندہ اس نے جانا نہیں اور مر کر شہید ہوتا ہے ان کا خاندان . مرا ہوا ھاتھی مہنگا بکتا ہےاس لئے شہادت کے اعلیٰ درجات پے نہ پہنچ ایں اسے . تبصرہ لیں خواہش نہیں


MPA (400+ posts)
Asif Zardari is ALI BABA and qazi anwar, Saleh Zaafar, Irfan Siddiqui, Hameed Gull, Imran Khan, Ansar Abbasi and others ar KALE CHOR with leadership of Black Sheep named doctor Pagal Masood


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
i think shahid masood lost his mind. He is crying for last 2 years against this govt n nothing happened. He looks like a mad person in this show. Is he a host of da show or he giving speech in jilsa,he dont know wat to do,lol its so funny seeing him in this condition,everything was fine wen he got ptv chairmanship from zardari,everything wen he was getting 10lak monthly salary from this ppp govt.everything is so bad since he lost dat job.wish you gud look dr saab,hpe u regain ur senses.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
The conclusion is that we r suffering with sever Qahat Ur Rijal.....that means the real man, in not available.

according to Iqbal,

Hazaroon Saal Nergus Apni Bay Noori Pa Roti Hai

Bari Mushkil Se Hota Hai Chaman Maen Deeda war Paida


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Actually noting is bad, the operator is bad....

and if the operator is bad then not a single system of this world can work properly.

Yazeed was bad operator too.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Gair parlimany elfaaz ka bey tahasha istemaal.

Not to mention my huge respect for Dr. Sb, but I am not sure what does he want? Hes been going on the same vicious cycle for many months now. I am slowly and steadily losing my interest in this negative mind of thinking. Apart from last few lines depicting hope, he seemed hopeless elsewhere.

Politicians are not the only reasons for the our current problem. We will not move forward if we just keep isolating politicians, we need to take a holistic approach. Most of the talk shows are only directed at Politicians and this is clear cut partial behavior from our ''independent media''.

And, as far as I know Pakistanis, general public will not come out in streets to back SC against the political forces. If the situation arises, that will be a a fight between pro and anti judiciary political parties.

And, I personally believe kay Pakistan to perhay likhey logo.n nay ziyada nuqsaan pohnchaya hai. Literacy and ignorance are entirely different things.
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Success of fake peoples in elections reflects whole society's attitude. It means most Pakistanis are deceptive, fraudulent, specious, dishonest, unworthy, untruthful, cheater, stealer, corrupt, crooked and evil. No wonder they select similar people as their leaders.


An unconstitutional government is like a tree full of monkeys....
[SIZE=-2]all on different limbs...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-2]at different levels...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-2]some climbing up.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-2]The monkeys on the top look down and see a tree full of smiling faces.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-2]The monkeys on the bottom look up and see nothing but *******s.[/SIZE]




Councller (250+ posts)
Today I have lost all sympathies for the Pakistanis, we should be ashamed of ourselves.

It’s so sad that people of Pakistan are adamant on re-electing the same Garbage again and again. Jamshed Dasti who was proven to be a fraud, caught by Supreme Court on presenting the fraudulent degree, taken on by media, a verified bad character; And when he goes out to get the votes he gets re-elected by this Pakistani “Qaum”.

Such a “Qaum” deserves to be treated like the Filth of humanity (which we already are), with no electricity, no food, no jobs, and no hope and should be treated as animals.
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Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Morale values come with the education which doesn’t have to be a Masters degree from Oxford but even what’s being taught by parents can be vital for a kid. Here the problem is the lack of that kind of education, thus mostly people involved in current politics are only there for their personal interests rather than national.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Moral values come with the education which doesn’t have to be a Masters degree from Oxford but even what’s being taught by parents can be vital for a kid. Here the problem is the lack of that kind of education, thus mostly people involved in current politics are only there for their personal interests rather than national.

Pakistan 1st

Minister (2k+ posts)
Irfan Siddique seemed paid in this program. Now I don't see him that aggressive when the lawer movement was going on. I don't know why he was trying to defend by-election result and trying to confuse viewers by mixing system with democracy. I loved Hasan Nisar style and courage and the way he explained so call democratic system where common people are begging to food, jobs, electric, security and respect.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Doctor sahib has the frustration which every pakistani has now a days. This is total crap. Where are we heading. No way. And there is nothing that can take us to the right path.
I dont feel we deserve anything better.
We are all responsible.
We are all culprits.
Because i think including me no one votes. We just keep posting here and there but we will not vote. Atleast we should vote for the right people. Because there is no other way.
