The city of Sialkot is considered to be one of the most historical cities in the sub-continent. The nostalgia and splendour ingrained in its aesthetic architecture is reminiscent of glorious times.
Sialkot is known as the city of Iqbal who was born, and bred here.
It is a city with a rich cultural, political, social and educational history with a diverse mix of people from varying walks and backgrounds. Sialkot is a city of culture and industry. It has seen times of bloody wars and has prospered in the golden ages of peace.
Of late, the city of Sialkot has worn a new look with the newly laid roads, erection of crossing, installation of street lights, construction of new buildings and renovation of old buildings. The construction work of the Sialkot International Airport is also in progress.
A mushroom growth of educational institutions both in public and private sectors has taken place which shows the keen interest of the people of Sialkot in education.
For a prospective student the city of Sialkot provides a memorable and valuable experience. It is a vibrant city with facilities of all sorts. The centre of cultural, academic and social learning Sialkot boasts an enviable percentage of literacy.
Well, me too.. I also don't know the history behind this slogan but you know I rather like this.. I think it keeps us remembering the war we fought in that region, Chawinda, graveyard of 500 Indian tank during 1965 war and people still find the buried parts of those tank till date..