Media's Terrorist attack on Muslim Social values/Norms.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
It is a practice of the zionists that they attack and destroy the values of the different social setups through the advertisements of products of the multinational companies. The ads of the mobile companies is a case in point. Some weeks ago two ads appeared on Pakistani channel showing "V" of the she models. Since there was no response from our so called social or religious leaders. They caught the courage and now in an advertisement of cold drink "Dew" they are showing almost half of the boobs of the model. It seems that our conscious is dead.

I would like to call it;

Media's Terrorist attack on Muslim Social values/Norms.

What is your opinion?


Senator (1k+ posts)
can u avoid it? the only way is u stop seeing those channels.v r already labled as DAQYANOOS. well how would u like it if u avoid tv and ur kids when go to school and questioned by their colleages about some show or film or drama or any information and ur child gives a blank look and gets in it is said when ra.. is inevitable then relax and enjoy.let the kids move along with the time. make them morally so strong that these KHARAFAAT do not effect them. me and my wife kept an eye in the begning when dish was introduced in Pakistan and informed our kids to avoid such channels at specific time or avoid some programe. they were very cooperating and we made sure by observing them secretly they never disobayed bcause they were morally convinced. that time dish was in very few houses in small cities like mine and people use to object to some extend but later all those who were objecting got dish in their home.even MOLVIES got it and could not avoid it. so plz relax and enjoy.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
It is a practice of the zionists that they attack and destroy the values of the different social setups through the advertisements of products of the multinational companies. The ads of the mobile companies is a case in point. Some weeks ago two ads appeared on Pakistani channel showing "V" of the she models. Since there was no response from our so called social or religious leaders. They caught the courage and now in an advertisement of cold drink "Dew" they are showing almost half of the boobs of the model. It seems that our conscious is dead.

I would like to call it;

Media's Terrorist attack on Muslim Social values/Norms.

What is your opinion?

It is part of manshoor of Patriots that all women appearing in person or virtual must be covered from neck down with solid clothes that does not reveal curves. A scarf will also be required.

Media, movies have always been promoters of fohashi, uryaniat. The commercial in question was designed and produced by MUSLIMS of Pakistan I am sure.

That's how it starts. first they show 'little bit' and test the waters, if no backlash from govt, public, they show more. Very soon you will see women wearing shorts and them bikinis.

ARY is already showing in dramas women in shorter pants. bottom of the pants are just below their knees. But I must tell you, it looks pretty ugly specially on legs that slightly thicker than the legs of a grasshopper.
